Venona: FBI Documents of Historic Interest/Ladd Memorandum 1951-02-28
TO: THE DIRECTORDATE: February 28, ⟨1951⟩
This memorandum is designed to give you a concise picture of the developments in this case in our investigation of Soviet espionage in the United States, based on information from . The period covered by information is only from April, 194,4 to May, 1945. However, our investigation has shown that many of the MGB agents involved continued their activities through a much later period. It would appear from available information that the main fields of Soviet interests were in (a) United States atomic energy and other scientific developments; (b) infiltration of the United States Government agencies; and (c) infiltration of Trotskyite and White Russian activities. There is attached a memorandum to the field instructing them to follow this matter closely.
You may recall that from time to time you have ⟨been⟩ furnished memoranda in this case designed to give you an ⟨over⟩ all view of activities of the MGB (Soviet intelligence) ⟨based⟩ on information from . This sours has been able to provide us information relating back to the period April, 1944, to May, 1945, regarding Soviet (MGB) operations in the United States. The main limitations on the ⟨information⟩ are that in many instances it is very fragmentary and, in addition, the Soviets' extensive use of code names makes identifications difficult. You will be interested in knowing that based on investigation from the information we have identified 108 persons involved in Soviet espionage activities who have, at one time, been active in the United States. Of this number we already had received information from other sources indicating espionage involvement on 44 of these persons. However, 64 persons were not previously ⟨known⟩ to us as involved in espionage and have been identified through investigation conducted pursuant to this case. A chart explaining this in more detail is set forth on Page ⟨1-A⟩
Total Number Involved in Soviet Espionage | ||
Number Previously Known to us from other information | 44 | |
Number Not Previously Known to us | 64/108 | |
Soviet Officials Not Now in United States | 29a | |
Other Persons Not Now in United States | 20 | |
Persons Deceased (Burd, Duggan, Golos, Ivancic, Kournakoff, Lauterbach, Malisoff, Stapler, White) |
9 | |
Persons Now Cooperative With us (Bentley, D. Greenglassb, R. Greenglass, Black, Elitcher, Goldc, Menaker, Miller, Moczulski, Morrosd, Sabatini, York) |
12 | |
Persons who have been or are being prosecuted (Brothman, Coplon, Fuchse, Gold, Greenglass, Gubitchev, Moskowitz, J. Rosenberg, E. Rosenberg, Slack, Sobell) | 11 | |
Persons involved in Silvermaster Network | 11 | |
Persons involved in Mocase | 3 | |
Other persons on whom there are pending investigations | 18 | |
Less those counted twice, described below | ||
a. Gubitchev is also listed as having been prosecuted. | ||
b. Greenglass is also listed in txosa de ing prosecuted. | ||
c. Gold is also listed as having been prosecuted. | ||
d. Morros also counted in Mocase subjects. | ||
e. Fuchs also counted in those not now in United States. |
Emil Julius Klaus Fuchs
In September, 1949, acting on the basis of information secured from we furnished to information indicating that Fuchs had been active in the ⟨United⟩ States as a Soviet espionage agent. In January, 1950, during ⟨an⟩ interview with Fuchs confessed to atomic espionage on behalf of the Soviets. Fuchs was thereafter ⟨arrested⟩ and convicted for violation of the . On March 1, 1950, he was given the maximum sentence of ⟨fourteen⟩ years. Fuchs was exhaustively interviewed by Bureau ⟨representatives⟩ in London during May, 1950, and furnished information of ⟨value concerning⟩ his espionage activities in the United States.
Harry Gold
Out investigation to identify Fuchs' American ⟨contacts⟩ began simultaneously with our identification of Fuchs as an espionage agent in September, 1949. We had a little ⟨information⟩ from concerning this man which indicated not only that he had been in contact with Fuchs, but was also in contact with Abraham Brothman. We also secured information concerning him from Fuchs and Mrs. and Mr. Robert Heineman, ⟨who⟩ are Fuchs' sister and brother-in-law respectively. All of ⟨these⟩ persons rejected photographs of Harry Gold which were shown ⟨to⟩ them initially. However, after an involved investigation we centered on Harry Gold as our best suspect, and on May 22, ⟨1950⟩ he admitted extensive espionage activity in the United States. Also on May 22, 1950, Fuchs tentatively identified motion pictures of Gold which were shown to him as his espionage co(illegible text). Fuchs, on the following day, definitely identified the photographs of Gold. Gold was arrested on May 23, 1950, and ⟨indicted⟩ on June 9, 1950, by a Federal Grand Jury in the Eastern ⟨District⟩ of New York. He pled guilty to this indictment and on ⟨December⟩ 9, 1950, Judge James P. McGranery in Philadelphia sentenced ⟨him⟩ to thirty years imprisonment, less the time served since his plea of guilty on July 20, 1950.
Alfred Dean Slack
One of the persons named by Harry Gold was Alfred Slack. On the basis of information from Gold, Slack was ⟨interviewed⟩ on June 15, 1940, at which time he admitted his ⟨espionage⟩ activities and admitted he had furnished to Gold a sample of ⟨the⟩ formula for the explosive "EDI' while Slack was employed by ⟨the⟩ Holston Ordnance Works, Kingsport, Tennessee, in 1944. Slack ⟨was⟩ indicted in the Eastern District of Tennessee on June 15, ⟨1950⟩, pled guilty, and on September 22, 1950, he was sentenced to fifteen years by Judge Robert L. Taylor at Greeneville, ⟨Tennessee⟩.
Thomas L. Black
Another individual identified by Gold as active in espionage for the Soviets was Thomas L. Black. Gold ⟨admitted he⟩ was initiated into the Soviet espionage activity by Black, a chemist, in 1935. In an interview on June 20, 1950, Black admitted becoming involved with the Soviets in 1934 in ⟨espionage⟩ activities under Gaik. B. Ovakimian, a Soviet espionage agent ⟨who⟩ had operated in the United States and who was arrested by ⟨Bureau⟩ Agents in New York City on May, 5, 1941 and later charged ⟨with⟩ violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act. (⟨Ovakimian⟩ departed from the United States on July 23, 1941, as a ⟨result of⟩ negotiations between the United States Government and the ⟨Soviet⟩ Union.) Black has admitted working fro Ovakimian and a ⟨number of⟩ other Soviet espionage superiors. The full facts concerning Black have been furnished to the Criminal Division of the ⟨Department⟩ of Justice. The Department stated that Black's ⟨activities⟩ in espionage are not such as to charge him with transmitting ⟨information⟩ relating to the national defense. The Department ⟨is⟩ considering the prosecution o Black for failure to register the Internal Security Act of 1950. Black is still cooperative with our Philadelphia Office and has furnished considerable information of value.
Abraham Brothman
Miriam Moskowitz
The activities of Abraham Brothman were first ⟨brought⟩ to the attention of the FBI in 195, at which time Elizabeth T. Bentley made her disclosures. Brothman was also identified in July, 1950, on the basis of information from ⟨as⟩ a Soviet agent designated under the cover name of "Constructor." Gold, in signed statements, named Brothman as one of the individuals from whom he had obtained industrial information ⟨for⟩ transmission to the Soviets during a period a the early 1940's. Gold advised that he had made false statements concerning his relationship with Brothman to both the FBI and a Federal Grand Jury in the Southern District of New York in 1947. Miriam Moskowitz, a former secretary of Brothman, and later his ⟨partner⟩ in his business, was alleged by Gold to have been present ⟨during⟩ some of the discussions between Gold and Brothman relative to their intended false testimony before the Federal Grand Jury.
Although the Criminal Division of the Department of did feel that Brothman could be charged with espionage, an ⟨indictment⟩ was returned against Brothman and Moskowitz on July 29, 1950, charging them with conspiracy to obstruct and impede the administration of justice. They were arrested by the FBI on July 29, on this indictment. The trial of Brothman and Moskowitz ⟨commenced⟩ on November 10, 1950, in the District Court in the Southern ⟨Distric⟩ of New York. On November 23, 1950, the Jury returned a ⟨verdict of⟩ guilty as to each defendant. Federal Judge Irving Kaufman, on November 28, 1950, sentenced Brothman to serve a sentence of (illegible text) years and to pay a fine of $15,000. Judge Kaufman sentenced Moskowitz to serve two years and to pay a fine of $10,000.
David Greenglass
Harry Gold, on June 1, 1950, furnished information regarding a contact made in June, 1945, in Albuquerque, New ⟨Mexico⟩ with a solider an his wife, later identified through ⟨investigation⟩ as David and Ruth Greenglass. Gold paid Greenglass $500 on ⟨this⟩ occasion and in turn received information relative to ⟨classified⟩ technical experiments being conducted at the atomic energy pro(illegible text) at Los Alamos, New Mexico. Information from also reflected that Greenglass had been recruited into Soviet espionage activity in the Fall of 1944. On June 15, 1950, David Grenglass 165 was interviewed in New York City and ⟨admitted⟩ his espionage activity as outlined by Gold. Greenglass was arrested on June 16, 1950, in New York City based on a ⟨complaint⟩ filed in Albuquerque, New Mexico, charging him with violations ⟨of⟩ the Espionage Conspiracy Statute. Greenglass was indicted ⟨in⟩ Santa Fe, New Mexico, on July 6, 1950. He has also been indicted in the Southern District of New York, and the last superseding indictment was dated January 31, 1951. He has ⟨pled⟩ guilty to the indictment and he is to be sentenced following the completion of the Rosenberg-Sobell trial, which is ⟨scheduled⟩ to begin on March 6, 1951.
Through arrangements made by Mr. O. John Rogge, ⟨Greenglass'⟩ attorney, both David Greenglass and his wife have ⟨given a⟩ considerable amount of information implicating their ⟨brother-in-law⟩, Julius Rosenberg, and other individuals in Soviet ⟨espionage⟩. Greenglass will be one of the main witnesses in the trial of Rosenborg and Sobell.
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
The interviews of David and Ruth Greenglass ⟨resulting in⟩ their admissions of espionage activity carried on at the in(illegible text) and under the direction of Julius Rosenberg, who is the ⟨husband of⟩ David's sister, Ethel. We also received information from which indicated that Rosenberg, who was designated the cover names of "Antenna" and "Liberal," had operated an extensive espionage network of the persons indicated (illegible text) contact of Rosenberg was Max Elitcher, who had been employed ⟨by⟩ the Bureau of Ordnance, United States Navy Department, from (illegible text) until 194. Elitcher has admitted that Rosenberg and Morton Sobell both attempted to recruit Elitcher into the Soviet espionage network. Gold has furnished a signed statement ⟨where⟩ he identified Rosenberg as being an individual who appeared (illegible text) rendezvous in Elmhurst, Long Island, New York, on the first Sunday in February, 1950. This meeting had been arranged by Gold's Russian superior. The meting, however, in fact did ⟨not⟩ result in any conversation between Gold and Rosenberg as Rosenberg did not actually approach Gold.
David and Ruth Greenglass have also admitted that shortly after the arrest as Gold on May 29, 1950, Rosenberg told them they must flee from the United State via Mexico, and gave them in all $5,000 in cash. $4,000 of this sum was turned over by Ruth Greenglass to her brother-in-law, Louis Abel, who later, at the direction of Ruth, turned it over to O. John Rogge, counsel for the Greenglasses.
Additional information has been secured from the Greenglasses and from Elitcher relative to the espionage activities of Rosenberg which would make it appear that he is possibly the most important espionage agent which we have arreated to date in connection with this matter. Some of the details of the espionage apparatus in which he was operating will be set forth hereinafter under various other individuals who were in the network.
The facts concerning Rosenberg's espionage ⟨activities⟩ were furnished to the Criminal Division of the Department ⟨and an⟩ authorized complaint was filed ta the Southern District of ⟨New⟩ York on July 17, 1950, charging Rosenberg with violation of ⟨the⟩ Espionage Conspiracy Statute. Rosenberg was arrested on ⟨July⟩ 17, 1950, and has been held in jail on default of $100,000 ⟨bail⟩ on his plea of not guilty. An authorized complaint was ⟨filed in⟩ the Southern District of New York on August 11, 1950, ⟨charging⟩ Ethel Rosenberg with a violation of the Espionage Conspiracy Statute. She was arrested by Bureau Agents on that date and remanded to jail in default of $100,000 bail. Neither Julius ⟨nor⟩ Ethel Rosenberg have been in any way cooperative during their interviews. They were both indicted in a superseding ⟨indictment⟩ filed on January 31, 1951. It is expected that their trial, along with the trial of Morton Sobell, will commence in the Southern District of New York on March 6, 1951.
Morton Sobell
As indicated hereinbefore, Max Elitcher has ⟨admitted⟩ that he was approached by Julius Rosenberg on a number of occasions in 1944 and subsequent thereto for the purpose of having him furnish information for transmittal to the ⟨Soviets.⟩ Rosenberg also informed Elitcher that Morton Sobell was ⟨cooperating⟩ with them. Elitcher has admitted that on one occasion he accompanied Sobell when Sobell took information from Sobell's home on Long Island, few York, to Julius Rosenberg, although he did not see the actual delivery of the information and did not know the contents of the information. Both Sobell and Elitcher had been employed by the Reeves Instrument Company in New York City. They had both gone to the City College of New York, graduating in 1938 in the same class with Rosenberg. Elitcher claimed he was recruited into the Communist Party by Sobell in 1939 while they were both working Washington, D.C.
Sobell failed to return to work on June 26, 1950, ⟨the⟩ day of the arrest of David Greenglass in New York City. ⟨investigation⟩ reflected he and his family left New York by American ⟨Air⟩ Lines on June 22, 1950, for Mexico City, Mexico. He was ⟨located⟩ in Mexico City through Bureau investigation, and he was ⟨arrested⟩ by the Mexican Security Police on August 16, 1950, He and his family were deported from Mexico to Laredo, Tessa, on August ⟨18,⟩ 1950. Sobell was arrested and arraigned on the same date before the United States Commissioner in Laredo on the basis of a complaint and warrant issued in New York City on August 3, ⟨1950⟩ charging him with conspiring with Rosenberg to commit ⟨espionage.⟩ He was named in a superseding indictment along with Ethel and Julius Rosenberg and David Greenglass on January 31, 1951. ⟨It⟩ is contemplated that his trial, along with the Rosenbargs,' will commence on March 6, 1951. The Government's case against Sobell is based primarily upon the information furnished by Elitcher and the available evidence incident to his flight ⟨from⟩ the United States, Neither Sobell nor his wife furnished any information of value when interviewed.
William Perl
On the basis of information, we determined that William Perl, who was employed by the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics in Cleveland during 1944, was part of the Julius Rosenberg espionage ring. We also learned from David Greenglass that Rosenberg reportedly had ⟨two⟩ apartments in New York City which he used in preparing materials on microfilms in connection with his espionage activities. ⟨One⟩ of these apartments was said to be located in the Greenwich Village section of New York City. Our investigation developed that an apartment at 65 Morton Street, Greenwich Village, New York City, was rented under the name of Alfred Sarant from 19(illegible text) until January, 1950. Perl has admitted that he occupied this apartment in 1946 and 1947 while attending Columbia University. We have determined from the Superintendent of this apartment building that the apartment did contain photographic equipment.
who has resigned from his position with the (illegible text) and who is presently employed at Columbia University as an instructor, has been interviewed both by Bureau Agents and ⟨before⟩ the Federal Grand Jury in New York City. While he admits ⟨knowing⟩ Elitcher, Joel Barr and Alfred Sarant, all contacts of ⟨Rosenberg,⟩ he denied knowing Rosenberg since school days and denied ⟨knowing⟩ Michael Sidorovich, another member of the espionage ring. In ⟨an⟩ interview on July 27, 1950, he admitted that on July 23, 1950 Vivian Glassman, a former paramour of Joel Barr, another ⟨member⟩ of the espionage apparatus, had contacted him. He stated she ⟨gave⟩ him instructions to leave the country by way of Mexico, ⟨mentioned⟩ Rosenberg, and offered him some money to use for his flight. ⟨He⟩ claimed that he did not know the purpose of this contact and he refused the money. Vivian Glassman, in an interview, ⟨admitted⟩ knowing Rosenberg and admitted going out to Cleveland and ⟨contacting⟩ Perl, offering him Money to go to Mexico. She claimed ⟨some⟩ person not known to her had contacted her and requested her ⟨to⟩ make the trip.
In connection with dental before the Federal Grand Jury on that he knew , we ⟨now⟩ have developed three witnesses in Cleveland who are in a position to testify that they saw Stdorovich and Perl together when Perl and Sidorovich were trying to purchase a car. It (illegible text) also appear that may have committed perjury in denying ⟨his⟩ association with both and as well as . The facts as developed have been presented to the ⟨Criminal⟩ Division of the Department of Justice and to the United States Attorney in the Southern District of Yew York. They have ⟨stated⟩ that while a perjury violation con apparently be established, ⟨they⟩ desire to hold off on the matter until after the Rosenberg ⟨trial⟩ has taken place. This matter to being closely followed with (illegible text) Department.
Michael and Anne Sidorovich
Information from reflects that in (illegible text) of 1944 Michael Sidorovich was being sent to Cleveland to ⟨establish⟩ liaison with Perl for the Rosenberg espionage network. In addition to this information, David and Ruth Greenglass had identified photographs of Michael and Anne Sidorovich as close friends of Rosenberg and his wife. They have advised that they visited Rosenberg's apartment in January, 1945, at which time Anne Sidorovich was present. After Anne left, Rosenberg cut a box top in half and gave one-half to the Greenglasses and said that the other half would be in the possession or Anne Sidorovich who would travel to New Mexico to secure atomic energy information from David. This contact, however, was never established.
Michael Sidorovich was interviewed on July 25, 1950, and on subsequent occasions. He admitted Young Communist Lea⟨gue⟩ activity in New York City and admitted fighting a part of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade in Spain. He admitted knowing Rosenb⟨erg⟩ and David Greenglass. He denied espionage activity on behalf ⟨of⟩ Rosenberg or anyone else. We specifically denied knowing Wil⟨liam⟩ Perl. As set forth hereinbefore, witnesses are available to establish the relationship between Perl and Sidorovich. also denied, before the Federal Grand Jury in New York City, his knowledge of . The perjury angle with respect ⟨to⟩ has been presented to the Criminal Division and to United States Attorney in the Southern District of New York. (illegible text) matter is being closely followed.
Alfred Sarant
Information from reflects that in 1(illegible text) the Soviets were considering recruiting as part of the Rosenb⟨erg⟩ network Alfred Sarant. It has been established that Sarant ⟨was⟩ an associate of Julius Rosenberg and numerous other members ⟨of⟩ the Rosenberg espionage network. As set forth herinbefore. ⟨it⟩ has also been determined that Sarant maintained an apartment ⟨at⟩ 65 Morton Street, New York City, and that considerable work ⟨in⟩ the photographic field was done in this apartment. Sarant was interviewed on July 19, 1950, and admitted acquaintanceship ⟨with⟩ Rosenberg, and admitted that on one occasion Rosenberg ⟨proposed⟩ him, but Sarant claimed he "didn't bite." Sarant admitted ⟨membership⟩ in the Communist Political Association in New York City ⟨in⟩ 1944. Sarant, on July 26, 1950, left his residence in Ithaca New York, and went to visit relatives in New York City. In N⟨ew⟩ York City he was joined by Carol Dayton, wife of Bruce W. Day⟨ton⟩ his next door neighbor. It had been determined that on August 1950, they departed via Sarant's automobile for Tuscon, ⟨Arizona.⟩ On August 8, 1950, they were drive across from Tuscon into Mexico by a relative of Mrs. Dayton's. Efforts to locate Sarant and Carol Dayton in Mexico have failed to date. It is know that they traveled from Guaymas by air to Guadalajara on August 12, 1950. The facts developed concerning Sarant had been furnished to the Criminal Division of the Department, but no process is outstanding for the arrest of Sarant.
Clarke Fullerton Davis
David Greenglass has advised that he believes that ⟨one⟩ of Rosenberg's espionage contacts was a man who was employed ⟨as⟩ a $200 per day consultant on a huge dam project in Egypt. ⟨Efforts⟩ have been made to identify this individual. The dam project ⟨is⟩ undoubtedly the huge Aswan Dam Project on the Nile River. Information has been secured from both and CIA to the effect that one Clarke Fullerton Davis has been a consultant at the Aswan Dan Project and is also working on a nitrate fertilizer project nearby. Davis, during the latter (illegible text) of 1950, has been in contact with and American Intelligence officers in Cairo, Egypt, has made vague references to his ability to obtain information from the Soviet Embassy Cairo, and has offered his services in penetrating the Soviet Embassy. There is a good possibility that Davis is the espionage contact of Rosenberg described above. We have not establish⟨ed⟩ any connection between Davis and Rosenberg, and we do not ha⟨ve⟩ any importation indicating Communist activities or sympathies ⟨on⟩ the part of Davis. It is believed, however, that there is a strong possibility that in his contact with the intelligence authorities in Egypt he is attempting to place himself in a position where he can make a claim of cooperation at some ⟨latter⟩ date. This matter is being closely followed with both CIA and .
Theodore A. Hall and Saville Sax
While not connected with the Rosenberg espionage ⟨network⟩ information from does reflect atomic espionage activity on the part of Theodore A. Hall and his friend ⟨Saville⟩ Sax. The information reflects that Hall, who ⟨had⟩ been a scientist and group leader at Los Alamos, had handed to one "Beck," Identified as Sergei N. Kournakoff, documents pertaining to key personnel at Los Alamos. It was also reported that Hall's, friend, Saville Sax, had delivered a ⟨copy⟩ of a report to the USSR Consulate in New York, where Sax was received by the Soviet agent identified under the cover name "Alxius." The individual has been identified as Anatoli (illegible text) Yakolev, who also functioned as the Soviet superior over ⟨the⟩ Rosenberg and Gold networks. Hall and Sax are both presently residing in Chicago, Illinois. Both of them have been ⟨active⟩ openly in the activities of Communist Party dominated or infiltrated organisations. They have been especially active obtaining signatures to the "Stockholm Peace Pledge." By memorandum dated February 16, 1951, the Chicago Office was instructed to conduct comprehensive interviews with both Hall and Sax. Chicago has asked New Uork for additional ⟨information⟩ regarding Kournakoff prior to conducting the Interview, ⟨This is⟩ being followed closely.
Sergei N. Kournakoff was, during the period when in contact with Hall and Sax, also the military analyst for ⟨The⟩ Daily Worker and New Masses. In 1946 he returned to the ⟨Soviet⟩ Union. The Daily Worker er July 19, 1949, reported that he ⟨was⟩ in Moscow on July 5, 1949. Other information from would appear to indicate that he operated as a Soviet ⟨espionage⟩ agent mainly in the infiltration of White Russian activities. We are continuing to conduct investigation of these activities in an effort to identify other Soviet agents.
Andrei Ivanovich Schevchenko
Information from substantiated (illegible text) investigation, has shown that Andrei Ivanovich Schevchenko (illegible text) group leader in an espionage network which was obtaining information regarding scientific developments. Schevchenko, ⟨a⟩ Russian National, arrived in the United States at New York ⟨City on⟩ June 19, 1942, as an engineer of the Soviet Government ⟨Purchasing⟩ Commission. Shortly thereafter he became the Russian ⟨representative⟩ at the Bell Aircraft Corporation in Buffalo, In York, for inspection of aircraft allocated to the Soviet Union. On February 23, 1945, he became a Vice-Chairman on the Amtorg Trading Corporation in New York City. During the major portion of the time that Schevchenko was attached to the Bell Aircraft Corporation we were investigating hia and we operated three double Agents in this case. In early December, 1945, ⟨the⟩ New York Journal American published an article setting forth details of our investigation of Schevchenko, and on January 3, 1946, Schevchenko left the United State for the Soviet Union. We know know, from the information, that Schevchenko was just as important in the Soviet espionage operations the United States as we believed him to be ⟨during⟩ our investigation of him while he was in the United States. details of some of his contacts will be set forth hereinafter.
Nikolci Pavlovich Ostrovsky
The Information from reflects that ⟨one⟩ of the individuals who was assisting Schevchenko in his network was Ostrovsky. Ostrovsky, a Russian National, entered the ⟨United⟩ States at Great Falls, Montana, on July 23, 1943. On June 17, 1944, Ostrovsky was transferred to the Bell Aircraft Company, Niagara Falls, New York, where he became an assistant to Schevchenko. On April 5, 1945, he was transferred to Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio. He subsequently left the United States, (illegible text) information from wee furnished the details of Ostrovsky's espionage activities in connects on with the Schevchenko case.
Vladimir Nikolaevich Mazurin
In November 1944, according to information which ⟨has⟩ been received from the MGB headquarters in Moscow was requested to authorize wing the services of Mazurin, a Soviet engineer who was working at the Bell Aircraft plant with Schevchenko. Marurin, a Russian National, had entered the Uni ed States on May 22, 1944, as an engineer in the Division of Aviation of the Soviet Government Purchasing Commission. He ⟨was⟩ stationed at the Bell Aircraft Corporation, Buffalo, New York from September 8, 1944, until about July 1, 1945. He left the United States for the Soviet Union on August 26, 1945. Our investigation of Mazurin indicated that he was an assistant or (illegible text) man" for Schevchenko in Schevchenko's espionage activities at Bell Aircraft Corporation.
Vladimir Morkovin
The information from reflects that Morkovin, who was designated under the code name of "Author," was a member of the Schevchenko network. Morkovin was born July 28, 1917, at Prague, Czechoslovakia. He entered the United States at New York on August 15, 1935, and was naturalized ⟨as a⟩ United States citizen on May 29, 1941. He was educated at the University of Southern California, University of Syracuse, ⟨and⟩ received a Ph.D in 1941 from the University of Wisconsin. ⟨From⟩ 1943 to 1946 he was employed by Bell Aircraft Corporation. ⟨From⟩ 1946–1947 he was employed by the Office of Naval Research as ⟨an⟩ applied mathematician. He is presently attached to the ⟨Department⟩ of Aeronautical Engineering, University of Michigan. We know ⟨from⟩ our investigation Schevchenko that he had been in contact ⟨with⟩ Andrei Schevchenko, and we conducted some investigation of ⟨him on⟩ the basis of his contacts with Schevchenko. We have an investigation at the present time concerning Morkovin and he has ⟨already⟩ been investigated under the Loyalty Program.
William Pinsly
Information from reflects that William Pinsly was known to the Soviets under the cover name of "⟨Cork."⟩ It is not known whether Pinsly actually furnished information ⟨to⟩ the MGB. However, our investigation of Schevchenko did show he had numerous contacts with Pinsly. Pinsly was born May 2(illegible text) 1914, in New York City, and is of Russian descent. He was employed by the Curtis-Wright corporation on December 22, 19(illegible text) as a technical engineer. He was employed by the Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Cheektowaga, New York, from August 12, (illegible text) to January 31, 1947. He is believed to be presently residing ⟨at⟩ 1213 Circle Avenue, Forest Park, Illinois, which is the home ⟨of⟩ his father. He has been the subject of investigation both ⟨as a⟩ result of his earlier contacts with Schevchenko and on the ⟨basis⟩ of the recently received information from .
We are presently attempting to identify, another (illegible text) of Schevchenko on the basis of information from This information reflects that on September 15, 1944, Schevchenko had a meeting with one "Stamp" (unidentified) and they visited a mutual acquaintance, "B," who was then working on a "robot plant." "B" had furnished to Schevchenko information concerning the production of robots. From the information available we have definitely ascertained that the robot in question is the JB-2 robot bomb, commonly known as the "buzz bomb," the production of which commenced about July, 1944. The principal contractor ⟨for⟩ the manufacture of these robots was the Republic Aircraft ⟨Company⟩ Long Island, New York. The identity of "B" has not been established. However, we have an active investigation in progress in an effort to make this identification.
George Andrew Beiser
We have just received information from which reflects that on May 25, 1945, the Moscow headquarters of the MGB had advised that Schevchenko had made the acquaintance at the end of 1943 of George Beiser. A review of the Bureau's files reflects that this individual is probably identical with George Andrew Beiser, who was born July 5, 1909, Neenah, Wisconsin. He was employed by the Bell Aircraft Corporation in Buffalo, ⟨New⟩ York, from February, 1942, to August, 1946, and during a ⟨portion⟩ of this period he was loaned to the Government by the Bell ⟨Aircraft⟩ Corporation and had miscellaneous assignments overseas. We ⟨have⟩ a record reflecting that as of February 28, 1948, he was ⟨employed⟩ by the National Military Establishment, Research and Development Board, Pentagon Building, Washington, D. C. We have no previous knowledge of this individual having had any connection with Schevchenko. It is also to be noted that the information does not specifically indicate that Beiser was willing to, or had furnished any information to Schevchenko. Instructions were issued to the Washington Field Office on February 28, 1951, to determine if this individual is employed by the Government, and to determine. whether his present activities indicate he is engaged in Soviet espionage. This matter will be closely followed, and if he is still employed ⟨by⟩ the Government a decision will be made as to whether he should be investigated under the Loyalty Program.
William Marias Malisoff
Another agent who has been identified on the basis ⟨of⟩ information is William Marias Malisoff. This individual was not working in the Schevchenko network, but apparently had been working, according to information, under Semen M. Semenov, who, at one time, operated Harry Gold. According to information, the Soviets, in 1944, were having considerable trouble with Malisoff as he wanted a sizable lump sum payment to help him establish a laboratory. When his request was flatly refused by his Soviet contact, Malisoff complained with considerable irritation that his intelligence production had been worth millions of dollars to the USSR and his request for aid was ⟨meager⟩. Malisoff, who is now deceased, was, in 1944, the owner and General Manager of the Unified Laboratories, Inc., Room 621, 1775 Broadway New York City. This concern was principally engaged in research on lubricating processes for war industries and on applications ⟨of⟩ biochemistry. We had investigated Malisoff earlier on the basis that we had observed him in contact with Gaik B. Ovakimian, a known Soviet agent, during 1940 and 1941. As noted previously, we are not engaged in any investigation of Malisoff at the present time on the basis of his death, which occurred on November 16, 1947.
Silvermaster Network
The information deals in part with the operations of the MGB in their recruitment and use of personnel in various Government agencies previously known to us in our investigation in the Nathan Gregory Silvermaster case. Individuals positively or tentatively identified from ⟨information⟩ and who were employed in Government agencies, included Nathan Gregory Silvermaster, Ludwig Ullman, Bela and Sonia Gold, Victor Perlo, Harry Magdoff, Peter Rhodes, Allen Rosenberg, Harold Glasser, Duncan Lee, and Harry Dexter White. All of the above individuals were implicated in the Silvermaster network according to information provided to us by Elizabeth T. Bentley. In addition to the above individuals, we have also identified from information other members active in network which include Joseph Katz, Anatoli B. Gromov, and Jacob Galos. Joseph Kats is the subject of a separate write-up in connection with other espionage activities on his part.
In addition to the foregoing we have a considerable number of individuals attached to the same network, identified only through cover names, that we are attempting to identity by investigation. The most important of these is described hereinafter.
As noted above, the most important phase of our ⟨renewed⟩ interest in the Silvermaster network on the basis of our information is to identify the Soviet ⟨espionage⟩ agent who was, according to the source, is 1944–1945, running this network. This individual was designated by the cover name of "Albert." Only a few particulars are available from the ⟨source⟩ regarding his identity. We know he did maintain a liaison with Nathan Gregory Silvermaster and with Harry Dexter White. ⟨Mention⟩ is made on one occasion that it had been recommended to "Albert" by a subagent that he, "Albert," go to a dry climate for his health. It is, therefore, to be presumed that he had some sort of respiratory illness.
We do know from Bentley's information of two of her Soviet superiors, either of whom might be "Albert." Both of them, however, are still unidentified. The first of these was ⟨a⟩ dentist known to Bentley as "Charlie." Bentley never saw him. He did receive and issue instructions to the Silvermaster network. The second possibility is a Soviet espionage superior of Bentley known to her as "Bill." We have never identified him, although Bentley did deal with him directly and she has furnished a detailed description of "Bill." We are closely following this matter and have opened investigations to identify "Albert," "Bill," and "Charlie."
Judith Coplon
As you know, the information enabled our identification of Coplon as a Soviet espionage agent. Two other individuals were involved with Coplon in her espionage activity in 1944. One was Marian Davis, now Marian. D. Berdecio, who is married and living in Mexico City. She was formerly employed by ONI and by the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs. we have been generally following her activities through our ⟨Legal⟩ Attache in Mexico, but there to no indication that she intends to return to the United States. The second individual who actually recruited Coplon was Flora Don Wouschin. She married a Russian National and went to the Soviet Union. She was formerly employed by ONI and by the State Department.
Alger Hiss
Information from reflects that on March 30, 1945, Anatolt a. Gromov, First Secretary and MGB representative at the Soviet Embassy in Washington, D.C., advised his Moscow headquarters concerning one "Ales." Gromov stated that in a conversation with "Ales" It was learned that he had for some years been the leader of a little group working for Soviet military Intelligence. It was stated that this group was composed mainly of "Ales'" relatives. It was also stated that after the Yalta Conference a certain responsible Soviet channel got in touch with "Ales" and on behalf of the Soviet Military Intelligence had thanked "Ales."
The above information very closely corresponds to—the information available through our investigation of Alger Hiss. The information from Whittaker Chambers does indicate that Hiss was active in Soviet espionage and that his wife, Priscilla, assisted him. We also know that Donald Hiss,, the brother of Alger, was an employee of the State Department. We also know that Hiss did attend the Yalta Conference as a special advisor to the late President Roosevelt. The information from is being considered in connection with our continued interest in Alger Hiss.
Harry Dexter White
While Harry Dexter White was mentioned above in connection with the Silvermaster network, the information concerning him from is of some special interest. He was designated under the cover name of "Jurist" and was in a position to furnish high-level information to the Soviets involving such persons as President Roosevelt, Henry A. Wallace, Cordell Hull, and Henry Morgenthau, Jr. On April 19, 1944, he furnished to the Soviets information that Vice President Wallace was to go to China. The information also indicate that White was not overly anxious to cooperate fully with the MGB because he was afraid that his exposure might lead to a political scandal involving the Administration. You will recall that Harry Dexter White is deceased at the present time. We did furnish, in a carefully paraphrased form, the identification of Harry Dexter White on the basis of information to the White House under date of October 17, 1950.
Vladimir S. Pravdin
Vladimir S. Pravdin, who was the head of the Tass News Agency in the United States during 1944 and 1945, was also an MGB agent assisting in the infiltration of United States Government agencies. It is not entirely clear on the base of the information from whether these operations tied in directly with the Silvermaster network or whether he was operating a separate network. We do know that he was maintaining contact with, and receiving information from a number of newspaper correspondents in Washington. One of the individuals who as being reactivated into use by the MGB was Isidore F. Stone, in 1944 on the Editorial Staff of The Nation and Washington correspondent for "PM." This identification of Stone has just recently been made and we are undertaking an active investigation of Stone.
Another of Pravdin's network was an individual designed under the cover name of "Yaz." We initially considered as a ⟨susp⟩ for this individual David Karr, the "leg man" for Drew Pearson. We have now discounted this possibility and are considering Laurence Todd and Samuel Krafaur. Another member of Praovin's network was Josef Berger, who will be described separately hereinafter. Pravdin deported on the United States on March 11, 1946, for Russia.
Josef Berger
Information from indicates that as of May 26, 1945, Josef Berger was being recruited by the Soviets as an espionage agent. Berger, in 1942, was employed Department of Justice as a speech-writer for former Attorney General Biddle. He thereafter went to work as a writer for the National Democratic Committee in Washington, D. C. He is ⟨presently⟩ residing in New York City and appears to be employed as a writer. We have an active investigation on this individual at the present time.
Joseph Katz
The information from indicates one of the MGB's important agents in the United States in 1944 was Joseph Katz. Katz came to our attention on May 27, 1944, when we observed him in a clandestine meeting with Mikhail Chaliapin, a Soviet Consulate employee in New York City and a known Soviet espionage agent. We identified Katz through investigation in January, 1949, as Elizabeth Bentley'a superior "Jack," under whom she had operated in 1944. We now have five other person who will identify Katz as their espionage superior in the period 1938–1948. They are Harry Gold, Thomas L. Black, Amadeo Sabatini, Robert C. Menaker, and Floyd C. Miller, who are all the subjects of separate write-ups herein. On the basis of information from these individuals it would appear that for many years Katz operated in Soviet espionage, primarily in investigating and handling the infiltration in the United States of Soviet persons and groups. He apparently had a great deal of success. in his infiltration of the Socialist Workers Party (Trotskyite Party).
Katz, who was born March 15, 1912, in Lithuania, entered the United States with his parents on May 10, 1914. Katz's wife, Bessie, and daughter, Paula Jo, presently are living in New York City. Katz worked for the WPA from 1934 to 1936. He was a partner from 1939 to 1944 in the Meriden Dental Laboratories, Meriden, Connecticut. In 1941 Katz operated a parking lot in Upper Manhattan, New York City. In early 1944 he formed the Tempus Import company which he sold in 1945. He then entered the Merchant Marine, apparently in order to avoid the draft. Since 1948 he has operated in a number of report and export businesses.
Also since 1948 he has been out of the United States ⟨and⟩ is believed to be primarily residing in Paris, France. As of December 12, 1950, he was staying at the Hotel Luece in Paris. Katz apparently is afraid to return to the United States because of his activities in Soviet espionage in this country. Steps are being undertaken to see it will be possible to have the French Government deport Katz to the United States. We are also endeavoring to determine if the Criminal Division of the Department will authorize a complaint and warrant for Katz' arrest in the event we are able to put our hands on him. It Katz were willing to cooperate with us he could undoubtedly furnish us with an enormous amount of valuable information, enabling the prosecution of numerous Soviet agents in the United States. It is with this aim that we are carefully working towards his return to the United States.
Robert Owen Menaker
Information from reflects that Robert Owen Menaker operated as a Soviet agent in 1944 and was a contact of Floyd Cleveland Miller. We had an active investigation on Menaker and he became suspicious that he was under investigation and contacted former Special Agent Thomas M. McDade, who arranged for Menaker to be interviewed. Pursuant to this Menaker voluntarily appeared at the New York Office on February 8, 1951, and was interviewed. He admitted espionage activities for the Soviets from 1937 to 1948. He identified as his superior Gregory L. Rabinovitch, who had been in the United States from 1930 to 1939, as the head of the Soviet Red Cross. He also identified Joseph Katz as his superior who furnished in some detail instructions for his activities in penetrating the Trotskyite movement. He also admitted working for the Midland export Corporation at the request of the Soviets and traveling to South America for that company. The activities of Michael Burd, the head of the Midland Export Corporation, will be discussed separately in this memorandum. We expect to be able to obtain in greater detail from Menaker his activities in Soviet espionage. He was apparently not too important a Soviet agent as he could never learn to keep his mouth shut about his work. We are following this matter closely.
Floyd Cleveland Miller
Information from reflects that Floyd Cleveland Miller was used successfully by the Soviets in infiltrating the Socialist Workers Party in 1944. The information also indicates he made a trip to Mexico and had conferred with Trotsky's widow. We determined through investigation that Miller under the name of Michael Cort, had been in the Socialist Workers Party from 1939 to 1945. Miller voluntarily appeared at the New York office on February 9, 1951. He admitted joining the Communist Party in the mid 1930's and in 1937 being approached by his friend, Menaker, to work in soviet espionage. He worked first under Gregory L. Rabinovitch, and later under Joseph Katz, as well as under a number of other Soviet superiors whom we are attempting to identify. One of his first jobs in Soviet espionage was to assist Joseph Katz in tapping the telephone of Joseph Cannon, a Socialist Workers Party functionary. Miller also surveilled as anti-Soviet, David Paul Joffe, whom we have previously investigated. Miller's last contact, according to him, with the Soviets was by Katz. He said this was in 1948, but is is more likely that is was in 1947 as Katz left the United States in early 1948. Miller claims he has stopped Communist Party and espionage activities, It is contemplated that information in greater detail will be secured from Miller in later interfere which will assist is a great deal. We are following this matter very closely.
Zalmond David Franklin
The above individual has been identified as an agent for the MGB in 1944, operated by Katz. Franklin was born September 14, 1909, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Our investigation shows that he operated with the Abraham Lincoln Brigade in Spain in 1937. Louis F. Budens knew Franklin under the name of "Irving" and according to Budens' book, Franklin operated in Canada as an espionage agent for the Soviets. The have no information on this and Budans admitted he has no definite facts to substantiate his allegation in his book. We do know from Budens that Franklin's wife, in 1939, was Sylvia Collen, who was used by the Soviets in infiltrating the Trotskyite movement. Franklin is divorced from her at the present time. Jones Orin York, an admitted espionage agent, has also identified Franklin as his espionage superior at one under the name of "Warner." We have an active investigation of Franklin at the present time and may desire to interview him in the near future notwithstanding his possible continued Communist or espionage activity in New York City.
Michael Burd
As noted above, Robert Owen Menaker, in the mid 1940's worked for the Midland Export Corporation, a firm in New York headed by Michael Burd, now deceased. We now from information secured from that Burd was acting for the Soviet in trying to get the State Department in 1944 and 1945 to issue transit visas through the United States to Mexico for two Soviet espionage agents, Nicholas and Maria Fisher. Burd was falseley claiming that they were his relatives. Information furnished to the Interdepartmental Visa Committee by the FBI regarding Burd helped stop this Soviet espionage effort. Nicholas and Maria Fisher are dealt with hereinafter.
Nicholas and Maria Fisher
While we have no information indicating that Nicholas and Maria Fisher, who are mentioned above, plan to operate in Trotskyite infiltration, it would appear very likely that such was the case. The information from reflects that in the Summer of 1944 the MGB was laying plans to get Nicholas and Maria Fisher out of the Soviet Union and through the United States to Mexico. It appears that Michael Burd was laying these plans and one of the methods he apparently considered to use David K. Niles. It was reported that persons surrounding David K. Niles would do anything for a bribe and they had already been paid up to $6,000.
This method apparently was not used, however, and Burd attempted to claim to the State Department that the Fishers were his relatives. This failed and we do not know that the Fishers were ever able to reach the Western Hemisphere. Neither do we know their actual identities, nor do we have photographs of them. Our principal interest in the matter is its ramifications in this country through persons who were being used in connection with this matter. We are also continually alert for evidence of activities in Soviet espionage on the part of David K. Niles.
Altschuler Network
You will recall that we have conducted an extensive investigation in the Lydia Altschuler, was., et al, Internal Security — E case concerning an espionage network involving ⟨cipher⟩ messages in secret ink exchanged between persons in the New York City area and persons in Mexico City and South America. The secret ink messages dealt primarily with the efforts of the espionage parallel to free Frank_Jacson, Trotsky's killer, who was imprisoned in Mexico City. You may recall that there were eight messages in the Altschuler traffic which we were never able to decipher because we could not find the book used in the encipherment; however, from information we ⟨identified⟩ this book as "Una Excursiona a los Indios Rangueles," a paper-⟨back⟩ edition published in Argentina. Though this identification our Cryptographic Laboratory deciphered seven of the eight remaining messages intercepted in the Altschuler case. These messages extend the ramifications of the espionage parallel we investigated in the Altschuler case, and one message shows the network was, in 1943, setting up a radio station in Argentina. One of the ⟨massages⟩ reflects that the same code was to be used by the station as in the secret writing message in the Altschuler case. This message also give the frequency to be used and the time of the intended operations.
It is also of considerable interest to note that there were radio station setups at the Soviet Consulates in New York City and San Francisco in 1943 which transmitted messages in code, and among the intercepts available in connection with these two transmitters there have been found intercepts of a station operating on at least one of the frequencies set forth in the secret ink messages. It has been discovered that on ten occasions between February 22, 1943, and October 12, 1943, transmissions believed to emanate from the Soviet Consulate in New York City fit the radio operation procedures which were set forth in the secret writing message dated February 1, 1943. Three of these transmissions contained an identical cipher message in five-digit groups. This message has been deciphered and reads "I send greetings -- I await news." This could appear to be a message sent in an attempt to establish radio contact.
An investigation to being conducted to determine to what extent we con develop additional information concerning this network on the basis the new information which has been developed through the information and through the additional decipherment of the secret writing messages in the Altschuler case.
Viktor A. Kravchenko
You will recall that in the spring of 1944 Kravchenko defected from his position with the Soviet Government Purchasing Commission in Washington, D.C. The information from reflects that thereafter he was designated by the cover name of "Komar" by the MGB and they were active in determining his activities and associates. They had a woman designated by the cover came of "Ola" who was to travel from Washington, D.C. to New York City to establish contact with Lydia Zetrin, the mistress of David Dallin, both of whom were active in Russian Social Democratic circles and were assisting Kravchenko. We have not been successful in identifying "Ola" to date, although we have conduct an extensive investigation in this respect. It is also noted that "Ola" was acquainted with Leora Peabody Cunningham and the Soviets knew that she was employed by the Naval Communications. We have interviewed Cunningham, who is now married to a man by the name of Tsatsoulas, and she is still employed by Naval Communications. There is no definite information to the effect that she was ever used by the MGB. We slo have interviewed Alexei Stoopenkov who apparently was acquainted with both Cunningham and "Ola." Stoopenkov has furnished us certain information which hos assisted us in our investigation, but has not definitely enabled us to identify "Ola." Stoopenkov presently is a State Department employee, working as a guard attached to the American Embassy in Ottawa, Canada.
Another Individual who was infiltrating the Russian Social Democratic group which was assisting Kravchenko, was a person designated by the cover name of "Tulip." It also appears that he was active in Trotskyite circles. Because of the lack of identifying information concerning him, we have not been successful in identifying him to date, although an active investigation is being carried out.
Prince Nicholas W. Orloff
We have recently identified, on the basis of information from Soviet espionage age Prince Nicholas Orloff. Out information from reflects that Orloff in 1944, was contemplating employment with either the State Department or OSS, but later was successful in getting employment as a interpreter with the United Nation, a position he still holds. We have just instituted an investigation of him to determine if he is still active as a Soviet espionage agent. Orloff is ⟨generally⟩ known as a White Russian, being related to the Czar's family/ However, some White Russian circles do not trust him fully. We ⟨hope⟩ through his wife, whom he described to the MGB as a great patriot, to possibly be able to get Orloff to cooperate with us.
The Mocase
Through information we determined that Boris Morros' cover name was "Frost" (which us the English equivalent of Moros in Russian, although the Soviets used the name as Frost). Alfred J. Stern, according to was designated under the cover name of "Louis," and a memorandum prepared by him obtained by us through investigative efforts in February, 1945, was summarized in the information and sent by the MGB in New York City to Moscow. While the above has not assisted materially our efforts in investigating the Mocase, it does furnish corroborative information to that furnished by our informant, Morros.
In addition to the foregoing, there is information from regarding a person designated by the cover name "Aida" who was working in 1944 for the United Palestine Appeal ⟨and⟩ the MGB desired to place her with the Committee of Jewish Writers and Artists in New York City where they thought she would be of greater use to them. A tentative identification of this ⟨individual⟩ has been made as Esther Trebach Rand, who has been implicated in the espionage network in the Moscase and she is a contact of Jack Soble. We are conducting investigation in an attempt to verify ⟨the⟩ tentative identification of Rand.
The Communist Party
The information reflects that the Soviets were able to make extensive use of the Communist Party, USA, both for recruitment and for checking on various individuals regarding whom the MGB wanted information. Earl Browder was known by the MGB under the cover name of "Rulevoy," and Browder was cognizant of the Soviet activity in the infiltration of various United States Government agencies. There is also some indication in information that he knew of other activity on the part of the ⟨MGB⟩. We are attempting, through investigation, to identify an individual designated by the cover name of "Echo" who appears, according to to have occupied a responsible position in the Communist Party and to have been used in various ways by the MGB.
MGB Soviet Officials
It it not possible in a memorandum of this length to detail the information available from regarding MGB officials attached to official and semi-official Soviet establishments in the United States. We have almost conclusively established that the individual who was operating the New York network is identical with Pavel Fedosimov. He undoubtedly was the legal resident agent for the MGB at the Soviet Consulate in New York. He also directed activities ⟨which⟩ were outside the New York area, reaching to the West Coast.
Under Fadosimov there were a number of individuals ⟨in⟩ official or semi-official Soviet positions who were designated as "cadre-men." These individuals apparently headed various individual networks which were being operated by the MGB in ⟨the⟩ United States. We have not identified all of these ⟨individuals⟩ but some of the important ones were Vladimir S. Pravdin, the ⟨head⟩ of Tass News Agency who had been mentioned previously; Semen ⟨M.⟩ Semenov, who headed an espionage network which included ⟨Abraham⟩ Brothman, Thomas L. Black, and Harry Gold; Anatoli A. ⟨Yakovlev⟩ who has been mentioned previously and who was in charge of ⟨the⟩ Rosenberg network and took over the activities of Theodore A. Hall and Saville Sax, who have been mentioned previously. ⟨An⟩ individual who had helped in the recruitment of Judith Coplon ⟨and⟩ Flora Don Wovschin was Stepan N. Choundenko. He was a clerk attached to the Soviet Consulate in New York City.
The legal resident agent at the Soviet Embassy in Washington, D. C., following his arrival in the United States ⟨in⟩ September, 1944, mas Anatoli Gromov, whom we identified in connection with the Silvermaster case. We are attempting to ⟨determine⟩ to the fullest possible extent the activities of these Soviet officials, none of whom are in the United States at the ⟨present⟩ time. We do have one individual here now by the name of ⟨Semen⟩ Makarov, whom we know from information from operated in Australia as an MGB agent. His activities are closely followed inasmuch as he undoubtedly is still active ⟨as an⟩ MGB agent.
It has not been possible in this memorandum to ⟨describe⟩ all of the identifications which we have made based on the
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