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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/734

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682 FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. sees. 1. cas. 816-sie. 1900. ·T¤¤¤ 6-1000- CHAP. 816.-An Act To provide an American register for the ships Star of Italy ""_"'_"_ and Star of Bengal. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Regresentativesd the United ,,é;§¥¤ $1**,;;; ge States of America in Congress assembled, That the Commissioner of gm; ted Amedesn N avigation is hereby authorized and directed to cause the forign -built '°gm°“‘ ship tar of Italy and foreign-built ship Star of Bengal, own by citizens of the United States or citizens of Hawaii, to be registered as vessels of the United States. Approved, June 6, 1900. June 6,1900i CHAP. 817.-An Act For reestablishing the range lights on the Delaware River "‘——"‘_" known as Finns Point range, Reedy Island range, and Port Penn range. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rrleagresentatives of the United I fi¤§‘;;§g¤¤}§;§g1{ States of America in Congress assembled, at the Secretarly of the r;::e°1ights°reestab- Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized to reestablish the range “”h°d· _' lights on the Delaware River known as Finns Point range, Ree y Is and range, and Port Penn range, at a cost not exceeding ninety thousand dollars. ‘ . Approved, June 6, 1900. June 6.1900- CHAP. I818.—An Act To provide for the establishment of a port of delivery at ‘-‘_’_'; Worcester, Massachusetts. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United m]_Vd‘gg°;f;{· 01}*3,%,; States of America in Condgress assemble -, That Worcester, in the State cryin _ of Massachusetts, be, an hereby is, established as a gort of delivery, p.,mE§$.‘§¥i..§§§?` in the customs collection district of Boston and Cam ridge, and that V0!-21-1*-173- the privileges of the seventh section of the Act approved June tenth, egghteen hundred and eighty, governing the imme iate transportation o dutiable merchandise wit out appraisement be, and they are hereby, extended to that port. Approved, June 6, 1900. June 6. 1900- CHAP. 81C·.—An Act Relating to the anchorage of vessels in the Kennebec River ‘__‘_‘_"* at or near Bath, Maine. Be it enacted by the Senate and IIoaseb§fReFresentatives of the United M§¤¤¤¢l>¤¤ River- States of America in Congress assem ed, hat the Secretary of the Anchorage ground Treasury is authorized, empowered, and directed to define and estab- §‘g{,Q{,$§?,§,§f‘°“' Bm lish an anchorage ground or vessels in Kennebec River at or near R¤s¤1¤¢i<>¤=· Bath, Maine, to adopt suitable rules and regulations in relation thereto, and to take alllligecessary measures for the proper enforcement of such ru es an re tions. Penalty-` Sec. 2. Tgat in the event of the violation of any such rules or reg}; ulations by the owner, master, or person in charge of any vessel, suc owner, master, or gerson in charge of suchvessel shall be liable to a penalty of one hun red dollars; and the said vessel may be holden for the payment of such penalty, and may be seized and proceeded against summarily by libel for the recovery of the same in any United tates district court for-the district within which said vessel mayrbe, and in the name of the officer designated by the Secretary of the reasury. E¤¤¤¤- Sec. 3. That this Act shall take effect immediately. Approved, June 6, 1900. `