water-power will supply the energy to turn the wheels of factories now here and those which will come with cheaper power and adequate transportation. New England’s farms must be repeopled, and a change is going on even now. Progressive farmers and immigrants from Europe are teaching a lesson which should be heeded,—namely, that agriculture and horticulture in New England can be revived and pursued with profit. In addition to this, more animals fit for food should be produced. Modern scientific methods, together with hard work, patience, and intelligence, should produce a greater proportion of the food which New England annually consumes. More and more is this region becoming the summer playground for North America. The more factories and industries, the greater agricultural development, the larger influx of visitors, all will mean more prosperity for New England, and for her railroads.
Boston and New England have a just pride in the harbor facilities here, and every reasonable step should be taken to build up this port