they have their money invested, so long as they are responsible for the financial results, so long as they give adequate, reasonable, and safe service at rates that will permit of gross earnings sufficient to pay expenses, taxes, interest on debts, take care of depreciation and obsolescence, and pay a reasonable return to the owners, they must have the right to decide many important questions, particularly those relating to the details of service, the organization of the staff, and the rules and regulations under which the staff and employees must work to produce the greatest efficiency and safety.
A public opinion that will impress officers and men with the fact that reasonable rules and regulations in the interest of safeguarding human life and of efficient operation must be made and obeyed, and that swift punishment will be meted out to all, whether directors, officers, or employees, whether members of labor unions or not, who fail to respond to that public opinion, is of vital importance to the welfare of all. Sentiment of this kind and less