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Page:The truth about the railroads (IA truthaboutrailro00elli).pdf/257

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TABLE B (continued)

Distribution of Shares

Number of shares N.Y., N.H. & H. Per cent B. & M. Percent
1 to 10 shares, inclusive 10,222 42.6 4,895 60.2
11 to 50do 8,987 37.6 2,531 31.2
51 to 100do 2,383 9.9 403 5.0
101 to 500do 2,012 8.4 264 3.2
501 to 1000do 217 .9 15 .2
1,001 and overdo 147 .6 14 .2
23,968 100.0 8,122 100.0

Distribution of Shareholders

Stockholders N.Y., N.H. & H.R.R. Co. Bostin & Maine
Number Per cent Number Per cent
Males 9,008 37.9 2,742 33.8
Females 10,474 43.5 3,941 48.6
Trusts and guardianships 3,702 15.4 1,116 13.6
Insurance companies and other corporations 784 3.2 323 4.0
 Total 23,968 100.0 8,122 100.0