The Selkirk Mountains/Foreword
The accompanying Guide to The Selkirk Mountains centralises around Glacier House, the most delightful of all the delightful summer mountain resorts of the Canadian Pacific Railway. It is situated on the western slopes, three miles from the crossing of the Summit, and the information given is here fairly complete. Outside this centre the book touches the districts of Golden, Windermere and Revelstoke, but in such localities the mountain areas are as yet little known, few of the topographical features are named and there are no maps of the slightest use to the mountain-pilgrim.
The information dealing with the Glacier section is, for the most part, obtained from photo-topographical surveys made by the writer during the years 1901, 1902 and 1905, augmented by subsequent information gathered for the purposes of the Alpine Club of Canada.
The text is written by Mrs. H. J. Parker, of Winnipeg, who has collaborated with me in presenting the book to the public in its present form. To her earnest collaboration, hard work and gifted pen any success that may attend the publication is altogether due.
It is hoped that the Guide will be of use to the mountaineer, and may enable the general public to enjoy more readily the unique alpine beauties of these white-shrouded peaks, mighty ice-falls and hazy blue valleys, where wild glacial torrents foam through primeval forests and silver falls leap down precipices from the snows above.
We have received much kind assistance from various persons who have truly at heart the best welfare of this very real wonderland, and to whom we now wish to convey publicly our most grateful thanks. They are for illustration to Byron Harmon, of Banff; Miss M. Vaux and Mrs. Charles SchaflFer, of Philadelphia; Howard Chapman and Ivor X. Austin, of Victoria, B.C.: for latest information of trails and facilities for minor expeditions to S. H. Baker, of Banff. Concerning the vicinity of Revelstoke, .J. P. Forde and Rupert W. Haggen have furnished information.
In the Golden and Windermere districts we are indebted to Miss C. DA. Lang, of Golden, who has gathered information from the local guides and outfitters and at much trouble put it in tangible form; to Charles D. Ellis, of Ellenvale Ranch, B. G. Hamilton of Wilmer and H. E. Forster, Firlands; while the illustrations are due to the camera of E. W. Hamden of Boston.
The Geological Note is by Prof. A. P. Coleman, President of the Alpine Club of Canada.
The botanical notes and accompanying illustrations are by Mrs. J. W. Henshaw. of Vancouver, authoress of "Mountain Wild Flowers of Canada." Notes on trees and flowers, on the animals, birds, and fish are from Professor .John Macoun, Dominion Naturalist. To one and all of these public benefactors we tender our most sincere thanks for their great kindness.
On board Steamer "Venture" going North.