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The New Forest: its history and its scenery/Appendix 2

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These lists are not by any means put forward as exhaustive. Subsequent investigations must very much increase them. Still, I trust they will be found sufficient for botanists to generalize from, and useful as guides to beginners. To the kindness of the Rev. H. M. Wilkinson, of Bisterne, I am much indebted, as will be seen, for many new species and localities, as also for the special arrangement of the Gramineæ, Cyperaceæ, and Juncaceæ.

The nature of the country will best help us to make the divisions. First, we have the true Forest district, with its heath, and bog, and woodland plants; and next the valley of the Avon, with its meadow-flowers; and, thirdly, the littoral plants, which we will at once take.

Glaucium luteum, Scop., Yellow-horned Poppy. Leap. Eaglehurst, 46.[1]

Cakile maritima, Scop., Purple Sea-rocket. The sea-shore, Mudeford, 55.

Crambe maritima, Lin., Sea Kale. The sea-shore near Calshot and Eaglehurst, where, as Bromfield remarks (Flora Vectensis, p. 48), the young shoots are bleached by being covered with shingle, and then sent to the Southampton market, 56.

Cochlearia officinalis, Lin., Common Scurvy Grass. Hurst Castle, 72.

Cochlearia anglica, Lin., English Scurvy Grass, Mudeford. R. Stevens, Esq., 72 d.

Raphanus maritimus, Sm., Sea Radish. Mudeford, 124.

Silene maritima, With., Sea Bladder Campion. The Shingles. Hurst Castle, 153.

Honckeneja peploides, Ehrh., Sand Chickweed. Common on the coast, 173.

Spergularia marina, Camb., Sea Spurrey. Mudeford, 174.

Althæa officinalis, Lin., Marsh Mallow. Salt marshes of the Beaulieu river, 208.

Lavatera arborea, Lin., Tree Mallow. Hurst Castle, where Ray saw it. See, however, Bromfield in Phytologist, vol. iii. p. 270; 210.

Anthyllis vulneraria, Lin., Common Lady's Fingers. Barton Cliffs, 257.

Tamarix gallica, Sm. "On the beach near Hurst Castle." Garnier and Poulter. Milford. Probably naturalized, as on the opposite coast near Yarmouth. "The Lymington Salterns," Rev. H. M. Wilkinson. See, however, Bromfield, in Phytologist, vol. iii. p. 212; 392.

Eryngium maritimum, Lin., Sea Holly. Mudeford, 444.

Fœniculum vulgare, Gærtn, Common Fennel. Purewell Road, Christchurch, 476.

Apium graveolens, Lin., Wild Celery. "Marchwood," W. A. Broomfield. "Mudeford and Beaulieu," Rev. H. M. Wilkinson, 450.

Œnanthe Lachenalii, Gmel., Lachenal's Dropwort. "Mudeford," Rev. H. M. Wilkinson, 471*

Carduus tenuiflorus, Curt., Small-flowered Thistle. Lanes near the sea-coast, 597.

Artemisia maritima, Lin., Sea Wormwood. "The coast." W. Pamplin. "Salt marshes near Millbrook," W. A. Bromfield; quoted in the New Botanist's Guide, 624.

Aster Tripolium, Lin. Sea Starwort. Very common in the rivers at Beaulieu and Lymington, 641.

Inula crithmoides, Lin., Golden Samphire. Key Haven and Hurst Beach, where Ray saw it, 657.

Convolvulus Soldanella,Lin., Sea Bindweed. Hurst Castle. Mudeford, 731.

Glaux maritima, Lin., Sea Milkwort or Glasswort. Hurst Castle, Beaulieu Estuary, 894.

Armeria maritima, Aut., Common Thrift. Hordle and Barton Cliffs, Beaulieu Estuary, 895.

Statice Limonium, Lin., Sea Lavender. On this and S. rariflora, see Bromfield, in Phytologist, vol. iii. p. 742; 897.

Plantago maritima, Lin., Sea Plantain. The Beaulieu Estuary, 904.

Chenopodium olidum, Curt., Stinking Goosefoot. Mr. Wilkinson gives "the seaside, Beaulieu," 908.

Atriplex portulacoides, Lin. Hurst Castle, where I first saw it in 1859, with Mr. Lees, 918.

Atriplex Babingtonii, Wds., "Mudeford," Rev. H. M Wilkinson, 921.

Atriplex littoralis, Lin., Grass-leaved Sea Orache. Estuary of the Beaulieu river, 924.

Beta maritima, Lin., Sea Beet. Mudeford, 925.

Salsola Kali, Lin., Prickly Saltwort. The seashore, Mudeford, 926.

Schoberia maritima, Mey., Sea Goosefoot. Estuary, 927.

Salicornia herbacea, Lin., Jointed Glasswort. "The Beaulieu river," Rev. H. M. Wilkinson, 939.

Polygonum maritimum, Lin., Sea Knot Grass. "Mudeford," Borrer, C. C. Babington. (See Watson's New Botanist's Guide, Supplement, vol. ii. p. 570.) The Rev. W. M. Wilkinson has found it on the other side of the harbour at Hengistbury Head, 940.

Polygonum Raii, Bab. "Mudeford," Borrer, and R. Stevens, Esq., 940*

Asparagus officinalis, Lin., Common Asparagus. "At Christchurch," Garnier and Ponlter.

Triglochin maritimum, Lin., Sea Arrow Grass. Marshes of the Beaulieu river, 1115.

Zostera marina, Lin., Narrow Grass Wrack. Southampton water, Hythe, 1137.

Juncus maritimus, Sm., Lesser Sharp Sea Rush. Beaulieu river, 1154.

Scirpus savii, S. and M., Savis' Club Rush. See Bromfield, in Phytologist, vol. iii. p. 1030; 1187.

Scirpus maritimus, Lin., Salt Marsh Club Rush. Mudeford, 1190.

Carex extensa, Good., Long Braeteated Carex. "The Beaulieu river," Rev. H. M. Wilkinson, 1235.

Ammophila arundinacea, Host., Sea Reed. The loose sand, Mudeford, where it grows with Triticum junceum, 1293.

Glyceria maritima, M. and K., Sea Hard Grass. Mudeford, 1323.

Glyceria loliacea, Watson, Dwarf Sea-wheat Grass. "Mudeford. On the New Forest side of the Avon, which is the only place I have ever seen it" Rev. H. M. Wilkinson, 1327.

Triticum junceum, Lin., Rushy Sea-wheat Grass. Mudeford, 1362.

Hordeum maritimum, With., Sea Barley. Very common along the whole of the east coast. "By the roadside from Cadenham" (more probably Hythe) "to Marchwood," W. A. Bromfield. See Watson's New Botanist's Guide, vol. ii., p. 571.; 1369.[2]

Lepturus filiformis, Trin., Sea Hard-grass. Mudeford, 1371.

In the next division are placed more especially those plants which either grow only in the Forest, or form a peculiar feature in its landscapes, such as Eriophorum angustifolium, Gentiana Pneumonanthe, Drosera rotundifolia, and intermedia, Narthecium ossifragum, Melittis Melissophylium, and the Carices, Aivæ, and Agrostes generally. The rest will be found in the third division, as common both to the Forest and the adjoining districts. As the Ferns and St. John's-worts have been so fully mentioned in Chapter XXI., they will not be again noticed.

Anemone nemorosa, Lin., Wood Anemone, 6.

Ranunculus aquatilis, Lin., Water Crowfoot. Streams and pools, not of course confined to the Forest, but still a conspicuous feature, 11.

Ranunculus tripartitus, D. C, Three-parted-leaved Crowfoot, "with Limosella aquatica, in splashy places by the roadside, just beyond the bridge, as you leave Brockenhurst for Lyndhurst," H. C. Watson, in a private letter, 11.*

Ranunculus hirsutus, Curt., Hairy Crowfoot. Roads in the Forest, 22.

Caltha palustris, Lin., Common Marsh Marigold. Forest pools; but, of course, in the district generally, 26.

Aquilegia vulgaris, Lin., Common Columbine. Very common round Wootton, but may be found with Hypericum androsæmum in the old woods of Mark Ash, Gibb's Hill, Winding Shoot, and Boldrewood, 31.

Nymphæa alba, Lin., White Water Lily. Forest streams. Not so common as the next, but still a feature, 36.

Nuphar luteum, Sm., Yellow Water Lily. In the Avon, and elsewhere in the district, 37.

Viola canina, Sm., Dog's Violet. The violet of the Forest, but, of course, common in the district, 135.

Viola lactea, Sm., Cream-coloured Violet. "Near Boldre," W. A. Bromfield. See Watson's New Botanist's Guide, vol. ii., p. 567; 135.*

Drosera rotundifolia, Lin., Round-leaved Sundew. Everywhere in the Forest, 138.

Drosera intermedia, Hayn., Narrow-leaved Sundew. Though not so common as rotundifolia, it is equally distributed throughout the Forest district, 139.

Polygala vulgaris, Lin., Common Milkwort, 141.

Mœnchia erecta, Sm., Upright Mœnchia. Common, 166.

Sagina subulata, Wimm., Ciliated Awl-shaped Spurrey, 170.*

Spergularia rubra, St. Hilaire, Purple Sandwort, 175.

Cerastium semidecandrum, Lin., Little Mouse-ear Chickweed, 194.

Cerastium tetrandrum, Curt., Four-cleft Mouse-ear Chickweed, 194.*

Linum angustifolium, Huds., Narrow-leaved Flax, 201.

Radiola millegrana,, Sm., Thyme-leaved Flax-seed. Common. The Rev. P. Somerville pointed it out to me in Beacon Burney, growing close to the sea, 203.

Tilia intermedia, D. C, Common Lime, 212.

Acer campestre, Lin., Field Maple. Rather plentiful in some of the woods, 225.

Geranium pratense, Lin., Meadow Crane's-bill. On a rubbish heap, near Alum Green, where it had been naturalized, 231.

Oxalis Acetosella, Lin., Wood-sorrel. Very common, 243.

Euonymus Europæus, Lin., Spindle Tree. Here and there a specimen may be seen, as at the north side of Wootton Enclosure, near the Osmanby Ford River, 245.

Rhamnus Frangula, Lin., Alder Buckthorn, 247.

Spartium scoparium, Lin., Common Broom, 248.

Ulex Europæus, Lin., Furze, 249.

Ulex nanus, Forst., Dwarf Furze. If any one wishes to see the difference between this and Europaus he should visit the Forest at the end of August or the beginning of Sept., 250.

Genista tinctoria, Lin., Dyers' Green Weed. Common on the southern parts of the Forest, 251.

Genista anglica, Lin., Petty Whin. Everywhere, 253.

Trifolium striatum, Lin., Soft Knotted Trefoil, 277.

Trifolium fragiferum, Lin., Strawberry-headed Trefoil. Ashley Common, 280.

Trifolium glomeratum, Lin., Smooth round-headed Trefoil, 278.

Orobus tuberosus, Lin., Common Bitter Vetch, 312.

Prunus spinosa, Lin., Sloe-tree, 314.

Prunus avium, Lin., Wild Cherry. Burley, 316.*

Potentilla Tormentilla, Schk., Common Tormentil, 332.

Comarum palustre, Lin., Purple Marsh Cinquefoil. Bog of the Osmanby Ford River, below Wootton Enclosure, 334.

Fragaria vesca, Lin., Strawberry, 335.

Rubus Idæus, Lin., Raspberry. Young plantations, especially near Boldrewood, 339.

Rubus fruticosus, Aut., Common Bramble, 340.

Rubus suberectus, And., Red-fruited Bramble. Wootton Enclosures, where it was first pointed out to me in 1859 by Mr. Lees, 340 (3).

Rosa spinosissima, Lin., Burnet-leaved Rose. Not uncommon round Ashley and Wootton, 341.

Cratægus Oxyacantha, Lin., Common Hawthorn, 360.

Pyrus Malus, Lin., Wild Crab, 363.

Pyrus torminalis, Sm., Wild Service Tree, 364.

Pyrus Aria, Sm., White Beam, 365.

Pyrus Aucuparia, Gaert., Mountain Ash. Probably naturalized, 366.

Epilobium montanum, Lin., Mountain Willow Herb, 370.

Isnardia palustris, Lin., Marsh Isnardia. Found at Brockenhurst by Mr. Borrer; Phytologist, vol. iii. p. 368. See also iv. p. 754; 376.

Circæa lutetiania, Lin., Enchanter's Nightshade. In most of the old woods, 377.

Lythrum salicaria, Lin., Purple Willow Herb. The Forest pools, 390.

Tillæa muscosa, Lin., Moss-like Tillæa, Everywhere in the Forest, 407.

Hedera helix, Lin., Common Ivy, 438.

Cornus sanguinea, Lin., Cornel-tree, 439.

Hydrocotyle vulgaris, Lin., Marsh Pennywort. Throughout the Forest, 441.

Sanicula Europæa, Lin., Wood Sanicle. In most of the old woods, 442.

Viscum album, Lin., Mistletoe. Grows chiefly on the black poplar, especially near Godshill. I have never seen it on the oak. Abundance of it may be found in the apple-trees in the Forest keeper's garden at Boldrewood, 503.

Sambucus nigra, Lin., Common Elder, 504.

Sambucus ebulus, Lin., Danewort. "Near Lyndhurst," T. B. Rake, Esq., 505.

Viburnum Opulus, Lin., Guelder Rose, 506.

Lonicera Periclymenum, Lin., Common Honeysuckle, 508.

Galium verum, Lin., Ladies' Bedstraw, 513.

Hieracium vulgatum, Freis., Wood Hawkweed, 568 (24).

Serratula tinctoria, Lin., Sawwort. Throughout the Forest, 594,

Carduus Marianus, Lin., Blessed Thistle. Forest roadsides, 598.

Carduus pratensis, Huds., Meadow Thistle. Abundant in the southern part of the Forest round Wootton, 604.

Bidens cernua, Lin., Nodding Bur Marigold. Waste lands round and in the Forest. Has a fine effect on the landscape near Godshill; common, however, throughout the district, 617.

Eupatorium cannabinum, Lin., Hemp Agrimony. Gives a rich appearance to the Forest streams; but, of course, abundant elsewhere, 619.

Filago minima, Fries. The Least Cudweed, 634.

Solidago Virgaurea, Lin., Golden Rod. Throughout the Forest, 642.

Senecio sylvaticus, Lin., Wild Groundsel. This plant, with the common nettle, is especially remarkable in the Forest, as an indication of the former existence of habitations. It may be noticed in Sloden, Eyeworth, and Island's Thorn, near the Romano-British potteries. (See ch. xviii. p. 216, foot-note.)

Achillea ptarmica, Lin., Sneesewort. Throughout the Forest, 671.

Campanula rotundifolia, Lin., Nodding-flowered Hare-bell, 675.

Jasione montana, Lin., Sheep's-bit Scabious, 687.

Erica Tetralix, Lin., Cross-leaved Heath, 690.

Erica cinerea, Lin., Fine-leaved Heath, 692.

Calluna vulgaris, Salisb., Common Ling, 695.

Vaccinium Myrtillus, Lin., the Bilberry; better known in the Forest as the "Blackheart," 703.

Ilex Aquifolium, Lin., Common Holly. Most abundant, 713.

Fraxinus excelsior, Lin., Common Ash. Scarce, 715.

Vinca minor, Lin., Lesser Periwinkle. Hedges round and in the Forest, as at Sway, Ashley, Canterton, 716.

Gentiana Pneumonanthe, Lin., Calathian Violet. Very plentiful some years at Wootton, 719.

Cicendia filiformis, Reich., Least Gentianella. Damp places in the Forest. Rev. H. M. Wilkinson gives especially the neighbourhood of Burley, 723.

Menyanthes trifoliata, Lin., Common in most of the Forest pools on the South, 727.

Cuscuta Epithymum, Sm., Lesser Dodder. Distributed through the Forest, on the heath and furze, 734.

Verbascum Blattaria, Lin., Moth Mullein. Not common in the Forest. I have seen a few specimens on Ashley Common; but, in 1861, a field near the new parsonage was covered with it and the viper's bugloss. Mr. Rake has found it growing at Gorely, on the north-west side of the Forest, 744.

Veronica scutellata, Lin., Narrow-leaved Marsh Speedwell. Not common. Mr. Wilkinson gives marshy spots near Sandford and Crow, on the borders of the Forest, 758.

Euphrasia officinalis, Lin., Common Eyebright, 766.

Melampyrum pratense, Lin., Meadow Cow Wheat, 770.

Pedicularis palustris, Lin., Marsh Lousewort, 772.

Pedicularis sylvatica, Lin., Common Lousewort, 778.

Digitalis purpurea, Lin., Purple Foxglove, 778.

Limosella aquatica, Lin., Common Mudwort. Found by Mr. H. C. Watson on the road from Brockenhurst to Lyndhurst, after you pass the bridge from the former place, 788.

Orobanche major, Angl., Great Broom-rape. On the furze, especially in the northern parts of the Forest, 790.

Mentha aquatica, Lin., Water Mint, but of course throughout the district, 806.

Mentha pratensis, Sole, Meadow Mint. I give this on the authority of Sole, quoted by Dawson Turner, as found in the Forest, 807 e.

Mentha Pulegium, Lin., Pennyroyal. Not uncommon, especially in wet places on the southern parts of the Forest, round Wilverley and Holmsley, 809.

Thymus Serpyllum, Lin., Wild Thyme, 810.

Calamintha Clinopodium, Spen., Wild Basil, 815.

Melittis Melissophyllum, Lin., Bastard Balm. Very plentiful on the outer bank of Wootton Enclosure, looking westward, 817.

Teucrium Scorodonia, Lin., Wood Sage, 818.

Stachys Betonica, Benth., Wood Betony, 836.

Scutellaria minor, Lin., Lesser Skull-cap. Damp places in the Forest, especially round Wootton, 846.

Pulmonaria angustifolia, Lin., Narrow-leaved Lungwort. Very common round Wootton, both with and without spots on the leaves. (See Watson's New Botanist's Guide, vol. ii., p. 569; and the Cybele Britannica, vol. iii., p. 488), 868.

Pinguicula Lusitanica, Lin., Pale Butterwort. Bogs round Wootton; Ashley Common, where the Rev. P. Somerville first pointed it out to me. Mr. Wilkinson also gives Sandford and Crow as localities, 874.

Utricularia vulgaris, Lin., Water Milfoil. Pools in the southern part of the Forest, as also on Ashley Common, 875.

Utricularia minor, Lin., Smaller Bladderwort. Hinchclsca Bog, where I found it in 1859, with Mr. Lees. The Rev. H. M. Wilkinson gives also ponds near Burley, and Mr. Somerville ponds at the Osmanby Ford stream, 877.

Primula vulgaris, Huds., Common Primrose, 878.

Lysimachia nemorum, Lin., Wood Loosetrife, 889.

Anagallis tenella, Lin., Bog Pimpernel. In all the boggy places, 891.

Centunculus minimus, Lin., Chaff-weed, 892.

Samolus Valerandi, Lin., Brook-weed. Found it, with Mr. Lees, on Ashley Common, June 14, 1859. "The Beaulieu River," Rev. H. M. Wilkinson. It shows a decided partiality for the southern part towards the sea, 893.

Littorella lacustris, Lin., Common Shore-weed, 905.

Euphorbia amygdaloides, Lin., Wood Spurge, 974.

Mercurialis perennis, Lin., Perennial Mercury, 976.

Quercus Robur, Lin., the Oak, 988.

Quercus sessiliflora, Sm., Sessile-fruited Oak. The finest in the Forest are now in the Brook Woods, 988c.

Fagus sylvatica, Lin., the Beech, 989.

Carpinus Betulus, Lin., Hornbeam. Scarce, 990.

Corylus Avellana, Lin., Hazel, 991.

Alnus glutinosa, Lin., Common Alder, 992.

Betula alba, Lin., Common Birch, 993.

Populus alba, Lin., White Poplar, 995.

Populus tremula, Lin., Aspen, 997.

Populus nigra, Lin., Black Poplar, 998.

Salix viminalis, Lin., Common Osier, 1007.

Salix repens, Lin., Creeping Willow, 1017.

Myrica Gale, Lin., Bog Myrtle. The "Gold Withy" of the Forest, 1023.

Spiranthes autumnalis, Rich., Late-flowering Lady's Tresses. Very common in the pastures near the Forest, and on the turfy spots of the Forest lanes on the southern part, 1033.

Spiranthes ætivalis, Rich., Early-flowering Lady's Tresses. Found by Bromfield and Mr. Bennett in bogs near Lyndhurst toll-gate. Phytologist, vol. iii. p. 909; iv. p. 754; 1034.

Epipactis latifolia, Sm. Chewton Glen and woods running into the Forest. The Rev. P. Somerville also gives Ashley Common, 1039.

Orchis latifolia, Lin., Broad-leaved Meadow Orchis. Hinchelsea Bog. Mr. Wilkinson also gives the neighbourhood of Burley, 1052.

Gymnadenia Conopsea, Br., Fragrant-scented Orchis. Very plentiful on the south side of the railway, between Burley and Batson's Clump, about a quarter of a mile above the large "Shade pond." To be found also between Bushy Bratley and Boldrewood, 1054.

Habenaria bifolia, Br. Common in most of the open parts of the Forest, 1055.

Gladiolus Illyricus, Koch. First discovered in the Forest by the Rev. W. H. Lucas. (See Phytologist, Sept., 1857.) Road from Boldrewood to Lyndhurst; path from Liney Hill Wood to Rhinefield; Oakley Plantation, near Boldrewood; and the neighbourhood of the Knyghtwood Oak, where Mr. Rake and myself saw it in great abundance, July 11, 1862. In all these localities it is confined to the light sand, growing especially amongst the common brake, and seldom, if ever, extends into the heather, which grows close round. On some specimens which I forwarded, Mr. Watson observes, in speaking of the distinction between Gladiolus imbricatus and illyricus:—"The New Forest plant has the obovate capsules, hardly so much keeled, however, as described by French botanists, unless the keel becomes sharper with advancing age."

Narcissus pseudo-narcissus, Lin., Daffodil. South side of the Forest near Wootton, 1073.

Hyacinthus non-scriptus, Lin., Bluebell, 1093.

Ruscus aculeatus, Lin., Butcher's Broom. The "Kneeholm" of the Forest, 1097.

Hydrocharis Morsus-ranæ, Lin., Common Frog-bit, 1107.

Alisma ranunculoides, Lin. Ashley and Chewton Commons. Pulteney gives "Sopley, near the Avon," 1110.

Actinocarpus Damasonium, Br., Star-headed Water Plantain. "Barton Common," the Rev. P. Somerville, 1112.

Potamogeton plantagineus, Ducroz., Plantain-leaved Pond-weed. Boggy streams, 1134.

Typha latifolia, Lin., Reed-mace, 1147.

Typha angustifolia, Lin., Lesser Reed-mace. Ponds at Wootton, 1148.

Juncus squarrosus, Lin., Moss-rush Goose-corn, 1163.

Luzula sylvatica, Bich., Great Wood Rush, 1169.

Luzula pilosa, Willd., Broad-leaved Hairy Wood Rush, 1170.

Nabthecium ossifragum, Huds., Lancashire Bog Asphodel, 1175.

Scilænus Nigricans, Lin., Black Bog Rush. Bogs round Holmsley, 1179.

Rhynchospora alba, Vahl., White Beak Rush, 1180.

Rhyncospora fusca, Sm., Brown Beak Rush. Valley of the Osmanby Ford stream, Rev. H. M. Wilkinson, 1181.

Scirpus setaceus, Lin., Bristle-stalked Club Rush, 1186.

Scirpus cæspitosus, Lin., Scaly-stalked Club Rush, 1196.

Scirpus fluitans, Lin., Floating Club Rush, 1198.

Eriophorum angustifolium, Rh., Common Cotton Grass, 1200.

Carex pulicaris, Lin., Flea Carex, 1205.

Carex stellulata, Good., Little Prickly Carex, 1209.

Carex ovalis, Good., Oval-spiked Carex, 1211.

Carex remota, Lin., Remote Carex. The Forest streams, 1214.

Carex intermedia, Good., Soft brown Carex. Boggy places, 1217.

Carex arenaria, Lin., Sea Carex. The south side of the Forest, towards the sea.

Carex divulsa, Good., Grey Carex, 1221.

Carex vulpina, Lin., Great Compound Prickly Carex, 1222.

Carex flava, Lin., Yellow Carex, 1234.

Carex fulva, Good., Tawny Carex, 1249.

Carex panicea Lin., Pink-leaved Carex, 1241.

Carex sylvatica, Huds., Pendulous Wood-Carex, 1247.

Carex Pseudo-cyperus, Lin., Cyperus-like Carex, 1249.

Carex glauca, Scop., Glaucous Heath Carex, 1250.

Carex hirta, Lin., Hairy Carex,1257.

Carex paludosa, Good., Lesser Common Carex, 1260.

Carex riparia, Curtis., Great Common Carex, 1261.

Phalaris arundinacea, Lin., Reed Canary Grass, 1269.

Agrostis setacea, Curtis., Bristleleaved Bent Grass. Broomy and Bratley. "Near Lymington," Turner, 1289.

Agrostis canina, Lin., Brown Bent Grass, 1290.

Agrostis vulgaris, With., Common Bent Grass, 1291.

Agrostis alba, Lin., Marsh Bent Grass, 1292.

Arundo Calamagrostis. Lin., Purple-flowered Small Reed. "Near Marchwood," W. A. Bromfield, 1295.

Aira cæspitosa, Lin., Turfy Hair Grass, 1300.

Aira flexuosa, Lin., Wavy Hair Grass, 1302.

Aira caryophyllea, Lin., Silver Grass, 1303.

Aira præcox, Lin., Early Hair Grass, 1304.

Triodia decumbens, Beauv., Decumbent Heath Grass, 1315.

Molinia cœrulea, Mcench., Heath Purple Melic Grass, 1319.

Festuca bromoides, Lin., Barren Fescue Grass, 1341.

Festuca ovina, Lin., Sheep's Fescue Grass, 1342.

Festuca rubra, Lin., Creeping Fescue Grass, 1344.

Nardus stricta, Lin., Common Mat Grass, 1370.

Pilulifera globulifera, Lin., Pilwort or Peppergrass. Bogs round Holmsley. 1419.

Equisetum limosum, Lin., Smooth Naked Horsetail, 1425.

Proceeding now to the plants of the Valley of the Avon, and the cultivated districts round Christchurch, and Lymington, and Beaulieu, we shall be able to see those colonists which follow the footsteps of man, the pascual flowers of the meadows, and the Flora of the Avon. Where not particularly named, the plants are in many cases found also distributed in the Forest; but, being on the whole more characteristic of the Valley, are therefore inserted in this list.

Thalictrum flavum, Lin., Common Meadow Rue, 4.

Adonis autumnalis, Lin., Common Pheasant Eye. Mudeford, 9.

Myosurus minimus, Lin, Least Mouse-tail. Cornfields round Milton, 10.

Ranunculus hederaceus, Lin., Ivy-leaved Crowfoot, 13.

Ranunculus Ficaria, Lin., Common Pilewort, 14.

Ranunculus Flammula, Lin., Lesser Spearwort, 15.

Ranunculus Lingua, Lin., Greater Spearwort. Used to be very common on Ashley Common (now enclosed), growing in the pools with Osmunda regalis, 16.

Ranunculus acris, Lin., Upright Meadow Crowfoot, 19.

Ranunculus repens, Lin., Creeping Crowfoot, 20.

Ranunculus bulbosus, Lin., Bulbous Crowfoot, 21.

Ranunculus sceleratus, Lin., Celery-leaved Crowfoot, 23.

Ranunculus parviflorus, Lin., Small-flowered Crowfoot. "Hedgebanks between Bisterne and Ringwood," Rev. H. M. Wilkinson. Ray and Bromfield give Lymington, 24.

Papaver Argemone, Lin., Longheaded Rough Poppy, 40.

Papaver dunium, Lin., Long Smooth-headed Poppy, 41.

Papaver Rhæas, Lin., Field Poppy, 42.

Chelidonium majus, Lin., Common Celandine, 45.

Corydalis claviculata, D. C, White-flowered Fumitory, 48.

Fumabia capreolata, Lin., Ramping Fumitory, 50.

Fumaria officinalis, Lin., Common Fumitory, 51.

Coronopus Ruellii. Lin., Common Wart-Cress, 58.

Thlaspi arvense, Lin., Penny-Cress, 60.

Capsella Bursa pastoris, D. C. Shepherd's Purse, 63.

Lepidium Smithii, Hook., Smith's Peppermint, 69.

Lepidium campestre, Br., Field Mustard, 70.

Draba verna, Lin., Common Whitlow Grass, 79.

Cardamine pratensis, Lin., Lady's Smock, 85.

Cardamine hirsuta, Lin., Hairy Marsh Butter-Cress, 86.

Arabis thaliana, Lin., Common Thale-Cress, 88.

Barrarea vulgaris, Br., Common Winter Cress, 95.

Barrarea præcox, Br., Early Winter or American Cress. "Grows on the bridge at Christchurch," Rev. H. M. Wilkinson, 97.

Nasturtium officinale, Br., Water Cress, 98.

Nasturtium terrestre, Br., Land Cress, 99.

Sisymrrium officinale, Scop., Common Hedge Mustard, 102.

Erysimum Alliaria, Lin., Hedge Garlic, 107.

Cheiranthus Cheiri, Lin., Wallflower. Walls of the Priory Church, Christchurch, 109.

Sinapis Arvensis, Lin., Wild Mustard, 116.

Raphanus Rhaphanistrum, Lin., Wild Radish, 123.

Helianthemum vulgare, Gasrt., Common Rock Rose, 128.

Viola tricolor, Lin., Heartsease, 136.

Viola hirta, Lin., Hairy Violet. "Grows at Bisterne," Rev. H. M. Wilkinson. On the specific distinctions between this and the next, see what my friend the late Mr. Cheshire said in the Phytologist.

Viola odorata, Lin., Sweet Violet, 135.

Dianthus plumarius, Lin., Feathered Pink. Cloister walls, Beaulieu, 147.

Dianthus Armeria, Lin., Debtford Pink. First discovered by T. B. Rake, Esq., on a bank in a lane near the Hucklebrook, Fordingbridge, where I saw it, with him, growing, June, 1862.

Saponaria officinalis, Lin., Common Soapwort. The Christchurch and Ringwood Road, near the latter place; Bashley, 151.

Silene inflata.Sm., Bladder Catchfly, 152.

Silene Anglica, Lin., English Catchfly, 155.

Lychnis Flos-cuculi, Lin., Ragged Robin, 162.

Lychnis diurna, Sibth., Red Campion, 163.

Lychnis vespertina, Sibth., White Campion, 164.

Lychnis Githago, Lam., Corn Cockle, 165.

Sagina procumbens, Lin., Procumbent Pearlwort. 167.

Sagina apetala, Lin., Erect Pearlwort, 169.

Sagina nodosa, Lin., Knotted Spurrey, 171.

Spergula arvensis, Lin., Common Spurrey, 172.

Arenaria serpyllifolia, Lin., Thyme-leaved Sandwort, 178.

Arenaria trinervis, Lin., Plantain-leaved Sandwort, 182.

Stellaria media, With., Common Chickweed, 185.

Stellaria Holostea, Lin., Greater Stitchwort, 186.

Stellaria glauca, With., Glaucous Stitchwort, 187.

Stellaria graminea, Lin., Grassyleaved Stitchwort, 188.

Stellaria uliginosa, Murr., Bog Stitchwort, 189.

Cerastium aquaticum, Lin., Water Chickweed, 191.

Cerastium glomeratum, Thail., Broad-leaved Mouse-ear Chickweed, 192.

Cerastium triviale, Link., Narrow-leaved Mouse-ear Chickweed, 193.

Linum catharticum, Lin., Purging Flax, 202.

Malva moschata, Lin., Musk Mallow. Lanes near the Forest, 204.

Malva sylvestris, Lin., Common Mallow, 205.

Malva rotundifolia, Lin., Round-leafed Dwarf Mallow, 206.

Erodium cicutarium, Sin., Hemlock Stork's-bill, 228.

Geranium pusillum, Lin., Small-flowered Crane's-bill, 234.

Geranium molle, Lin., Common Dove's-foot Crane's-bill, 235.

Geranium dissectum, Lin., Jagged-leaved Crane's-bill, 236.

Geranium columbinum, Lin., Long-stalked Crane's-bill, 237.

Geranium lucidum, Lin., Shining-leaved Common Crane's-bill. In the neighbourhood of Fordingbridge, Mr. Rake found it growing abundantly, June 17, 1862, the only station of which I am aware.

Geranium Robertianum, Lin., Herb Robert, 239.

Ononis arvensis, Lin., Rest Harrow, 254.

Medicago sativa, Lin., Lucern, 258.

Medicago lupulina, Lin., Black Medick, 260.

Melilotus officinalis, Willd., Common Melilot, 264.

Trifolium repens, Lin., White Trefoil, 267.

Trifolium subterraneum, Lin. "Gravelly pastures at Bisterne." Rev. H. M. Wilkinson. 268.

Trifolium pratense, Lin., Purple Clover, 271.

Trifolium arvense, Lin., Hare's-foot Trefoil, 275.

Trifolium procumbens, Lin., Hop Trefoil, 281.

Trifolium minus, Relh., Lesser Yellow Trefoil, 282.

Lotus major, Scop., Large Bird's-foot Trefoil, 284.

Lotus corniculatus, Lin., Common Bird's-foot Trefoil, 283.

Ornithopus perpusillus, Lin., Bird's-foot, 291.

Vicia Cracca, Lin., Tufted Vetch, 297.

Vicia sativa, Lin., Common Vetch, 298.

Vicia sepium, Lin., Bush Vetch, 301.

Vicia hirsuta, Koch., Hairy-podded Tare, 303.

Vicia tetrasperma, Koch., Smooth-podded Tare, 304.

Lathyrus pratensis, Lin., Meadow Vetchling, 308.

Spiræa Ulmaria, Lin., Meadowsweet, 317.

Spiræa salicifolia, Ian., Willow-leaved Spiriea. "Grows near Bisterne, hut perhaps not truly wild," Rev. H. M. Wilkinson, 319.

Geum urbanum, Lin., Herb Bennet, 321.

Geum rivale, Lin., Water Avens, 322.

Agrimonia Eupatoria, Lin., Common Agrimony, 323.

Potentilla anserina, Lin., Silverweed, 327.

Potentilla argentea, Lin., Horny Cinquefoil. Sandy fields in the neighbourhood of the Forest, 328.

Potentilla reptans, Lin., Creeping Cinquefoil, 331.

Potentilla fragariastrum, Eh., Barren Strawberry, 333.

Rubus corylifolius, Sm., Hazel-leaved Bramble, 340 (36).

Rubus cæsius, Lin., Dewberry, 340 (38).

Rosa carina, Lin., Dog-rose, 351.

Rosa arvensis, Lin., Trailing Dogrose, 353.

Poterium Sanguisorba, Lin., Common Salad Burnet, 355.

Alchemilla arvensis, Lam., Parsley Piert, 358.

Epilobium angustifolium, Lin., French Willow-Herb, 367.

Epilobium hirsutum, Lin., Great Hairy Willow-Herb, 368.

Epilobium parviflorum, Schreb., Small-flowered Willow-Herb, 369.

Epilobium palustre, Lin, Marsh Willow-Herb, 372.

Epilobium tetragonum, Lin., Square-stalked Willow-Herb (?), 373.

Myriophyllum verticillatum, Lin., Whorl-flowered Water Milfoil, "Sopley," Garnier and Poulter, Rev. H. M. Wilkinson, 380.

Myriophyllum spicatum, Lin., Spiked Water Milfoil, 381.

Callitriche verna, Lin., Vernal Water Starwort, 383.

Peplis portula, Liu., Water Purslane, 391.

Bryonia dioica, Lin., White Briony, 393.

Montia fontana, Lin., Water Blinks, 394.

Claytonia perfoliata, Don., American Salad. First discovered by Mr. Hussey near Mudeford (see Phytologist, N. S. vol. i. p. 389). I received specimens from Dr. Stevens from the same place, May 11th, 1862.

Scleranthus annuus, Lin., Annual Knawel, 399.

Ribes rubrum, Lin., Red Currant. With the next "at Bisterne, apparently wild," Rev. H. M. Wilkinson, 404.

Ribes Grossularia, Lin., Gooseberry, 406.

Sedum telephium, Lin., Everlasting Orpine, 409.

Sedum Anglicum, Huds., English Stonecrop. "Avon Tyrrell," Rev. H. M. Wilkinson, 412.

Sedum acre, Lin., Biting Stonecrop, 414.

Sedum reflexum, Lin., Crooked Yellow Stonecrop. This is only a casual escape. And, perhaps, like Sempervivum tectorum, ought to be excluded. See Bromfield in Phytologist, vol. iii. pp. 372, 416.

Cotyledon Umbilicus, Lin., Common Navelwort. "Road from Redbridge into the New Forest," W. Pamplin, quoted in Watson's New Botanist's Guide; "Dragon Lane, Bisterne," Rev. H. M. Wilkinson, 418.

Saxifraga tridactylites, Lin., Rue-leaved Saxifrage, 430.

Chrysoplenium oppositifolium, Lin., Opposite-leaved Golden Saxifrage, 434.

Adoxa moschatellina, Lin., Tuberous Moschatel, 437.

Conium maculatum, Lin., Common Hemlock, 446.

Helosciadium nodiflobum, Koch., Procumbent Marshwort, 454.

Helosciadium inundatum, Koch., Least Water Marshwort, 455.

Ægopodium podagraria, Lin., Common Gout-weed, 457.

Bunium flexuosum, With., Earth-Nut, 461.

Pimpinella Saxifraga, Lin., Common Burnet Saxifrage, 462.

Sium angustifolium, Lin., Narrow-leaved Water-Parsnep, 465.

Œnanthe fistulosa, Lin., Common Water-Dropwort, 470.

Œnanthe pimpinelloides, Lin., Parsley Water-Dropwort. Plentiful round Milford in 1859. See Bromfield in Phytologist, vol. iii. p. 405. 471.

Œnanthe crocata, Lin., Water Hemlock, 473.

Œnanthe Phellandrium, Lin., Fine-leaved Water-Dropwort, 474.

Æthusa cynapium, Lin., Fools' Parsley, 475.

Angelica sylvestris, Lin., Wild Angelica, 482.

Heracleum Sphondylium, Lin., Cow Parsnep, 487.

Daucus Carota, Lin., Common Carrot, 489.

Torilis anthriscus, Gærtn., Upright Hedge Parsley, 493.

Torilis infesta, Spr., Spreading Hedge Parsley, 494.

Torilis nodosa, Gaertn., Knotted-Hedge Parsley, 495.

Scandix Pecten, Lin., Shepherd's Needle, 496.

Anthriscus vulgaris, Pers., Common Beaked Parsley, 497.

Anthriscus sylvestris, Hoff., Wild Chervil, 498.

Cilerophyllum temulentum, Lin., Hare's Parsley, 500.

Galium palustre, Lin., Marsh Goose-Grass, 515.

Galium uliginosum, Lin., Rough Marsh Bed-Straw, 516.

Galium saxatile, Lin., Mountain Bed-Straw. Perhaps this ought rather to come under the head of Forest Plants, 517.

Galium mollugo, Lin., Great Hedge Bed-Straw, 519.

Galium aparine, Lin., Goose-Grass, 523.

Sherardia arvensis, Lin., Field Madder.

Asperula odorata, Lin., Scented Woodruff, 527.

Valeriana dioica, Lin., Marsh Valerian, 531.

Valeriana officinalis, Lin., Common Valerian, 532.

Fedia olitoria, Vahl., Lamb's Lettuce, 534.

Fedia dentata, Bieb., Oval-fruited Corn Salad, 537.

Dipsacus sylvestris, Lin., Teasel, 539.

Dipsacus pilosus, Lin., Shepherd's Rod. "Woods near Hale," T. Beaven Rake, 540.

Scabiosa succisa, Lin., Devil's-bit Scabious, 541.

Knautia arvensis, Coult., Field Scabious, 543.

Tragopogon pratensis, Lin., Meadow Goat's Beard, 544.

Helminthia echioides, Gærtn., Echium-like Ox-tongue. Efford Mill. Pennington, 546.

Thrincia hirta, Roth., Rough Thrincia, 548.

Apargia hispida, Willd., Rough Hawkbit, 549.

Apargia autumnalis, Willd., Autumnal Hawkbit, 550.

Hypochæris radicata, Lin., Long-rooted Cat's-ear, 553.

Lactuca muralis, Less., Wall Lettuce. Beaulieu and Ellingham churches, 557.

Sonchus aryensis, Lin., Field Sow Thistle, 559.

Sonchus asper, Hoffm., Rough Sow Thistle, 560.

Sonchus oleraceus, Lin., Sow Thistle, 561.

Crepis virens, Lin., Smooth Crepis, 563.

Hieracium Pilosella, Lin., Mouse-ear Hawkweed, 568.

Hieracium umbellatum, Lin., Narrow-leaved Hawkweed. "Bisterne," Rev. H. M. Wilkinson.

Hieracium boreale, Fries., "Bisterne," Rev. H. M. Wilkinson.

Taraxacum officinale, Wigg., Dandelion, 588.

Lapsana communis, Lin., Nipplewort, 590.

Cichorium intybus, Lin., Common Chicory, 591.

Arctium Lappa, Lin., Burdock, 592.

Carduus nutans, Lin., Nodding Thistle. Roadsides round the Forest, 395.

Carduus lanceolatus, Lin., Spear Thistle, 599.

Carduus palustris, Lin., Marsh Thistle, 601.

Carduus arvensis, Lin., Field Thistle, 602.

Carduus acaulis, Lin., Dwarf Thistle, 606.

Onopordum acanthium, Lin., Cotton Thistle, 608.

Carlina vulgaris, Lin., Common Carline Thistle, 609.

Centaurea nigra, Lin., Black Knapweed, 611.

Centaurea Cyanus, Lin., Cornflower, 612.

Centaurea Scabiosa, Lin., Great Knapweed, 613.

Bidens tripartita, Three-lobed Bur-marigold, 618.

Tanacetum vulgare, Lin., Common Tansy, 622.

Artemisia vulgaris, Lin., Mugwort, 626.

Gnaphalium sylvaticum, Lin., Upright Cudweed, 630.

Gnaphalium uliginosum, Lin., Marsh Cudweed, 632.

Filago germanica, Lin., Erect Cudweed. 635.

Tussilago Farfara, Lin., Common Coltsfoot, 6.37.

Erigeron acris, Lin., Blue Fleabane. "Near Milton," Rev. P. Somerville, 639.

Senecio vulgaris, Lin., Groundsel, 643.

Senecio Jacobæa, Lin., Ragwort, 648.

Senecio aquaticus, Huds., Water Ragwort. "Bisterne," Rev. H. M. Wilkinson, 648*.

Inula Conyza, D. C, Ploughman's Spikenard. Sopley, Rev. H. M. Wilkinson, 656.

Pulicaria dysenterica, Gærtn., Common Fleabane, 658.

Pulicabia vulgaris, Gærtn., Small Fleabane. "Marchwood," W. A. Bromfield (Phytologist, vol. iii. p. 433); "Bisterne," Rev. H. M. Wilkinson, 659.

Bellis perennis, Lin, Common Daisy, 660.

Chrysanthemum segetum, Lin., Corn Marigold, 661.

Chrysanthemum Leucanthemum, Lin., Great Ox-eye Daisy, 662.

Pyrethrum Parthenium, Sm., Feverfew, 663.

Pyrethrum inodorum, Sm., Scentless Feverfew, 664.

Matricaria Chamomilla, Lin., Wild Chamomile, 665.

Anthemis nobilis, Lin., Common Chamomile, 666.

Anthemis arvensis, Lin., Corn Chamomile, 668.

Anthemis Cotula, Lin., Stinking Mayweed, 669.

Achillea Millefolium, Lin, Yarrow, 6T2.

Campanula patula, Lin., Spreading Bell-flower. Avon Tyrrell, 676.

Specularia hybrida, D. C., Venus's Looking-glass. "Corn-fields near Sandford," Rev. H. M. Wilkinson, 684.

Ligustrum vulgare, Lin., Common Privet, 714.

Erythræa Centaurium, Pers., Common Centaury, 724.

Chlora perfoliata, Lin., Perfoliate Yellow-wort, 725.

Convolvulus arvensis, Lin., Small Bindweed, 729.

Convolvulus sepium, Lin., Great Bindweed, 730.

Hyoscyamus niger, Lin., Henbane. Roadside bank near Ibbesley, 736.

Datura Stramonium, Lin., Thorn Apple. Near Ringwood, on the Christchurch road.

Solanum nigrum, Lin., Black Nightshade, 737.

Solanum Dulcamara, Lin., Woody Nightshade, 738.

Verbascum Thapsus, Lin., Taper Moth Mullein, 740.

Verbascum nigrum, Lin., Black Moth Mullein, 743.

Veronica arvensis, Lin., Wall Speedwell, 747.

Veronica serpyllifolia, Lin., Thyme-leaved Speedwell, 750.

Veronica Anagallis, Lin., Water Speedwell, 754.

Veronica Beccabunga, Lin., Brooklime, 755.

Veronica officinalis, Lin., Common Speedwell, 756.

Veronica Chamædrys, Lin., Germander Speedwell, 758.

Veronica hederifolia, Lin., Ivy-leaved Speedwell, 759.

Veronica agrestis, Lin., Procumbent Speedwell, 760.

Veronica Buxbaumii, Ten., Buxbaum's Speedwell. Mr. Rake found it in abundance not far from Fordingbridge, March, 1862, 762.

Bartsia odontites, Hnds., Red Rattle, 765.

Rhinanthus Crista-galli, Lin., Meadow Rattle, 767.

Scrophularia nodosa, Lin., Knotty-rooted Figwort, 774.

Scrophularia aquatica, Lin., Water Figwort, 775.

Antirrhinum Orontium, Lin., Field Snap-dragon. Milton and Somerford, 780.

Linaria Cymbalaria, Mill., Wall Toad-flax, 781.

Linaria elatike, Mill., Sharp-pointed Toad-flax, 783.

Linaria repens, Ait, Creeping Toad-flax. "Marchwood," Borrer, 784.

Linaria vulgaris, Mill., Common Toad-flax, 785.

Orobanche minor, Sutt., Lesser Broom-rape, 793.

Verbena officinalis, Lin., Common Vervain, 798.

Salvia verbenaca, Lin., Wild Clary. Roads near Christchurch; keep of Christchurch Castle; Beaulieu Churchyard, 799.

Lycopus Europæus, Lin., Gipsywort, 801.

Mentha sativa, Lin., Hairy Water Mint, 807.

Mentha arvensis, Lin., Field Mint, 808.

Calamintha Acinos, Clairv., Basil Thyme. Fernhill Lane, 812.

Calamintha officinalis, Angl., Officinal Calamint. Avon Tyrrel, 814.

Ajuga reptans, Lin., Common Bugle, 822.

Ballota nigra, Lin., Black Horehound, 825.

Lamium album, Lin., White Dead Nettle, 828.

Lamium amplexicaule, Lin., Henbit, 830.

Lamium purpureum, Lin., Red Henbit, 831.

Galeopsis Tetrahit, Lin., Common Hemp Nettle, 834.

Stachys palustris, Lin., Marsh Woundwort, 837.

Stachys sylvatica, Lin., Hedge Woundwort, 838.

Stachys arvensis, Lin., Field Woundwort, 840.

Glechoma hederacea, Lin., Ground Ivy, 841.

Nepeta Cataria, Lin., Catmint. Near Bisterne, 842.

Marrubium vulgare, Lin., Common Horehound, 843.

Prunella vulgaris, Lin., All-heal, 844.

Scutellaria galericulata, Lin., Common Skull-cap. Chewton Glen, Beckton Bunny, 845.

Myosotis palustris, With., Forget-me-not, 847.

Myosotis cæspitosa, Schultz, Marsh Mouse Ear, 849.

Myosotis arvensis, Hoff., Field Marsh Ear, 852.

Myosotis collina, Hoff., Dwarf Mouse Ear, 853

Myosotis versicolor, Lehm., Yellow and Blue Mouse Ear, 854.

Lithospermum arvense, Lin., Field Gromwell, 856.

Symphytum officinale, Lin., Common Comfrey, 859.

Borago officinalis, Lin., Common Borage, 861.

Lycopsis arvensis, Lin., Ox-tongue, 862.

Cynoglossum officinale, Lin., Common Hound's-tongue, 866.

Echium vulgare, Lin., Viper's Bugloss, 869.

Primula veris, Lin., Cowslip, 880.

Lysimachia vulgaris, Lin., Yellow Loosestrife, 886.

Lysimachia nummularia, Lin., Moneywort, 888.

Anagallis arvensis, Lin., Poor Man's Weather Glass, 890.

Plantago major, Lin., Greater Plantain, 901.

Plantago media, Lin., Hoary Plantain. "Beaulieu, on the clay," Rev. H. M. Wilkinson.

Plantago lanceolata, Lin., Rib Grass, 903.

Plantago Coronopus, Lin., Buckthorn Plantain, 905.

Chenopodium urbicum, Lin., Erect Goose-foot, 910-.

Chenopodium rubrum, Lin., Red Goose-foot, 911.

Chenopodium album, Lin., White Goose-foot, 914.

Chenopodium Bonus-henricus, Lin., Good King Henry, 917.

Atriplex hastata, Lin., Narrow-leaved Orache, 922.

Atriplex patula, Lin., Spreading Orache, 923.

Polygonum amphibium, Lin., Amphibious Persicaria, 933.

Polygonum lapathifolium, Lin., Pale-flowered Persicaria, 934.

Polygonum Persicaria, Lin., Spotted Persicaria, 935.

Polygonum Hydropiper, Lin., Biting Persicaria, 937.

Polygonum aviculare, Lin., Common Knot Grass, 938.

Polygonum Convolvulus, Lin., Black Bindweed. On the difference between this and C. dumetorum, see Dr. Bromfield in the Phytologist, vol. iii. p. 765.

Rumex Hydrolapathum, Huds., Great Water Dock. The Avon, 943.

Rumex crispus, Lin., Curled Dock, 944.

Rumex obtusifolius, Lin., Blunt-leaved Dock, 947.

Rumex sanguineus, Lin., Blood veined Dock, 948.

Rumex conglomeratus, Mnr., Sharp-leaved Dock, 948*.

Rumex Acetosa, Lin., Common Sorrel, 951.

Rumex Acetosella, Lin., Sheep's Sorrel, 952.

Euphorbia helioscopia, Lin., Sun Spurge, 962.

Euphorbia exigua, Lin., Dwarf Spurge. Near the coast, 971.

Euphorbia Peplus, Lin., Petty Spurge, 972.

Urtica urens, Lin., Annual Stinging Nettle, 978.

Urtica dioica, Lin., Perrennial Stinging Nettle, 979.

Parietaria officinalis, Lin., Common Pellitory. Walls of Beaulieu Abbey, 982.

Humulus lupulus, Lin., Hop, 983.

Ulmus campestris, Sm., Common Elm. Rare in the Forest, 985a.

Salix cinerea, Lin., Grey Sallow, 1010.

Listera ovata, Br., Common Tway-blade. Meadows round Christchurch, 1038.

Epipactis palustris, Sw., Marsh Helleborine. Chewton Glen. Rare. Mr. Rake, however, has found it growing abundantly in the neighbourhood of Fordingbridge, August, 1862, 1040.

Orchis Morio, Lin., Green-winged Meadow Orchis, 1045.

Orchis mascula, Lin., Early Purple Orchis, 1046.

Orchis maculata, Lin., Spotted Palmate Orchis, 1053.

Iris psecdacorus, Lin., Flag Water Iris, 1067.

Galanthus nivalis, Lin., Common Snowdrop. "Bisterne, apparently wild, though it has, doubtless, at some time or another, been planted," Rev. H. M. Wilkinson, 1074.

Allium vineale, Lin., Common Garlic, 1083.

Ornithogalum umbellatum, Lin., Common Star of Bethlehem. "Bisterne. Not truly wild," Rev. H. M. Wilkinson, 1090.

Tamus communis, Lin., Black Bryony, 1104.

Anacharis Alsinastrum, Bab., Chickweed-like American Weed. R. Stevens, Esq., found this straggler, "July 23rd, 1862, at Knapp Mill, in a ditch leading out of the Avon," 1107*

Alisma Plantago, Lin., Greater Water Plantain, 1109.

Sagittaria sagittifolia, Lin., Arrow Head. The Avon, 1113.

Butomus umbellatus, Lin., Flowering Rush. The Avon, 1114.

Triglochin palustre, Lin., Marsh Arrow Grass. Banks of the Avon, 1116.

Potamogeton densus, Lin., Close-leaved Pond Weed, 1118.

Potamogeton crispus, Lin., Curled Pond-weed. 1124.

Potamogeton perfoliatus, Lin., Perfoliate Pond Weed, 1125.

Potamogeton lucens, Lin., Shining Pond Weed, 1126.

Potamogeton natans, Lin., Broad-leaved Pond Weed, 1132.

Zannichellia palustris, Lin., Horned Pond Weed, 1136.

Lemna minor, Lin., Lesser Duckweed, 1138.

Lemna polyrhiza, Lin., Greater Duckweed, 1140.

Lemna trisulca., Lin.. Ivy-leaved Duckweed. The Avon, 1141.

Arum maculatum, Lin., Cuckoo-pint, 1142.

Sparganium simplex, Huds., Unbranched Bur-reed, 1145.

Sparganium ramosum, Huds., Branched Bur-reed. Found it, with Mr. Lees, in ponds at Wootton, 1147.

Juncus conglomeratus, Lin., Common Rush, 1151.

Juncus effusus, Lin., Soft Rush, 1151.

Juncus glaucus, Sibth., Hard Rush, 1152.

Juncus acutiflorus, Ehrh., Sharp-flowered jointed Rush, 1156.

Juncus lamprocarpus, Ehrh., Shining-fruited jointed Rush, 1157.

Juncus supinus, Mœnch., Whorl-headed Rush, 1159.

Juncus compressus, Jacq., Round-fruited Rush, 1160.

Juncus bufonius, Lin., Toad Rush, 1162.

Luzula campestris, "Br.," Field Wood Rush, 1172.

Scirpus lacustris, Lin., Bull Rush. The Avon, 1184.

Carex paniculata, Lin., Great Panicled Carex. "Chewton Glen," Rev. H. M. Wilkinson, 1224.

Carex vulgaris, Fries., Tufted Bog Carex, 1228.

Carex pallescens, Lin., Pale Carex, 1236.

Carex præcox, Jacq., Vernal Carex, 1251.

Carex pilulifera, Lin., Reed-headed Carex, 1252.

Leersia oryzoides, Sw., Leersia. "Bisterne and Sopley," Rev. H. M. Wilkinson; "Brockenhurst," Phytologist, vol. iv. p. 754; 1262*.

Anthoxanthum odoratum, Lin., Sweet-scented Vernal Grass, 1271.

Phleum pratense, Lin., Meadow Timothy Grass, 1273.

Alopecurus pratensis, Lin., Meadow Fox-tail Grass. Rare in the Forest, 1278.

Alopecurus geniculatus, Lin, Floating Fox-tail Grass, 1279.

Alopecurus agrestis, Lin., Slender Fox-tail Grass, 1282.

Arundo Phragmites, Lin., Common Reed, 1294.

Arundo Epigejos, Lin., Wood Reed, 1296.

Avena flavescens, Lin., Yellow Oat Grass, 1311.

Arrhenatherum avenaceum, Beauvois, Oat-like Grass, 1312.

Holcus lanatus, Lin., Meadow Soft Grass, 1313.

Holcus mollis, Lin., Creeping Soft Grass, 1314.

Catabrosa aquatica, Presl., Water Whorl Grass, 1320.

Glyceria aquatica, Sm., Reed Meadow Grass, 1321.

Glyceria fluitans, Br., Floating Sweet Grass, 1322.

Poa annua, Lin., Annual Meadow Grass, 1328.

Poa pratensis, Lin., Smooth-stalked Meadow Grass, 1331.

Poa trivialis, Lin., Roughish Meadow Grass, 1332.

Briza media, Lin., Common Quaking Grass, 1335.

Briza minor, Lin., Small Quaking Grass. "Corn-fields round Marchwood, perhaps introduced with the grain," W. A. Bromfield, 1336.

Cynosurus cristatus, Lin., Crested Dog's Tail Grass, 1337.

Dactylis glomerata, Lin., Rough Cock's-foot Grass, 1339.

Festuca pratensis, Huds., Meadow Fescue Grass, 1347.

Festuca loliacea, Huds. "Common at Bisterne," Rev. H. M. Wilkinson, 1347 b.

Bromus giganteus, Lin., Tall Fescue Grass, 1348.

Bromus sterilis, Lin., Barren Brome Grass, 1350.

Bromus secalinus, Lin., Smooth Rye Brome Grass, 1354.

Bromus mollis, Lin., Soft Brome Grass, 1356.

Bromus racemosus, Lin.(?) "Common at Bisterne," Rev. H. M. Wilkinson, 1356 b.

Brachypodium sylvaticum, Beauv., Slender False Brome Grass, 1357.

Triticum caninum, Huds., Fibrous-rooted Wheat Grass, 1359.

Triticum repens, Lin., Creeping Wheat Grass, 1360.

Lolium perenne, Lin., Common Rye Grass, 1363.

Hordeum pratense, Huds., Meadow Barley, 1367.

Hordeum murinum, Lin., Wall Barley, 1368.

Equisetum Telmateia, Ehrh., Great Horsetail, 1420.

Equisetum arvense, Lin., Field Horsetail, 1422.

Equisetum palustre, Lin., Marsh Horsetail, 1424.

Whilst these lists were passing through the press, H. C. Watson, Esq., sent me the following additions, all noticed by himself in August, 1861, within three or four miles of Brockenhurst:—

Nasturtium amphibium, Br., Great Yellow Cress, 101.

Viola flavicornis, Sm., Dwarf Yellow-spurred Violet, 189 h.

Epilobium roseum, Schreb., Pale Smooth-leaved Willow Herb, 371.

Epilobium obscurum, Schreb. (For a description of this plant, see Phylologist, new series, vol. ii. p. 19.) 373 b.

Euphrasia gracilis, Fr., 766 b.

Polygonum minus, Huds., Small Creeping Persicaria. (Brorafield in the Flora Vectensis, p. 433, mentions it as growing in the Island.) 938.

Carex binervis, Sm., Green-ribbed Carex, 1239.

Bromus asper, Lin., Hairy Wood Brome Grass, 1349.

To these also may be added Coronopus didyma, mentioned by Bromfield (Phytologist, vol. iii. p. 210) as found along the coast, but which will, perhaps, be met inland.


  1. The numbers after a plant refer to its numerical place in the London Catalogue, whose nomenclature and arrangement have been followed. The English synonyms have been chiefly taken from Smith.
  2. Scirpus parvulus (R. and S.), mentioned by Rev. G. E. Smith as growing "on a mud-flat near Lymington," is now extinct. See Watson's Cybele Britannica, vol. iii. p. 78; and Bromfield, in the Phytologist, vol. iii., 1028.