Personal Items—Continued
- My Life as an Indian (K974–50)
- Napoleon Buonaparte Builder or Wrecker (K2018–13)
- Napoleon (KR2018–3)
- Napoleonic Revolution (K2018–19)
- New England Frontier Puritans and Indians 1620–1675 (K974–38)
- New Understandings of Administration (K964–39)
- Nigger of the Narcissus (K2019–6)
- Nomads of the Long Bow (K974–64)
- Nomads of South Persia (K974–47)
- Non-Flowering Plant (K1075–16)
- Norse Discovery of America (K974–34)
- Nuer (K974–30)
- Ochrana (K964–8)
- Of Mice and Men (K2019–11)
- Old Regime and the French Revolution (K2018–6)
- Organization Man (K974–9)
- Origins of the Latin American Revolutions, 1808–1826 (K964–22)
- Orwell: 1984 (K974–19)
- Paradise Below Zero (K963–27)
- Parties and Politics in the Early Republic (K974–62)
- Peloponnesian War (K961–31)
- Peregrina y otros relatos (K974–45)
- Pocket Russian Dictionary (K963–20)
- Pocket Book of O. Henry Stories (K974–45)
- Poisonous Plants of the United States (K1075–8)
- Popular History of the Reformation (K964–34)
- Practical Handbook of Spanish Commercial Correspondence (K963–3)
- Primitive Medical Aid in the Wilderness (K963–33)
- Prince and the Discourses (K974–55)
- Prose Edda (K2019–17)
- Psicopatologia de la Vida Urbana (K974–15)
- Psychology of Women (K974–1)
- Radical Tradition (K974–7)
- Raggle Taggle (K2019–24)
- Razor’s Edge (K2019–9)
- Recommended Dietary Allowances (K963–28)
- Revolution and Reaction 1848–1852 (K964–35)
- Rifle Shooting (K963–22)
- Riverita (K2019–28)
- Roman Imperial Coins (K964–5)
- Roman Political Ideas and Practice (K964–2)
- Russia A History (K964–6)
- Russian book (K964–43)
- Russian Book? (K964–50)
- Russian book? (K964–53)
- Russian People (K964–51)
- Satires of Juvenal (K974–14)
- Science of Fingerprints (K963–26)
- Secret Agent (K2019–8)
- Selected Lives and Essays—Plutarch (K964–47)
- Sense and Nonsense in Psychology (K974–4)
- Shadow-Line (K2019–7)
- Short History of 20th Century England 1868–1962 (K974–36)
- Siete Cuentos (K974–13)
- Silas Marner (K2019–19)
- Skeptical Inquirer, V 4, #2 (K974–25)
- Skeptical Inquirer V 3, #3 (K974–26)