SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 223. 1914. 609 GHAP.228.-——An A Makin` g ' ' ac: :;~ as afi yes e¤af§’§’i°,’iL’2“i‘h‘i§"&£ $S5§...°‘i§*;.§.§§°§§° &L,'§.`§ i%‘?"iY indi _ *¤'P°¤B¤· r1>ui»ucNo.161.] Be it enactedfry the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Oongrese assembled, That the followin sums be, B¤¤d¤' dgmg and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects Eereinafter pm°°°ppr°p expressed, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and ffteen, namely: UNDER THE TREASURY DEPARTMENT. ,,§,,_"“""" ”°¥’“’”‘ runmc nuummes, o0Ns·rnUo•r1oN arm srrns. *""’“° "““*“"¢* For sites, commencement, continuation, or completion of public em, msu-scum. buildings within the respective limits of cost authorized by law, °°°` rent and removal expenses in cities pending extension and remodeling of buildings, severally, as follows: Akron, Ohio, post office: For site, $60,000. -*'¤'¤· 0**** Albany, Oreipii, post office: For continuation, $10,000. ¤b·¤v» 0M- Albertville, bamsnggt office: For site, $5,000. ·*“*•**'”’°· Ah- Alliance, Ohio, post o z For completion, $25,000. Am¤¤¤•» °¤*¤· s o, Texas, post office and courthouse: For continuation, ·'¤¤***“°»T¤· 1 , . ° Andalusia Alabama, post office: For site, $5,000. And.alusi,Ala. Ansonia, Connecticut, post office: For completio1%$22,000. amaacm. $2A.16¢l.•xgore, Oklahoma, post office and courthouse: or continuation, Ammon, one _ 0, . Arkansas City, Kansas post omce: For continuation, $20,000. mamscnmxm. Ashland, Ohio, post office: For additional land, $10,000. imma, out. Attalla, Alabama, post office: For site, $5,000. atmraaia Augusta, Georgia, post office and courthouse (new): For continu- Augusta, Ga. ation, $25,000. Bakersfield, Califomia, post office: For amount necessary for laying B*°¤°•*d· W- og six-inch sewer to the property line of the site of the new post 0 ce, $25. Bangpr, Maine, post office: For comlpletion, $190,02954. Bmw. Me. Bar town Kentucky, post office: or completion, $15,000, B¤rd¤¤¤w¤.Ky. Batavia, Nlew York, post office: For commencement, $5,000. B¤¤¤¤·N· Y- Bath, New York, post office: For site, $13,000. BM. N·Y· Beardstown, Illinois, ylgst office: For commencement, $5,000. B¤rd¤ww¤.I¤· Beaufort, South Caro ° a, post office and customhousez For site, B••¤*·>¤»¤·0· $5 000. Bedford, Pennsylvania, post office: For commencement, $10,000. B•¤¤¤¤·P•~ Bellaire, Ohio, post office: For completion, $31,000. B·¤¤¤•»0¤¤¤· Beloit, Kansas, post office: For comgetion $8,000. B¤1¤i¢· Kw- Bennettsville, South Carolina, post office: Eor completion, $25,000. B•¤¤¤¤¤¤v¤¤•» B- ¤· Berkeley, California, post office: For continuation, $40,000. B¤rk¤¤¤v.¤·¤· Big Rapids Michigan, post office: For completion, $36,000. Bis R¤1>i¤¤.1¤¤¤· Blackwell, Oklahoma, post office: For commencement, $5,000. ¤\¤¤kw·11. 0k¥¤- Blue Island, Illinois, post office: For completion, $24,000. ¤¤¤• ¤¤¤¤»¤1· Boston, Massachusetts, customhouse: For reimbursement of the wgqgz ¤¤¤¤-» ¤¤=•· extension appropriation for expenses incident to the temporary rsmpoéa-y removal removal of the force employed in the customhouse during the enlarge- °‘{§,§§;,,,,,,,,,,,,,_ ment, remodeling, or extension of said customhouse in compliance V¤1·37.p. 191. with the provisions of the Act approved July tenth, nineteen hundred and twelve, $270,32450. For expenses incident to the temporary removal of the force Erp•¤s¤¤~ em loyed in the customhouse during the extension, remodeling, and so forth, of building at Boston, Massachusetts, $45,000. Bozeman, Montana, post office: For continuation, $20,000. B°'*"“°·*°°‘ 91006°—vor. 38-rr 1--39
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