In managing a railroad, just as in any other business, different kinds of talent and ability must be employed to safeguard the business,—engineering talent, operating talent, commercial talent, and financial talent. In a very large business the best talent should be employed and the going prices for such talent must be paid. The management of the New England lines wants to use the best financial talent it can find to help it in raising the money needed. It wishes to employ those bankers, no matter where they live, who can do the work. It would prefer to employ bankers in New York and Boston, who naturally want to help the development of the country and of the roads. The management of the properties will be more than pleased if New England bankers, banks, and investors will furnish their full share of the money needed now and in the future, and will assist in obtaining that money in the markets of the world.
If a business is stagnant and dying of dry rot, no new money will be needed and there will be no need of the help of the experienced