The Conservative (Lovecraft)/July 1915/Editorial
In this, his second issue, The Conservative deems it both proper and necessary to attempt a definition of his journalistic policy and a forecast of his future endeavours. Though the title of the sheet affords a general index to its basic character, it is nevertheless well to describe and qualify the exact species of conservatism here represented.
That the arts of literature and literary criticism will receive prime attention from The Conservative seems very probable. The increasing use among us of slovenly prose and lame metre, supported and sustained by the light reviewers of the amateur press, demands an active opponent, even though a lone one, and the profound reverence of The Conservative for the polished writers of a more correct age, fits him for a task to which his mediocre talent might not otherwise recommend him.
When The Conservative shall have laid down his task, it is his desire that he may be able to employ with justice the closing words of The Rambler, who said, over a century and a half ago: "Whatever shall be the final sentence of mankind, I have at least endeavoured to deserve their kindness. I have laboured to refine our language to grammatical purity, and to clear it from colloquial barbarism, licentious idioms, and irregular combinations."
Outside the domain of pure literature, The Conservative will ever be found an enthusiastic champion of total abstinence and prohibition; of moderate, healthy militarism as contrasted with dangerous and unpatriotic peace-preaching; of Pan-Saxonism, or the domination by the English and kindred races over the lesser divisions of mankind; and of constitutional or representative government, as opposed to the pernicious and contemptible false schemes of anarchy and socialism. Though the first named of these items may superficially appear a rather inappropriate function for a Conservative, it must be remembered, that he who strives against the Hydra-monster Rum, strives most to conserve his fellow-men.