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The Way to Improve the Memory

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The Way to Improve the Memory (1874)
by Edwin Horatio Fairchild
4758766The Way to Improve the Memory1874Edwin Horatio Fairchild











Published by the Author, 2s, Rheidol Terrace,
Packington Street, Islington.







Explaining by Numerous examples, how to acquire knowledge, in every branch of Study; with wonderful ease and rapidity.


F. A. Ford, Printer, Upper Street Printing Works,
2, Ruffords Row, Upper Street, Islington.


In introducing the reader to the very important subject of Scientific Memory, it is the desire of the author to be as brief as is compatible with accuracy and clearness, to dispense, as far as it is advisable with all the theoretical, and to plunge as quickly as possible into the most practical portions of the system.

This treatise was originally written for the use of those who had not availed themselves of my classes, or previously made themselves in any way acquainted with the Science of Memory. The subject throughout the following pages will therefore, be treated in the same plain, simple & careful style that has been so generally successful during my professional career.

Some will perhaps sneer at me for my simple language, and think the examples too easy, others rebuke me for my frequent recapitulation; while some will no doubt scorn me, for divulging this beautiful system so cheaply, and maybe condemn me, for not filling many pages with extraneous, and useless matter, but I care not for the condemnation of the few, if only successful in gaining the approbation of the many.

Allow me to inform all such persons, "that it is not my wish, either by cloaking my ideas, or otherwise, to please any particular faction;" but it is my earnest desire, by the simple, clear, and comprehensible rendering of a far-reaching, important and delightful Science, to as far as possible—confer a lasting benefit upon all mankind.

London, 1874.



Assimilation, the first principle of the Science of Memory, is derived from the Latin,—Adsimilis; which means to make similar, or, to convert one thing to the nature of another. If it is with words that you wish to deal, you must firstly Assimilate, that is, try to make the word which you do not know, resemble one that you do know. That can at all times be more or less accomplished by an analogy of sound.

I therefore briefly define the first principle thus:—

"To Assimilate, is to make that which is not familiar, more familiar; by a similar sound." In order to render this portion of the subject perfectly clear, let us take a few examples of committing to Memory Foreign words, with their English meanings. By so doing, we shall get something which will perhaps not be familiar to the reader, and the importance of making it "more familiar" is more likely to be seen, than as if, the meaning of the word was already thoroughly well-known. Presume that you are now desirous of learning the following Latin word, "Arbor," with its English meaning; the possibility is,—that the reader may never have seen, or, heard the sound of the word "Arbor" before, if such is the case it will be unfamiliar, before then, you attempt to learn the meaning of the word, you must try to make it "more familiar;" you have in fact to use your first principle—Assimilation—or to make one thing resemble another, to do that, ask yourself "What does it sound like." Now this will depend very much upon the individual organ of sound, for what a difficult word may sound like to one person, it may not sound like to another, and furthermore, what is familiar to one person may not be familiar to another, thus, it is better to take your own—assimilations, or similar sounds, because they are the most familiar. For the previously mentioned important reasons, the Author will throughout the examples, take his own Assimilations. Let us still presume that we are desirous of committing to memory the Latin word "Arbor," we say, "what does it sound like";? to the author it sounds like "Arbour," thus we have made that which was unfamiliar (Arbor) resemble that which is more familiar (Arbour) the one we did not know the meaning of, and the other we do. We have now no longer to deal with the difficult which is Arbor, but with the more easy which is Arbour, presuming that there is such & resemblance in the sound, that if we can only secure the one, it will be sure to suggest the. other. I will now place them as under, with the Latin on the left, the Assimilation next, and the English translation next.


It is now evident that we have to remember that "Arbour" means Tree, but to understand how that may be readily done, you must "carefully" study the next principle.



Association, the second principle of the Science, is derived from the Latin,—Socius, which means, a companion, or one that is familiar; thus the "association of ideas," means the uniting of those ideas that are already "familiar." I will therefore briefly define the second principle thus:—

To Associate, is to connect one "familiar" idea to the other by "imagination." That is to be done by thinking of something that is either likely or unlikely to be said or done in relation to the two familiars. Do not reject an imagination because you think it ridiculous, or that it never could have been a possibility; for they, as a rule, are the imaginations which are the most striking. The first imagination which you receive in relation to two familiars, is generally the most powerful, and the best, and, so long as it is not morally wrong, you should not reject it. There are many reasons that could be adduced, why the first imagination should be accepted, but suffice it to say, that what is imagined first to-day, will be imagined firstly to-morrow, or any number of days hence, so long as the "cause" which gave rise to the first suggestion remains the samте.

Let each imagination be vivid and distinct, abounding in detail, and clearly "pictured" with all the incidentals, do not look with disdain upon simple ideas, for only the addition of an "imaginary" straw would perhaps, be sufficient to fix in the mind what might otherwise have been irretreviably lost.

Having descanted so far upon the principle of Association, I will proceed to show how it may be used in actual practice, that this may the more clearly be done, let us return to our former example; the student will remember that we made our unfamiliar into a more familiar, by a "similar sound," we will again place them as before, that the reader may the more clearly follow me.


"Arbour" is now one "familiar" and "Tree" the other, it is necessary now to unite these two ideas by "Association"; or, in other words to "Imagine" something in relation to an "Arbour" and a "Tree" this of course should be done by the person desirous of committing the words to memory for possibly his idea of an arbour, or a tree, will not be in entire accordance with the author's; but nevertheless, my association shall be explained, not promising that it shall have much effect in fixing the words in the readers mind, but only as a means of showing how associations may easily be framed for, and by himself.

"Association:—Let the student imagine that the weather is so intensely hot, that he has sought repose in the "Arbour," and is now in comfort under a beautiful spreading "Tree"

Whenever then you are asked for the meaning of the Latin word Arbor, say to yourself; "what does it sound like, and if it has sounded like "Arbour" once, it will sound similar at any time that you hear it, and if you have clearly "imagined" as I hope you have, whenever you think of the "Arbour" you will also think of reclining under the "Tree"

Let us now take another example:


"Caput," sounds to the author like Cap-out," we have therefore to connect "Cap-out," which is one familiar to "Head," which is the other "familiar"; the author will again give his association, under similar conditions to before, viz:—not with the idea of fixing the word upon your mind, but for the purpose of showing how you may "Assimilate," and "Associate" for yourself.

Association:—Think when a boy takes his "Cap-out," it should always be on his "Head"; bear in mind, it is not when he takes his cap in, but when he takes his "Cap out" it should be on his "Head." Let us now take a few more examples, and we will not occupy the time to make any further explanations, but will place the foreign word first, the assimilation next, the English next. and the "Association" of the author directly underneath


Association;—Think it would be a piece of Folly to tie yourself in A Bag.



Association:—Think it gives you much Cheer to take your old friend by the Hand.


Association:—Think you can see a lot of old Cronies with their arms folded gossiping wasting Time.


Association:—Think that the proper dress for a Woman is a Gown.


Association:—Think of a self-willed servant who has a great Hatred, of her Missus.


Association:—Think that you have a Polly, (a parrot) that will speak better than Mamy.


Association:—Think of seeing an ox Slain by the light of the Moon.

The preceeding examples will no doubt, be sufficient to enable the reader to understand the principles of assimilation and association; it is clear that it matters not what language you may be desirous of learning whether Latin, Greek, Spanish, German, Italian, Portugese, English, or any other that is spoken, or to what the words that you wish to remember may apply, the previous difficulty of committing to memory words with their significations can, with a little perseverance and practice, be rendered a delightful recreation; affording ample and wholesome food for the mind; and often bringing highly amusing thoughts or imaginations that can only possibly end in exulting pleasantness, and may be hearty laughter to the body.



Location, the third principle of the system is also derived from the Latin,—Locus, which means to "place," to place anything in any spot or position is to Locate it; thus the Location of ideas means the putting of ideas in places or positions.

This may be done with or without arrangement, but if we wish to insure getting our ideas back when we want them, we must do it by arrangement; or, in other words, we must have a place for every idea, and every idea in its place.

You must not at first aim at obtaining a large number of positions of Locality, but get a few and then be sure to properly use them.

A man who has one hat peg, and makes a rule of placing his hat upon it the instant he arrives home, will be able to find his hat far more easily when required, than a man who may have one thousand pegs, and who does not regularly place his hat upon any particular one. So it is with ideas, it is not the multiplicity of the positions of Location that will enable you to find your ideas when required, but it is by always putting them into their proper places that will be sure to do so.

That there may not be any difficulty in knowing where you have located your ideas, firstly select, and then learn the proper numbers and positions of the places; that can readily be done by taking a room to which you are acquainted, and dividing it into nine. Let it be a room that is quite familiar, as it will not then be any difficulty to convey your imagination to any part thereof, no matter how far it is away. Having thought of the room that is the most familiar, proceed to divide it by imagination, into nine. numbering each division as shown below:—


1 2 3
Left Hand Fire Place Right Hand
4 5 6
Centre of Room
7 8 9

The student will observe that No. 2 is marked as the fire-place, and no matter what position or part of the room the fire-place occupies, it is always No. 2. No. 1 is always on the left hand side of the fire-place, and 3 on the right hand side, and No. 5 is always the centre of the room. The reader must commit the positions to memory so that whenever he wishes to think of any part of his room, he will instantly be able to state what the number of that part is, for example—if he were to be asked which is "5" he should at once say the "centre," or, which is "2" the "fire-place," and so on throughout the whole of the positions.

If any doubt should arise as to which way the positions are to be counted, place the preceeding diagram of the room on your table, with the numbers 1, 2, & 3, towards the fire-place, and you will at once have them as they are to be used. Anything that may be in either of the divisions of your room, is called by the number of the position that it is in, and you are at liberty to connect as many associations to it as you think fit. If you choose, you are for the purpose of association, at liberty to imagine anything you like in either portion of your room.


"Mnemonical," is derived from the Greek.—Mnemon, meaning, "endued, or supplied with a good memory," thus, anything which is "Mnemonical," will be that which endows supplies, or assists the memory.

Mnemonical-translation, will therefore mean to translate, or change, one thing to another for the purpose of assisting the Memory.

Let us then simply define the fourth principle thus—Mnemonical translation, is to Make that which is not familiar more familiar."

Some would perhaps think the first and the fourth principles very much alike, but, although they may at first appear to be so, there is a difference between them. When using the first principle, you have to make an unfamiliar, familiar, by a "similar sound;" but, when using the fourth principle, you have to make an unfamiliar, familiar, whether it sounds like it or not. That may be done when you wish to deal with foreign alphabets. Geometrical forms, &c., by asking yourself what the character "looks like" and trying to create a resemblance between the one that you do know, and the one that you do not. But in some cases we make an unfamiliar more familiar, where there is not the slightest similarity between the two; either in "sound" or "structure"; we adopt this course when dealing with figures." (Algebraical characters) Let us take for example the figure "1" which we will call unfamiliar, we wish to Mnemonically translate it, that is to make it more familiar, well, we do not ask ourselves "what does it look like," or, what does it sound like" but we instantly convert it into that which it neither looks—or, sounds like, that is, a letter of our already familiar English alphabet, the letter "T." The figure 1 is now represented by "T," and as we shall very soon see it is not so difficult to remember "T" as it would be to remember" 1." Every figure has its representatives taken from the English Alphabet. By translating or converting figures into letters, we obtain what may be termed a "Mnemonical Alphabet." The letters that are to represent the figure are placed directly under the figure, thus 1 is represented both by "T" and "B." 2 by "L" and "W," as is shown below.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

Let the student now commit the above alphabet to memory, so that the very instant that he sees, or hears the sound of "1" he knows that is either a "T" or "B," when he sees or hears "2" that it is "L" or "W," when "3" that it is "H" or "O," and so on throughout. If the instant that the reader wishes to learn any figures, he knows by what they are represented, then he will be able to master the task proportionally as quick.

For the purpose of showing how the entire four principles of this system may be used in conjunction, I will give by way of example, a few figures.

Example:—4 6 8 2 7 3 7 3 1 5 8 4 9 0 1 2 8 5 0 9 1 6 8 3 4 6 1 2 6 3 2 6 4 0 1 5.

The possibility is, that if the reader wished to commit to memory a number of figures similar to the above,, so that he could recite the whole of them forwards, tell any particular figure from either corner that he might be asked for, or recite them all backwards, and he was to attempt to learn them merely by repetition, it would take him a very considerable time; but, with careful attention to the principles of this Science. and a moderate amount of practice, he would be able to overcome such a task in a few minutes. Firstly, divide the above example into convenient portions, say for instance, into fours, then turn them into "either" of the letters that they are represented by in the Mnemonical Alphabet, then Assimilate by asking yourself, what those letters sound like, that will give you a familiar word, which you must Associate, by Locating in one of the positions of your room.

Example:—The first four figures of the above task are 4 6 8 2, and they are represented. either by M. N. G. L., or, D. V. F. W., that is to say, you are at liberty to take either the first or second representative for the figure, which ever will bring the best sound to yourself.

The author would Mnemonically translate 4 6 8 2, as M N G L. Now you must "Assimilate" by asking yourself, what does it sound like, to me it sounds M a N G L e, that is at once familiar, and you must now "Associate" by connecting one familiar to the other, which is to be done by Locating, or, in other words, imagine that you can see a M a N G L e in the first position of your room. Be sure to imagine clearly, and any ideas that you have yourself relative to the associations, are likely to be better than those any one else can give you, Let us now take the remainder of the task, we will place the figures first, the Mnemonical translation next, the Assimilation next, and my Association directly underneath. The Number at the side signifies, which portion of the task it is, and which position of Locality you have to imagine it in, thus:—

Mnemonical Translation.
1. 4 6 8 2. M N G L. MANGLE.

Think of the mangle in the first position.

2. 7 3 7 3. C O C O. COCOa.

Think of a poor young fellow in his single blessedness, fumbling about trying to make a cup of Cocoa, in the second position.

3. 1 5 8 4. B Y J M. BoYJaM.

Think of a sly Boy stealing Jam, in the third position.

4. 9 0 1 2. P S T L PISTOL.

Think of a beautiful Pistol in the fourth position.

5. 3 5 0 9. H R S P. HaRe SouP

Think of some savoury Hare Soup, on the table in the fifth position.

6. 1 6 8 3. B N J O. BaNJO,

Think there is a niggerin the sixth position, tuning up his Banjo.

7. 4 6 1 2. M N T L. MaNTLe.

Think that in the seventh position there is a splendid Mantle.

8. 6 3 2 6. V O L N. ViOLiN.

Think that in the eighth position there is hanging a fine-toned Violin.

9. 4 0 1 5. D S T R. DuSTER.

Think that in the ninth position there is lying a Duster.

Each of the above examples must be surrounded by the readers' own associations, in accordance with the particular arrangement of the articles in the room of location, and the ideas he may have in connexion with them. When the student desires to recall any of the groups of figures he must think what he placed in his position of locality.

For example:—If you desire to recall the first four figures, try to think of what you imagined in the first position of locality, you will remember, that it was a mangle, that gives you the sound of M N G L which, being Mnemonically translated, or, converted into figures gives you 4682, if you wish for the second group, think of what you had in the second position, if you wish to think of the third group, think of what you had in the third position, and so on throughout the entire of the task.

The Classification of Ideas. and Applicability of the Science, to every Branch of Study.

In the foregoing examples we have used the entire four principles of the Science of Memory, and, when those principles are properly understood and used, they are just as applicable to one, as to any other subject; for the following reasons—

"It matters not upon what study we may embark, of what we may think, hear, or read, there are only certain classes of ideas that the human mind can have. When we take into consideration the vast number of subjects with which we come in contact, or have to deal with during our existence, the thought might not unnaturally arise, that the classes of ideas must be very numerous. But such is not the case. Although there may in some instances be Thousands, Millions, Billions, Trillions, or even Quadrillions, of ideas pass through the mind in the space of twenty-four hours, everyone of those ideas must belong to one of "three," classes, given below:—


The first class, is the Familiar, or that which is known; the second class is the less familiar, or that which is not known so well; the third class is the unfamiliar, or that which is not known. Now, no matter what may have been your previous belief relative to the multiplicity of the classes of ideas, I think that from the above short analysis, that it is clear these are the only classes of ideas that it is possible for us to have; it must either be something that we do know, something that we do not know so well, or something that we do not know. There is such a close analogy between the first and second class of ideas, that we may for all practical purposes treat them as one class; thus, we shall have merely to deal with two classes of ideas, viz:—the familiar, and the unfamiliar.

Now, as every idea that you have must belong to one of these classes—that is to say, must either be familiar or unfamiliar—whenever you wish to commit anything to memory you should firstly try to find "to which class does that idea belong," for, if you do so, you will then be able to determine which principle it is necessary to use. If you find that your idea is unfamiliar, use the first principle assimilation, try to make it more familiar by a similar sound, or use your fourth, principle, Mnemonical translation, try to make it more familiar, by converting the difficult character into a more easy one If your idea should be of the opposite class—familiar—use your second principle association by connecting one familiar idea to another, imagine or form a mental picture between the two ideas. Seeing, that no matter what you may be desirious of remembering can only be composed of two classes of ideas,—the familiar and unfamiliar,—and it having been shown that, the principles of this system will secure both of these classes, it is clear that it only requires a moderate amount of perseverance, practice, and inventiveness, on the part of the student, to enable him to apply the Science of Memory advantageously to any subject,—no matter how simple or difficult it be,—to which he may wish to turn his attention.


It does not follow that because we have now in our possession four beautiful principles, that everything we require to commit to memory, necessitates the use of the whole of them, sometimes two, will be quite sufficient, as shown with the foreign words with their equivalants, (P. S. 2-7) and sometimes four are required, as shown with the figures (P. S. 13-16), at other times you will be able to accomplish your desires by the use of three. The three principles to which allusion is made, are:—Assimilation, Association, and Mnemonical translation; leaving out the third principle Location, merely because we think "that the following examples do not require to be retained or recalled in any particular order, and we do not therefore unnecessarily Locate them."

I will give a few examples of how the three principles may be used conjointly, not promising that there shall be any relating to the particular avocation or pursuit of the reader, but, in the hope of the student draw-ing sufficient information therefrom to enable him to apply the principles to his individual requirements.

supposing that there was any business, domestic or other document, of which you wished to remember the number you could do so upon the following plan: firstly, Mnemonically translate the figures, then Assimilate by asking yourself what "does it sound like" and then Associate.

Example:—Say that you wish to remember the amount, and the number of this bank mote,—


The first thing to do is to convert "70" into some of the letters by which it is represented taking care to select those that will give you the best sound. I should make the "70" into 'K S' because that sounds like "K i s S." Now convert the number, which I should do to, N K O N N S, which sounds to me like (k) N o c K O N N o S e, you must now Associate or connect the one familiar to the other which may be done by thinking "you have just received payment in this note, when you get home your wife is going to give you a Kiss but in her endeavour to do so, gives you a (k) Nock On the Nose Where you have to deal with words in relation to figures, such as in the "heights of mountains, lengths or breadths of rivers, historical events, names and addresses of persons, names of persons giving orders, or paying or receiving cash, latitudes and longitudes, &c., &c., &c, and were the words are not familiar you must firstly make them familiar, and then deal with the figures; Example—

SNOWDON, 3571 feet high.

The first thing to do is to ask yourself "what does Snowdon sound like," to the author it sounds like Snowed-on; now let us convert the figures into H R C B which sounds to me like H i R e C a B, we have now to associate the two familiar ideas. which you may do by thinking 'that you are out one winter's night, and rather than get Snowed-on you will Hire a Cab.

Let us now place the examples in one line, with my Assimilation, and Mnemonical translation underneath, and my Association underneath that. Example:—

JULIUS CÆSAR invaded Briton 5 5 B. C


Think that a poor Jew is very Rare.

If I wish to remember that Mr.—————— lived at —————— it would be just as easy for me to do. Take the next example:—

Mr. Slater, 34, Mortimer Street. Suggests Slate HeaD Mortar.

Think you can see a man ascending a ladder, with a Slate on his Hea D, on which there is some mortar. At any time I am asked for the address of Mr. Slater, his name suggests Slate on the man's Head and that suggests mortar, thus giving both the name of the person, the number of his house, and the name of the street in which he resides. For latitudes and longitudes manipulate the principles in a similar manner,

Example: LEGHORN Suggests Leg. 43 DitcH. 10 BuS.

Think that you have hurt your Leg by falling into a Ditch from the top of a Bus.

Let us take another, example:—latitude and longitude, of, LIMA. 12. 76.

Suggests: Lime. BalL. CaN

Think of a Ball of Lime in a Can.

If you are acquainted with the words of any portion of a subject you have not any need to try to make them more familiar, but deal only with that portion of the subject to subject which you are not acquainted, and then associate the two familiars. Example:—

Water boils at 212 degrees.

That portion of the above example to which the majority of persons will perhaps be acquainted, is "Water boils "the part therefore with which you have to deal is that to which you may not be acquainted, viz: "212" translate the number into "W. B. L," which sounds like "W a b B L e," you can readily associate the two portions of the subject in your mind by thinking that "whenever Water boils, it always appears to Wabble, (the act of moving backwards and forwards). There are of course thousands of examples more or less analagous to the foregoing, that appertain either to business, Science, Art, or Literature that could be given, but, I think that sufficient has already been explained to enable the student to discern. how easily, and practically three principles of the Science may be used.

Although the three principles as previously shown, will apply advantageously to a great many subjects, nevertheless we must not omit to mention that we frequently desire to commit facts or events to memory, and to be able to recall them in regular order, if such is the case, you must use the four principles of the system, or in other words, Locate your ideas; this is to be done (as previously shown) by imagining between the point of the subject, and the respective position of Locality. You have already divided your room into nine, (P. G. 9.) but if you think of locating a long subject the nine divisions will of course not be sufficient, you may obtain more then, by "sub-dividing every division into nine. If, however that was to be recklessly done, our positions and ideas would be brought so close together by imagination, that they would be sure to one clash with the other, in order then, to avoid such a misfortune, let us before attempting to increase the number of our positions, try to insure the proper retention, and working of the nine that we at the present time have. That may be most easily done by giving each of the nine positions a familiar name, commencing with the Mnemonical representative for its number, example: position "1" is represented by "T" or "B" thus wishing to give that position a name, we must accordingly give it one commencing either with "T" or "B." I take the "T" and call position one "Tree." "2" is "L" or "W" I take the "L" and call position two "Lion" and each of the other positions similar, as is shown below.


1 2 3
Tree Lion House
4 5 6
Mill Rod Nun
7 8 9
Kite Fat Pipe

The student has not of course to imagine the "Tree" "Lion" "House" &c., in his room, but merely to learn the names in relation to those numbers, and by keeping the room divided it will in itself greatly assist in the retention of the names of the divisions, and also what positions they occupy in relation to any subject that has been located on to them. For example:—while the student might say, "that is in the first place, or position," he may have located or imagined between the first portion of his subject and a "Tree" perhaps miles away. There will not be any difficulty in recalling the names of the positions, if, when the reader desires to think of one he Mnemonically translates the number, as the letter is the key to the word, that is the name. Example:—Position "1" is called "Tree," well, "1" is represented by "T" or "B," and suggests the word "Tree."

If you wish to think of the name of position "2" translate the "2" which gives you "L" or "W" and "L" suggests "Lion," to each of the other positions adopt a similar course. I would not advise the reader to use more than the nine positions in the commencement, for if he takes no more than them, they will be simple, and he is therefore more likely to understand them, and use them to his advantage, than as if he commenced with a large number; but, as when you have become thoroughly acquainted with the nine and wish to learn a subject possessing more parts, you will undoubtedly require more positions of locality. Adjoined, is the plan of increasing your number by subdivision, you will observe that the whole of the sub-divisions are numbered, and named with the representative for the number, similar to the nine divisions, when the names are added to the sub-divisions, we then call the diagram—"the room of Locality and Mnemonical Key," because the letter which represents the number is the key to the word that is the name of the position.

If the student as he advances with the Science, finds he requires more than the 17 positions, he can increase them by subdividing the other positions, similar to the first, which will give him eighty-one. As I have previously recommended the reader to commence with the nine positions, I will give one or two examples to show how they may be used. If you wish to retain your ideas in order, locate them. If you wish to remember the principles of a Science; the Heads of a Sermon, "locate" them. If you wish to deliver a discourse, a recitation, or otherwise divide your subject, and "locate" the divisions. If you wish to commit to memory Prose or Poetry, read it first very attentively divide it, pick out that which appears the most suggestive, and "locate" it in all cases by imagining clearly between that portion of the subject, and the respective position of locality. Example: The first organ of Phrenology is Amativeness which suggests "A Mat" you can readily Associate that, with the first position, by thinking from a Cocoa nut "Tree" they make a " Mat." The second, "Philoprogenitiveness," my Assimilation for the first portion of the word is "Philip" which is a bye-word for "Police-man," think then that you can see a "Philip" (policeman,) running after (or away) from a Lion, which is the name of the second position. The third organ is " Concentrativeness," it sounds like "Consent" Associate to the third position, by thinking of a young gentleman begging "Consent" to visit the House (perhaps of a lady) the third position. Take the following piece of poetry, the words marked in Italic are those picked out by me for Association:—

Why, am I thus cast upon an Isle, this solitary place?

Where the very birds seem affrighted as if I were their bitterest foe,

Why, this anxious watching, for some long lost friendly face?

Why, these agonising tears this crushing unrelenting woe.

To the suggestives of the first line, think of an Isle upon which there is a solitary "Tree" which is the first position; to the second, think that the birds are affrighted because they know the "Lion' to be their bitterest foe. To the third, think of anxiously watching for a friendly face from the door of your "House;" to the fourth, think of a poor man in agony who through being crushed at the "Mill" has much woe. When you wish to recall any portion of the subject that has been located convey your imagination to that position that you have placed it in, and if your association has been perfect, you are sure to think of it again.


When you desire to commit any subject to memory, ask yourself the mental question to "what class do the ideas belong." If unfamiliar, make them more familiar; if familiar, connect one familiar to the other. If you deal with words, make them more familiar by a similar sound; if with figures, use the "Mnemonical Alphabet;" if with foreign alphabets, trade marks, or any difficult signs, make the one which you do not know resemble one which you do, by "asking yourself what does it look like." If you wish to keep the portions of any subject in order "locate" to your Room of Location, and Mnemonical Key. But at all times, and in all cases, be sure to connect one familiar idea to another, to Associate. Throughout the preceeding pages it has been my endeavour, not to trouble the student with a lot of remarks of my own, but, to make him understand the principles of this Science, and even now, perhaps, many would wish me to go further, but allow me to advise the reader, to use "inventiveness," do not despair, persevere, practice, for everything you wish to remember use your principles, and you must soon become thorough master of the Science of Memory.

Edwin Horatio Fairchild.

This work was published before January 1, 1930, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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