The Conservative (Lovecraft)/April 1915/The Morris Faction
The Morris Faction
Several months after The Conservative joined the U.A.P.A. he received a copy of a strange but excellent paper claiming to be the only real and original "United Amateur," together with a blank recommending him for membership in "The United Amateur Press Association." Having thought himself already a fully initiated United man, he naturally became rather curious as to the number of times one is supposed to join the same association. Nor has The Conservative been alone in this perplexing experience, which indeed seems quite the rule with United recruits. In time the new member learns of the factional division which has created this confusing situation, and in nearly every case regrets the separate existence of the small branch which though sadly struggling for its very life, yet refuses to return to the fold.
Whilst the veteran amateur may regard as grave and irreconcilable the differences that cause the Morris faction to stand aloof, the more recent element, already numerous and powerful, cannot help considering them far too insignificant to warrant continued separation. Can no means be devised to effect a reunion? A half-forgotten contest over an office ought not to keep such capable amateurs as Mr. Morris, Mr. Haggerty, Miss Merritt, or Mr. Cook from rejoining the larger, rejuvenated United, and co-operating with its members in the interests of a better amateur journalism.