in seeing that justice is done to the railroads; and the railroads ask for nothing more than simple justice, based on accurate knowledge of the real facts. Because a very few individuals have, by superior brains, industry, and even luck, made large fortunes, is it wise to condemn the splendid work of the American business man, destroy it, and fly to socialistic evils that lead no one knows where?
The great force of collectivism has created manufacturing institutions, railroads, banks, insurance companies, labor unions, the Government itself, through the voluntary acts of individual citizens. These institutions, upon which modern society so largely rests, cannot be eliminated from our system of life. Unless the chemist working with the great forces of nature uses them properly, he fails to get the result desired and perhaps has an explosion or conflagration. The engineer building a water-power or a great engine will have failure, friction, and disruption of his whole scheme, unless he handles intelligently the forces with which he is dealing. The great industrial and social