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i88 WHO'S WHO IN INDIA for the last 1 5 years. As a public man he has always exercised his good influence to maintain good relations between the Hindus and the Mahomedans. He received the title of Khan Saheb in January, 1913, and that of Khan Bahadur in June same year. He owns six villages in the Ghazipur District. Address : Vakil, Benares. Damodar Lal Bhargava, Diwan Bahadur, Munshi— Rao Bahadur, Judicial Assistant Commissioner, Ajmer, is a resident of Aligarh. He was born on ist May, 1858, at Kangra where his father, Rai Salig Ram Bahadur, was Tehsildar at that time. His career has been noticed in the Principal volume of Who's Who in India, pages 173-174, Part I. In December, 191 1, M. Damodar Lal received a Coronation Darbar medal. On ist April, 19 12, he was promoted to the Office of the Judicial Assistant Commissioner, Ajmer, but in the interest of the Karauli State he was allowed to continue there as chief member. On 1st January, 19 13, the title of Diwan Bahadur was con- conferred on him in recognition of his excellent services in the Karauli State. He has recently retired from the chief membership of the Karauli State and joined his substantive post as Judicial Assistant Commissioner at Ajmer. Address: Ajmer. Sheikh Jamal, Khan Saheb — Contractor, Trichinopoly. The title of Khan Saheb was conferred on him in June, 1912. Address : Trichinopoly. Villapuram Mohammed Khan, Khan Saheb, Inspector of Police, Madras. Title conferred in June, 1912. Address : Madras. COWASJI Jamsetji Patigara, Khan Saheb, Inspector, Criminal Investigation Department, Bombay. The title of Khan Saheb was conferred on him in June, 19 12, in recogni- tion of his services. Address : Bombay.