Bohemian national embroidery.
Plate I. Holubinka. Side-part of a white dove-shaped coif. The pattern is worked in raised satin-stitch on jaconet (a fine white cotton material) and filled in with small knots. To this piece we give the first place, as from it sprung the whole collection of national embroidery in Náprstek's Museum. A gift from Miss M. Holub of Horka near Bakov 1877.
Plate II. The corner of a large headcloth (kerchief to cover the head and shoulders) said to be from the year 1820. The pattern is executed on fine white cotton material in satin-stitch and circular segments, with holes, characteristic of this part of the country, and the district round Budějovice. It came from the neighbourhood of Jindřichův Hradec. A gift from Miss Šetka of Jindř. Hradec.
Plate III. A white head-cloth from the neighbourhood of Plzeň, richly ornamented with satin-stitch and open-work. Given to the Museum by Mrs. T. Studnička 1880. The cloth is, like most of the same kind, 102 centm. square, and is ornamented only in the front corner, and slightly also in the two side-corners. It belonged to Mrs. Honzik, a farmer’s wife of Dejšina near Plzeň.
Plate IV. A further detail of the head-cloth in Plate III.
Plate V. A dove-coif with flaps, made, like most of the articles pictured in this collection, of jaconet. The pattern is executed in filled satin-stitch and open-work as in head-cloth, Plate III., together with which it represents the most characteristic specimens of popular embroidery from the country about Plzeň. Bought for the Museum a Dejšina 1880.
Plate VI. A head-cloth adorned with raised white embroidery and open-work stitches. Bought for the Museum 1880 through the intervention of Mrs. A. Kalous in Nusle.
Plate VII. A head-kerchief of jaconet with net insertions, beautifully worked in raised and flat embroidery, the contures filled up with various stitches. Bought for the Museum 1880 by Mrs. A. Kalous in Nusle.
Plate VIII. Further detail of Plate VII.
Plate IX. A white dove-coif in two parts, from Sovenice in the neighbourhood of Mladá Boleslav, made about the year 1730 by Mrs. B. Rosa (born 1701, died 1811). It is ornamented with cording, pattern done in raised embroidery on a ground of open-work with various fillings. Given to the Museum 1879 by Mrs. M. Čelakovská.