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The New York Times/1865/4/15/The State Legislature

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4479036The New York Times, 1865, 4, 15 — The State Legislature


Message from Governor Fenton



Albany, Saturday, April 15.

After an impressive prayer by Rev. Mr. Selkuk, Mr. Humphrey said:

Mr. President—I understand that His Excellency the Governor is about to send a communication to this body, announcing the terrible calamity that has befallen our country. I move, therefore that no business be transacted until the reception of the communication from the Governor.

Subsequently Col. Hastings, the Governor's Private Secretary, appeared within the bar of the Senate and delivered the following message:

State of New-York—Executive Chamber,
, April 15, 1865.

To the Legislature:

It becomes my painful duty to announce to the Legislature the death of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States. It is with emotions of profoundest sorrow that I make this announcement to your honorable body. Such an event is a national calamity, and under the circumstances now attending the bereavement, the nation weeps with heightened anguish. To be deprived of his wisdom, experience and counsel at a time when most important to return to the United States peace, fraternity and prosperity—at a time when the gigantic war which confronted him at the threshold of his Administration is about drawing to a close, and a final deliverance obtained from our civil disturbances for which we have sacrificed so much, is a calamity that will cause the deepest sorrow and gloom to the millions of our land, and to the friends of freedom throughout the world.

This is the third time in our history that the Republic bas been subjected to this trial, but it is hoped that our good cause and country watered by a nation's tears and sancified by its prayers, will pass in safety through the ordeal to a higher life and destiny. I have also to communicate to you the sad intelligence that Secretary of State, William H. Seward, was likewise a victim of the tragic plot of the assassins, and now lies in an unconscious condition. May God spare his life to this nation.

R. E. FENTON, Governor.

Mr. Taylor moved the following resolution, which was adopted by consent, in silence:

Resolved, if the Assembly concur, that the message of his Excellency, the Governor, be referred to a joint committee of five from the Senate and seven from the Assembly, which was adopted and transmitted to the Assembly, when a recess was taken, until 11:30 o'clock.

The President announced the committee on the part of the Senate: Messrs. Folger, Murphy, Andrews, Cook and Shafer.

Subsequently the committee reported the following through Mr. Folger:

The Joint Committee of the two houses on the message of his Excellency the Governor, this day transmitted to the Legislature, makes the following report:

The Committee having in mind that the funeral ceremonies of the late President of the United States will probably take place on some early day in the next week, and that such day will be observed throughout the whole country as a day of solemn recognition of the tragic and awful event which now fills all thoughts, and that the Legislature will join in that observance, do unanimously recommend that on the day which shall be appointed for such obsequies, the two Houses of the Legislature do meet in their respective chambers, at the hour appointed for such funeral ceremonies, and that then, the two Houses being opened with prayer by clergymen especially selected for that service, resolutions appropriate to the occasion be offered. That the Joint Committee of the two Houses be now empowered to sit again to draft such resolutions, and report them on that day to the respective Houses, and do report the following resolution:

Resolved by the Senate, if the Assembly concur, That, viewing this unexampled and solemn event as demanding a cessation of legislative business, do now adjourn until Tuesday of next week, at 11 o'clock A. M.

CHARLES J. FOLGER, Chairman of the Senate Committee.

THOMAS B. VAN BUREN, Chairman of the Assembly Committee.

The report of the Committee was adopted, and the Senate adjourned until Tuesday morning, at 11 o'clock.