portant facts about agriculture, banking, and the carrier,—the A, B, C of the alphabet of progress in the American Northwest, If these three agencies are not efficient and progressive, then there will be indifferent progress in merchandising, in manufacturing, and in the development of the more complex forms of human effort that do not flourish until there is some surplus of brains, energy, and capital over and above the imperative needs of the simpler forms of business.
Following, and to some extent coincident with the success of, this A, B, and C, come the things every man works for, and hopes for,—better homes, better care of women and children in schools, hospitals, and churches, and better facilities for the general welfare and uplifting of society. We all of us want these things, and we all want agriculture, banking, and the carrier to go on with their work, and to succeed. The practical question is, What can any one of us do to help out, that we are not doing?
It is gratifying that the country generally is