United States Statutes at Large/Volume 45/70th Congress/2nd Session/Chapter 167
[S. 4338.]
[Public, No. 714]
Chap. 167.—An Act To authorize the President to award, in the name of Congress, gold medals of appropriate design to John H . Towers, Albert C. Read, Elmer F. Stone, Walter Hinton, H. C. Rodd, J. L. Breese, and Eugene Rhodes.
Gold medals.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President Award by the President of, in the name of Congress, to personnel of the first trans-Atlantic flight. be, and is hereby, authorized to award, in the name of Congress, gold medals of appropriate design to Commander John H. Towers for conceiving, organizing, and commanding the first trans-Atlantic flight; to Lieutenant Commander Albert C. Read, United States Navy, commanding officer NC-4; to Lieutenant Elmer F. Stone, United States Coast Guard, pilot; to former Lieutenant Walter Hinton, United States Navy, pilot; to Lieutenant H. C. Rodd, United States Navy, radio operator; to former Lieutenant J. L. Breese, United States Naval Reserve Force, engineer; and to former Machinist's Mate Eugene Rhodes, United States Navy, engineer, for their extraordinary achievement in making the first successful trans-Atlantic flight, in the United States naval flying boat NC-4, in May, 1919.
Approved, February 9, 1929.