Page:United States patent 766474.pdf/22

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to the path of movement of said carrier and controlling the stops of each group and governed respectively by signal components of different values, and means controlled by one 1780of said signal components for changing the relation of said feed devices.

29. A receiving telegraph instrument comprising in combination with a plurality of character-recording devices, groups of 1785character-selecting stops of different lengths said groups corresponding in number to the maximum number of signal components of any of the code characters representing said recording devices, a stop-carrier having a step-by-step 1790group-selecting movement controlled by each of said signal components, a pair of stop-selecting feed devices normally movable in unison about an axis parallel with and adjacent to the path of movement of said carrier and 1795controlling the stops of each group and governed respectively by signal components of different values, and means controlled by one of said signal components for changing the angular relation of said feed devices about 1800said axis.

30. A receiving telegraph instrument comprising in combination with a plurality of character-recording devices, groups of character-selecting stops of different lengths said 1805groups corresponding in number to the maximum number of signal components of any of the code characters representing said recording devices, a stop-carrier having a step-by-step group-selecting movement controlled by 1810each of said signal components, a pair of stop-selecting feed devices normally coupled for movement in unison about an axis parallel with and adjacent to the path of movement of said carrier and controlling the stops of each 1815group and governed respectively by signal components of different values, and uncoupling means controlled by one of such signal components for changing the angular position of one of said feed devices with respect 1820to the other.

31. A receiving telegraph instrument comprising in combination with a plurality of character-recording devices, character-selecting components corresponding in number to the 1825maximum number of signal components of any of the code characters representing said recording devices, a two-movement carrier supporting said character-selecting components and controlled by each signal of a code 1830having signals of different lengths for various positions of a code character one of its movements being controlled by the position of each of said signal components and controlling the selection of corresponding character-selecting1835 components, and a feed device coöperative with said carrier and its components and controlled by the other movement thereof.

32. A receiving telegraph instrument comprising in combination with a plurality of character-recording devices, groups of differential1840 character-selecting components which groups correspond in number to the maximum number of signal components of any of the code characters representing said recording devices, a carrier supporting said1845 character-selecting components and controlled by each signal of a code having signals of different lengths for various positions of a code character and having a group-selecting movement controlled by each of said signal 1850components and also having a second movement, and a pair of feed devices adjacent to and controlled by the other movement of said carrier and its components and also governed respectively by signal components of different values.1855

33. A receiving telegraph instrument comprising in combination with a plurality of character-recording devices, groups of differential character-selecting components which groups correspond in number to the 1860maximum number of signal components of any of the code characters representing said recording devices, a carrier supporting said character-selecting components and having a step-by-step axially-reciprocatory group-selecting1865 movement controlled by each of said signal components and also having a turning movement about said axis, and a pair of feed devices mounted to turn about the axis of said carrier and controlled by the turning 1870movement of the carrier and its components and also governed respectively by signal components of different values.

34. A receiving telegraph instrument comprising in combination with a plurality of 1875character-recording devices, groups of differential character-selecting components corresponding in number to the maximum number of signal components of any of the code characters representing said recording devices, a carrier1880 supporting said character-selecting components and having a step-by-step axially-reciprocatory group-selecting movement controlled by each of said signal components and also having an intermittent variable rotary movement1885 about said axis, and a pair of feed devices mounted to turn about the axis of said carrier and controlled by the turning movement of the carrier and its components and also governed respectively by signal 1890components of different values.

35. A receiving telegraph instrument comprising in combination with a plurality of character-recording devices, character-selecting components corresponding in number to the1895 maximum number of signal components of any of the code characters representing said recording devices, a carrier supporting said character-selecting components and having a movement controlled by each signal component1900 of a code having signals for various positions of a code character, and a feed device having a movement reciprocal to that of the