The New York Times/1865/4/15
The New-York Times.
Articles (not listed in original)
Page 1
- Awful Event - President Lincoln Shot by an Assassin.
- The Siege of Mobile
- Fort Sumter Celebration in Bangor
- European News
- Gen. Lee in Richmond
- Rejoicings at Cincinnati
- Fire
- The Funeral of Gen. T. A. Smyth
- An Unseaworthy War Steamer
- Arrivals in the City
- Collision
Page 2
- Law Reports
- A Remarkable Piece of Mechanism
- A Year of Storms
- Monetary Affairs
- Banking and Financial
- General Markets
- Movements of European Steamers
- Classified/Religious Notices
- Classified/Dry Goods
- Classified/Millinery
- Classified/New Publications
- Classified/Hotels
Page 3
- Classified/Situations Wanted
- Classified/Help Wanted
- Classified/Horses and Carriages
- Classified/Miscellaneous
- Classified/The Army and Navy
- Classified/Machinery
- Classified/For Sale
- Classified/Houses & Rooms Wanted
- Classified/Boarding and Lodging
- Classified/Medical
- Classified/To Let
Page 4
- The New York Times
- News of the Day
- Editorial
- The Record of New-York
- The Change to Peace
- Treatment of Foreign War Vessels
- Richmond
- The Hopes of the South and Its Fate
- Fatal Accident on Board the Steamship Corsica
- Important News from Mexico
- From the Pacific Coast
- The Seven-Thirty Loan
- The Canadian Delegates at Halifax
- A Card from Gen. Carrington
- The State Legislature
Page 5
Page 6
- Extra - The Calamity. A Nation Mourns.
- Second Edition - The Assassination. Additional Details of the Lamentable Event.
- Third Edition - The Death of the President. Particulars of His Last Moments.
- The Assassins
- The Succession
- The Feeling in the City
- The Common Council
- Feeling in the Country
- Movements of Gen. Grant
- From Washington
- The State Legislature
- From San Francisco
- Excitement in Wall-Street
- Personal
- Classified/Financial Notices
Page 7
- Classified/Shipping
- Classified/Coal
- Classified/Personal
- Classified/Railroads
- Classified/Steamboats
- Classified/Copartnership Notices
- Classified/Business Chances
- Classified/Amusements
- Classified/Lectures
- Classified/Instruction
- Classified/Teachers
- Classified/Groceries & Provisions
- Classified/Machinery
- Classified/Dentistry
- Classified/Musical
Page 8
- Local Intelligence
- General City News
- Brooklyn News
- New-Jersey
- Passengers Arrived
- Marine Intelligence
Many pages also include advertisements.