United States Statutes at Large/Volume 6/13th Congress/2nd Session/Chapter 81
Chap. LXXXI.—An Act for the relief of Archibald M’Call.
Duties refunded on certain merchandise.Be it enacted, &c., That there be paid to Archibald M’Call, of the city of Philadelphia, out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of eight thousand three hundred and four dollars and ninety-five cents, in full for the drawbacks due on the exportation of three hundred and ninety chests of Congo, and one hundred and fifty chests of Souchong teas, to Bremen, in the ship Abigail, in the month of August, one thousand eight hundred and five: Provided, That the said M’Call prove to the satisfaction of the comptroller of the treasury, that the said teas have been landed at some foreign port or place.
Approved, April 18 1814.