The Conservative (Lovecraft)/July 1915/Some Political Phases
Some Political Phases.
The announcement by The Lake Breeze that it will put forward no ticket in opposition to Mr. Fritter's, practically clears the way for the election of The Conservative's candidate. This elimination of political warfare should afford much pleasure to an association whose best energies are dedicated to activities of a more scholarly nature. The United has lately been progressing upward by swift strides and long leaps, so that it is the duty of the members this month not only to place in power without unseemly contests an official board who will ensure a continuance of present activity, but to adopt all constitutional amendments which may facilitate their work.
The dominant ticket, so far as is known at the hour of going to press, is in part as follows:
- President, Leo Fritter.
- Vice Pres., Mrs. J.W. Renshaw.
- Official Editor, George Schilling.
- Treasurer, Paul J. Campbell.
- Historian, Ira A. Cole.
- Laureate Recorder, Clara Stalker.
Directors | Dora M. Hepner. |
For those capable candidates, all of whom are distinguished by their services to the association, the votes of the amateurs are respectfully solicited. By helping to elect them, each member will assist in that enlargement and elevation of the United which is so ardently desired by all.
We are unusually fortunate this year in having as a Presidential nominee Mr. Leo Fritter, a man animated by the highest ideals, and endowed with the ability to realise them. Here is no petty politician on the one hand, and no mere dreamer on the other; but an active, sensible individual prepared to put into practice the logical principles which he has learnt from a close and discriminating observation of events and trends in amateur circles. The Conservative has no hesitancy in repeating his cry of last issue: For President, Leo Fritter!
The amendments proposed this year are of radical nature, yet so well calculated to further the best interests of the United, that most of them must needs win the favour of a Conservative. They are integral parts of the great progressive movement inaugurated by the Southern and Middle Western members.
Amendment I, creating a laureateship for publishers, is least of all connected with this upward literary trend, yet has much to recommend it. Printing is an art in itself, and one which in its best phases requires far more cultivation and taste than the average person imagines. The typographical achievements of Edward Cole afford almost as much real pleasure to his fellow-amateurs as do his forcefully phrased compositions, and such art as this deserves some form of recognition. The Conservative cannot bring himself to disapprove the amendment as proposed by that energetic young publisher, Mr. Dowdell.
Amendment II would destroy the "cut price of admission" so bitterly ridiculed by partisans of the National, yet as Mr. Daas has pointed out, it might have a tendency to exclude the high-school pupils who are so much desired as recruits. It is doubtful if the increased revenue and increased dignity would repay the United for the decreased number of promising young novices.
Amendment III should be adopted by unanimous vote. The restriction of membership to the North American continent is the summit of folly. Why should we not spread throughout the whole Anglo-Saxon world, fostering amateur journalism wherever our language is spoken and written? Besides, many Americans and Englishmen residing in foreign countries might be gained, if the United were open to them.
Most vital of all the proposed amendments to the United's immediate progress is the fourth, which provides for a monthly official organ, to be printed uniformly by a regularly established Official Publisher. The adoption of this idea would liberate the Official Editor from his most pressing cares, leaving him free to perform his purely editorial and literary duties in peace. It would likewise eliminate the irregularities in volumes of The United Amateur, which arise from the employment of different printers. Mr. E.E. Ericson of Wisconsin, celebrated for his excellence throughout amateur circles, would undoubtedly become Official Publisher, so that nothing need be said concerning the typographical quality of the proposed new monthly organ. Let every member of the United support this extremely desirable amendment.
Amendment V is a solution of the Ex-President problem which should have been thought of long ago. The present situation, with half our former executives either indifferent or hostile to the United, yet nominally active, is intolerable. Let the chief officials retire to honorary membership, as Mr. Daas proposes, when they have ceased to participate in the various activities of the association.
Concerning the Convention seat for 1916, The Conservative cannot see what city but Cleveland, active in clubs and publishing, has any valid claim to the honour. Ohio is the logical state, being practically the centre of the amateur world, and Cleveland is the logical city, since Columbus has so lately had a convention. The arguments for Newark are negligible. The Blue Pencil Club of Brooklyn, which would predominate there, is primarily a National body, whilst the Newark boys are all semi-professionals with mercantile rather than literary aspirations.