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The New York Times/1865/4/15/The Succession

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4479028The New York Times, 1865, 4, 15 — The Succession


Mr. Johnson Inaugurated as President.

He Will Perform His Duties Trusting in God.

The Oath Administered by Secretary Chase.

Washington, Saturday, April 15—12 A.M.

Andrew Johnson was sworn into office as President of the United States by Chlef Justice Chase, to-day, at eleven o'clock.

Secretary McCullough and Attorney-General Bates, and others were present.

He remarked:

"The duties are mine, and I will perform them, trusting in God.


Washington, Saturday, April 15.

At an early hour this morning, Hon. Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War, sent an official communication to Hon. Andrew Johnson, Vice President of the United States, that in consequence of the sudden and unexpected death of the Chief Magistrate, his inauguration should take place as soon as possible, and requesting him to state the place and hour at which the ceremony should be performed.

Mr. Johnson immediately replied that it would be agreeable to him to have the proceedings take place at his rooms in the Kirkwood House as soon as the arrangements could be perfected.

Chief Justice Chase was informed of the fact and repaired to the appointed place in company with Secretary McCullough, of the Treasury Department, Attorney-General Speed, J. P. Blair, Sr., Hon. Montgomery Blair, Senators Foot, of Vermont, Ramsay, of Minnesota, Yates, of Illinois, Stewart, of Nevada, Hale, of New Hampshire, and Gen. Farnsworth, of Illinois.

At eleven o'clock the oath of office was administered by the Chief Justice of the United States, in his usual solemn and impressive manner.

Mr. Johnson received the kind expressions of the gentlemen by whom he was surrounded in a manner which showed his earnest sense of the great responsibilities so suddenly devolved upon him, and made a brief speech, in which he said:

"The duties of the office are mine. I will perform them. The consequences are with God. I feel that I shall need your support. I am deeply impressed with the selemnity of the occasion and the responsibility of the duties of the office I am assuming.

Mr. Johnson appeared to be in remarkably good health, and has a high and realizing sense of the hopes that are centred upon him. His manner was solemn and dignified, and his whole bearing produced a most gratifying impression upon those who participated in the ceremonies.

It is probable that during the day President Johnson will issue his first proclamation to the American People.

It is expected, though nothing has been definitely determined upon, that the funeral of the late President Lincoln will take place on or about Thursday next. It is supposed that his remains will be temporarily deposited in the Congressional Cemetery.