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Page:The truth about the railroads (IA truthaboutrailro00elli).pdf/225

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United States because of more perfect and luxurious service demanded.

As indicating the large sums needed by the railroads in the United States, it is estimated that nearly $700,000,000 will be required to replace wooden cars with steel; to equip the railroads with suitable signals will cost nearly $300,000,000; or nearly $1,000,000,000 for these two moves in the direction of safety; and in addition a great amount of money should be spent for better track, bridges, stations, grade-separation, etc.

To have a safe, adequate, and smooth-running transportation machine in New England is just as important to her future growth as to have adequate banking facilities, adequate commercial organizations, and a sensible, sane, and honest public opinion that will be reflected in a government that will not be swayed by the whims, prejudice, or fads of the moment. To perfect that transportation machine, to keep it ready to serve, to operate it safely and economically and in harmony with the public, is a very interesting and com-