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railroads were probably responsible. In the same year the railroads handled more than 900,000,000 passengers. For 1909 the results showed that a passenger could travel 4000 times around the earth without being killed, or he could travel 60 miles an hour for 220 years without being killed! During 1908, 316 railroad companies hauled 455,365,447 passengers without the death of a single passenger in a train accident. In 1909 there were 347 railroad companies, hauling a total of 570,617,563 passengers, without a single accident to a passenger in a train accident. These figures cover a mileage of railway equal to that of the United Kingdom, Germany, and France combined, and present a record of immunity from fatalities among those who travel unequaled except in the United States in previous years.

Incomplete records for 1910 show that 156 lost their lives in automobile fatalities. The death-roll of the automobile for eleven months of 1911 was 257, more than two and a half times the death-roll of passengers in train accidents for which railroads were responsible.