SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 222. 1914. 605 Congess b the Secretary of the Treas . One hundred thousand ,,P*f,,Ym°¤m* °'”*”* *¤· dollars is liereby appropriated to payuare first installment of the L amount authorized to be expended, and the Secretary of the °,f,"**,'{}g{,*;§{,’,§§*,‘g§,;g¤· Interior IS here}? d1rected to prepare and submit to Congress the " ` most feasible an economical p an for the distribution of said water upon the lands of said Yakima Reservation, in connection with the present system and with a view to reimbursing the Government for any sum It may have expended or may expen for a complete irrigation system for said reservation. For operation and maintenance of the irrigation system on lands Y°“"** allotted to Yakima Indians in Washington, $15,000, reimbursable in V¤1·33. p- 597; Vol. accordance with the provisions of the Act of March first, nineteen 3*’P'1°°°' or su port an ucation o un an ty u ils · hull; imdsovedled fthreeh dred diif Indian °“"“'“““"**°°‘ at the guahman Indian School, Tacoma, Washington, incllixdilug repézirs and improvements, ?1d for pay lof supeglntelndeixsl, sai appropriation being m e to supp ement e uy u oo funds used for said school. P That the conveyance from John Teopil and his wife, Susan, to John f,‘§§,,§:}’,’c‘;’g}‘iandS Robinson of the west half of the southwest quarter of section twenty- to, mused. six, townslgp north, range eighteen east of the Willamette meridian, aslun§»0n, made and executed on the twenty-third day of May, nineteen undred and three, be, and the same hereby is, approved, rat'ed, and confirmed, and as an evidence of such convey- ance the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized m’{° '°°°“° ‘°° ¥*‘· · and directed to issue a patent in fee simple for the said described lands · ` to the widow and heirs of J ohn Robinson, deceased, the purchaser of said lands. WISCONSIN. w*°°°¤*'¤· Sec. 23. For the support and education of two hundred and ten H°"”d S°h°°l' Indian pupils at the In an school at Hayward, Wisconsin, including pay of superintendent, $36,670; for general repairs and improvements, $5,000; in all, $41,670. For support and education of two hundred and Efty Indian pupils '*`°"”*’* S°"°°‘· at the In `an school, Tomah, Wisconsin, including pay of superintendent, $43,450; for general repaus and improvements, $6,000; for the construction of an employees building, $10,000; in all, $59,450: mm Provided, That the appropriation of $2,500 for repairing and rebuild- R.,l..&';a.¤..m. ing a barn at the Tomah School, contained in the Ind1a.n agapropria- "° ·“’·P·5”· tion Act of Augist twenty-fourth, mneteen hundred an twelve (Thirty-seventh tatutes at Large, page five hundred and thirty- eight), is hereby rezppropriated and made immediately available for therpurpose for whi appropriated. L P me Bm at within ninet days after the approval of this Act a complete m,-Z. RZ,".‘€{.,,,_ roll of the unallottedl members of the a Pointe or Bad River and d,§,j?g},‘§*,,,•§,{,g'a,,f)*g of Chippewa Indians, of the State of Wisconsm, entitled to allot- memset. ments under exisgnlg laws on the Bad River Reservation, shall_ be made and comple by the Secretary of the Interior with the assistance of a committee o members of said band dulpnappointed by a eneral council of the Bad River Band of Chippewa 'ans called for B nm Ihat purpose. Immediately thereafter allotments of land (exclusive VOL 10r;·1:w· di of the merchantable timber thereon) within said reservation shall be made in conformiti with the provisions of the treaty of September thirtieth, eighteen undred and fifty-four (Tenth Statutes at Large, page eleven hundred and nine) and subseqlpent Acts of Congress relating thereto, to all persons so enrolled w o may be ahve at the mm { (mmm time o the approval of this Act. Patents for allotments made_here— ,,,,,,,m_° °°“ under, subject to the provisions herein relating to the sale of timber and the distribution per capita of the proceeds therefrom, shall1ssue mw ¤¤¤"•d- to the respective allottees without delay, and such patents shall con-
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