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Page:The truth about the railroads (IA truthaboutrailro00elli).pdf/284

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thinks business is all wrong, and that he has discovered the trouble and can remedy it, is somewhat behind the times.

The following also came to my notice: “It is impossible to limit the size of the companies, for that would limit business and hurt the common welfare. The bigger and more numerous they are, the better for everybody. If a merchant is not perfectly free to do business in Germany he will go elsewhere, to Germany’s loss. Any one can see what harm and evil such an action would mean to us. If a merchant cannot do business above a certain amount, what is he to do with his surplus money? It is impossible to set a limit to business, and it would be well to let the merchant alone and put no restriction on his ability or capital, Some people talk of limiting the earning capacity of investments. This would be unbearable and would work great injustice and harm by taking away the livelihood of widows, orphans, and other sufferers, noble and non-noble, who derive their income from investments in these companies. Many merchants out of love and