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Page:The truth about the railroads (IA truthaboutrailro00elli).pdf/20

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there is more reason in directing and controling the four forces which are influencing rates, wages, demands, and taxes.

There is plenty of information at hand about the railroad business. No form of business in the United States is conducted so openly, and in none are the facts and figures so available. This information does not reach the everyday citizen, who is interested but lacks ready sources of information, to the degree that it should. Every railroad man can do a great work by seeing that it does reach him.

The press of the United States reaches the people. The press can help the relations between the public and the railroads by giving correct information, and, if approached properly, will usually manifest a fair attitude. Railroad men have a responsibility in this respect, and, with their more intimate knowledge of the business, they can in many wayshelp the newspapers to avoid misstatements and false conclusions. In fact, this is a legitimate and patriotic line of work for the railroad stockholder, officer, and employee.
