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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/629

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610 SIXTY-THIRD ooncnnss. sm. 11. oe. 222.. 1914. B¤’¤¤¤¤¤¤· '*`°==· Brenham, Téxas, post office: For commencement, $5,000. B¤&¤=¤°*W·U¤¤· Brigham City, Utah, post office: For completion $33,000. Br<><>k1r¤. N- Y-. Brooklyn, New York, ost office: For ad °tiona.l land under pres- °°°° °m°°° ent limit, including the alteration or remodeling and repair of buildin upon the lan acquired, $350,000. Bryan. '1‘¤¤- Bryan, Texas, post office: For continuation, $20,000. B¤¤¤¥¤. N·Y·»P°$t Buffalo, New ork, post officez For lireproof and burglar-proof °m°° _ N I vault for the cashier’s room, $8,000. B°’1‘“g°°;ch; Burlington, New Jersey, post office: For completion, $8,000. °°dm°f°’ Cadillac, Michigan, post office: For continuation, $20,000. °°'“°“d‘°’ °m°‘ Cambridge, Ohio, post office: For completion, $32,000. °°"‘°°°’“°' Camden, e, (post office: For comyivetion, $10,000. °“'“°°°' S' °' Camden, South arolina, post office: or continuation, $20,000.

‘°'°”iuT°" Cameron, Texas, post office
For site, $2,000.

t°°’ f Canton, Illinois, post omcez For continuation, $19,000. °°"‘°“*“*“· Canton, Mississippi, post office: For commencement, $10,000. °°‘”°gi°’ P“‘ Carnegie, Pennsy vania, post office: For commencement, $7,281. °°"‘”°m°'°°‘ Cartersville, Georgia, post office: For completion, $11,250. °°°“"°Y'“’ °°‘ Cedartown, Georgia, post office: For completion, $5,000. °°"°'“"“· “°‘ Centralia, Missouri, post office: For site, $6,000. °°“‘°'°’ K““" Chanute, Kansas, post office: For commencement, $18,000. °h°‘i°°°’ I°”°' Chariton, Iowa post office: For site, $5,800. °h“'l°"°’N‘°"'°”t‘ Charlotte, North Carolina; rent of buildings: For rent of temporary quarters for téxe acclpmmodgagiggo of Government officials, and moving e inci ent thereto, , . ,mC{¤**¤¤*¤¤· W· V¤·· Charleston, West Virginia, rent of buildings: For rent of temporary ' quarters for tge aciclpgimodation of Government officials, and moving _ enses inci ent eto, $2,400. . ‘ °'“°*“""· °“’· cX§hickasha, Oklahoma, post office and courthouse: For completion, $1 ,000. cmeo, cn. Chico, California, post officez For continuation, $20,000. 0¤¤¤¤¤*¤¤»¤¤- Chillicothe, Missouri, post office and courthouse: For commence- I _ ment, $30,000. _ _ _ _ _ °"”""’“·°# “’“· Cl7arksda.le, Mississippi, post office and courthouse: For completion, $79, 50. Coeurd’A1eue.Idahn· Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, post office and courthouse: For continuation, $10,000. "°‘°f’°“”· T°‘· Coleman Texas, post office: For site, $1. °°"“‘”“*°i m· Collinsville, Illinois, post office: For commencement, $20,000. °°°"°‘"‘”°·"`°°°· tf Coglggvaleg Tennessee, post office and courthouse: For continuaion, , . ‘{5f,‘}’§,§,§,§‘,§Q·§‘·T°‘· Corpus Christi, Texas: The appropriations for construction of a ssvoii p. asc; vox. post—oiHce_ and courthouse builcliiig Pat Corpus Christi, Texas, are 22;,,, ,,j7_ mailemaivadablle {or constiucticin o a post-office, courthouse, and cus o ouse U1 at t at ace. C¤rry.1`¤- _ Cor;-fr, Pennsylgiixéa, post olilicez For 00m l6ti0¤, $55,000. °°"*°“*’· N- *· Cort and, New York, post office: For complletion, $10,000. cm¤zw¤, Tenn- Covington, Tennessee, post office: For continuation, $20,000. Gynmrena. Kr- (,‘y·;1th1ana Kentucky post office: For conipletion, $10,000. mywa, one Dayton, Olno, post office and courthouse: or completion, $50,000. 1>es1m,.1n Decatur, Alabama, post office: For site, $6 500. neuveo, ws. Delavan, Wisconsin, post office: For completion, $14,500. imma-,ce1o. Denver, Colorado, post office: The appropriations heretofore or m¤d¤vi¤¤¤· that may hereafter be made for construction shall be available for 1nstallatfion_toff devices in said building the present m1 o cos thereo .

°é’2’· De Soto, Missouri, post office
For continuation, $28,000.

Dduté, Dillon, South Carolina, post office: For site, $7,500. M,,udé,,,,,S_ Duluth, Mmnesota, post office, courthouse, and customhouse: The B6'\g>figg6_1>· 482; vu. unexpended balances of the appropriations for additional land,