United States Statutes at Large/Volume 6/14th Congress/1st Session/Chapter 17
Chap. XVII.—An Act to increase the pensions of Robert White, Jacob Wrighter, John Young, and John Crampersey.
Augmentation of pensions.Be it enacted, &c., That there be and hereby is granted to Robert White, of Reading, in the State of Vermont, who, in the defence of fort Erie, lost both his arms by a cannon-shot, in lieu of the pension to which he is now entitled by law, a pension of forty dollars per month, to commence on the fifth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and fifteen; to Jacob Wrighter, of the city of Trenton, in the State of New Jersey, who lost his right arm and right leg at the capture of Little York, in Upper Canada, in lieu of the pension to which he is now entitled by law, a pension of thirty dollars per month, to commence on the tenth day of May, one thousand eight hundred and fifteen; to John Young, of the town of Boston, and State of Massachusetts, who lost both arms at French Creek, in descending the river St. Lawrence, by a cannon-ball, in lieu of the pension to which he is now entitled by law, a pension of forty dollars per month, to commence from the thirtieth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and fifteen; and to John Crampersey, of the town of Beverly, and State of Massachusetts, who lost both arms in the late war with Great Britain, in lieu of the pension to which he is now entitled by law, a pension of forty dollars per month, to commence from the fifteenth day of November, one thousand eight hundred and fourteen; and the secretary of war is hereby directed to place the said Robert White, Jacob Wrighter, John Young, and John Crampersey on the pension list accordingly.
Apporved, February 22, 1816.