SIXTY·THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 222. 1914. 607 ties of Pollg, Burnett, Washburn, and Dougllas, State of Wisconsin, and ‘ said to be in a destitute condition. That e shall ascertain and report E**°°‘°‘ '°P°*°· to_Congress at the beginning of the next session thereof 'whether the said Indians belo to the Lake Superior Chippewa of Wisconsin or to the Clupipewa. of Ennesota ; what tribal rights, if any, the have with any ban _ or tribe of Chippewa Indians residing in either Miinnesota or Wisconsin; what benefits m land and mow they would have received had they removed to a reservation m isconsin or had not been exclude from enrollment and allotment with the Chi ewa Indians of Mmnesota under the provisions of the Act approvedpdlanuary four- V"' °5’°°` teenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine (Twentyififth Statutes at Large, pw SIX hundred and forty-two). That he s all cause a census E“‘°u'“°"°’ °°°‘ and enro _ ent to be made of the said Saint Croix Chippewa, and shall report their actual condition and needs, with such recommendation for ` their relief as he may deem necessary. · For sanitary conditions among the Chi wa Indians of- gh? Rm" R°“"“' the Bad 1ver eservation and for diking the Bad Iiiirer to revent mlgglygmg, ¤{·_}*$g_{ the overflow of said river and dam e to Indian homes on tribg lands, ez. $8,00), said sum to be reimbursgd to the United States from any moneys which are now or which may hereafter be placed to the credit of the Bad River Band of Wisconsin Chippewa Indians. The money aplpropriated in section twenty-four of the Indian a To- 1,,§’ ’}¤¤ °* pIr1ation Act 0 une thirtieth, nineteen hundred and thirteen (PE1 lic Use vfmhglww to umbered four), for the purchase of allotments for the individual °°§°::°p,l¢n? ‘°" members of that portion of the Wisconsin Band of Pottawatomie Indians now residing in the States of Wisconsin and Michigan, is hereby reappropriated and made available for the puiéposes for which aptphropriated and shall remain available until expen ed. _at the Secretary of the Interior he, and he is hereby, authorized, ,,01;: P°"‘*° R°°°"" in his discretion, to set apart lots ten, eleven, and twelve, section b_1;t<¤=¤ % ew to twenty-five, township fort -eight north, range three west, on the La °p° ` Pointe Reservation m Wisconsin, for an Indian town site, and to cause the lands described to be surveyed and platted into suitable lots, streets, and alleys, and to dedicate said streets and alleys and Bwd ,,,,l,m,,d_ such lots or parcel as may be necessagiy to public uses, and to cause the lots to be appraised at their real v ue, exclusive of improvements thereon or ad 'acent thereto, lg a board of three persons, one of whom shall be the Ilnited States In an agent of the La. Pointe Agency, one to be a pointed by the Secretary 0 the Interior, and one selected by thehimgans of the La lgoigte Band 0; (ihippewas, who shall reicpive suc com nsation as t c ecretary 0 the terior may rescri , to m,,°,,,,,,, be paid onli: of the proceeds of the sale of lots sold under Act, and f¤gg,¤§4 summa when so surveyed, platted, and appraised the President may issue ‘ ’°' ‘ trust patents as provided by the ct of February eighth, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, entitled "An Act to_prov1de for the allotment of lands in severalty to Indians on the various reservations, and to extend the protection of the laws of the United States and the Territories over the Indians, and for other purposes," to the Indians of the said reservation for such lots on the payment by them of the appraised value thereof, on such terms as may be approved by the Secretary of the Interior, and the net proceeds of suc sales shall be placed to the credit of the La Pointe Band of Chiippewa Indians: Pro- rmiasés restricted vakled, That no person shall be authorized to purc ase lots on the lands *° I“‘““"“‘ described other than members of said La Pomte Band of Indians, aud 1, E co to mw those now owning permanent improvements there shall have the pm. preference right for six months from the date such lots are offered for sale within which to purchase tracts upon which their improvements are situated, but no lot shall be sold for less than the appraised yaluation; but if any person entitled fails to take advantage of provision, the agent of the La Pointe Agency shall appraise the improve-
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