Raggedy Ann's Alphabet Book/KL
Katydids and Larks
Katydids look something like Grasshoppers and I ’spect maybe they are cousins. You may hear the Katydids at night saying, “Katy did! Katy didn’t!” And it sounds very much as if the Katydids were quarreling.
Katydids do not quarrel. Their harsh sounds are made by scraping their wings together and maybe the Katydids think it is very, very fine music. And, though we may not think the Katydids’ song is pretty, still, we must remember that they make the strange sound because they are happy. The singing of the Katydids is cheerful and I like to hear them, don’t you?
is for Katydid, loudly she sings, Making her music by scraping her wings. |
is for Lark, in the meadow, his song “Little Tom Titmouse,” is heard all day long.