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The New York Times/1865/4/15/General City News

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4756889The New York Times, 1865, 4, 15 — From Washington


Last Draft Meeting in the Ninth Ward.—The association in this ward met last evening pursuant to a call made prior to the publication of Gen. Fry's order, and after hearing the report of their treasurer, Mr. Wilson, adopted unanimously the following resolution, presented by Sinclair Tousey, Esq.

Resolved, That the funds remaining on hand after all expenses have been paid shall be donated to the managers of the Soldiers Orphans Home at Flushing, L. I.

The balance now in the treasury is a little over $750. Resolutions were also adopted returning the thanks of the meeting to the officers of the association, and also to Capt. C. R. Coster, the Provost-Marshal of the Sixth District, in which the Ninth Ward is comprised. This gentleman has been most indefatigable lo his efforts to aid the drafted men of the ward, and is held in high esteem among them, if the resolutions are a criterion. In adjourning forever, the meeting expressed their gratitude to the armies and Generals of the United States for bringing about the happy conclusion of all our late national woes.

Personal.—The friends of Gen. C. D. Mac Dougall will be glad to learn that the General will shortly pay a visit to this city. Gen. Mac Dougall entered the service at the breaking out of the war as Captain in the Seventy-fifth New-York Regiment, and after serving for one year was promoted to the Colonelcy of the One Hundred and Eleventh New-York Regiment. At Gettysburgh and Bristow he commanded the Third Brigade, and has been in all the battles that have occurred since. He received a shot through the arm at the battle of Gettysburg, but refused to retire, and fainted on the field from loss of blood. The General is only 26 years of age, and has probably seen as much and as active service as any officer of his years.

New Cars on the New-York and Harlem Railroad.—To-day (Saturday) the New-York and Harlem Rallroad-clty line, or "Fourth-avenue" as it is more generally known—will place on their road a new set of cars, instead of the old ones, which were neither numerous enough or good enough to perform the service. Instead of forty-two rickelty cars there will in future be sixty—all of the latest style. Mr. Thomas J. Brown, one of the most efficient officers the Custom-house ever possessed, la the Superintendent of this line, and his activity and energy are already having their effect. He is determined that the cars shall run on time from the Custom-house; that they be kept cleanly, and that the conductors are civil and attentive to passengers.

Fatal Accident at Bath, L.I.—On Thursday afternoon, a party of workmen employed in painting and decorating Mayor Gunther's residence at Bath, L.I., took a sailboat and pushed off into the bay. After they had been out a short time, by some mismanagement, the boat was upset, and the party, four in number, were thrown into be water. They all succeeded in reaching land except a painter named Burns, who was drowned. The body was recovered, and is now at the house of the Mayor in Bath. The deceased was in the employ of Mr. Acker, No. 9 Macdougal-street, New-York.

Church of the Holy Trinity.—The Church of the Holy Trinity, just erected at the intersection of Madison avenue and East Forty-second-street, from the designs and under the superintendence of Mr. J. Wrey Mould, architect, will be opened for Divine service for the first time to-morrow (Easter Sunday.) The pastor, Rev. Stephen H. Tyng, Jr.. will officiate in the morning—the Rev. Dr. Tyng, of St. George's, in the evening. An efficient choir, led by Mme. C. M. Brinkerhoff, will contribute to the musical portion of the ceremonies.

A New Church.—An advertisement among our Religious Notices announces the opening of the new church of the Holy Trinity, Madison-avenue, corner of Forty-second-street, on Sunday. Sermons will be preached at the three sessions by Rev. Dr. Tyng, of St. George's, Rev. Dr. Dyke and Rev. Stephen H. Tyng, Jr., the pastor of the church. It promises to be an occasion of great interest to the residents on Murray Hill.

A Veteran Temperance Corps.—All persons who have abstained from intoxicating drinks during a third of a century and upward are invited to meet at Room No. 24, Cooper Institute, at 712 P. M., on Tuesday evening, April 18, and take measures for organizing a veteran temperance corps.

Out Public Schools—Patriotic Demonstrations.—There will be a patriotic demonstration at Grammar School No. 48. West Twenty-eighth-street, near Sixth-avenue, at 9 o'clock on Tuesday morning next. A pleasant time may be expected.

Miss Emma Hardinge speaks to-night at Dodworth's Hall, on "Politics in the Pulpit." The lady is, we understand, prepared to answer any questions her auditors see fit to ask upon the subject.