Who's Who in the Far East/HAGER, Rev. Charles Robert
HAGER, Rev. Charles Robert (HONGKONO), M.D., D.D.; Clergyman and Physician; b. Oct. 27, 1851; m. June 2), 1894; Dec. 31, 1896, Maria Von Rausch. Ednc.: Honey Creek, Wisconsin; Oberlin and Springfield, Ohio. Taught in Schools in Wisconsin, Ohio and California, until 188J; entered Pacific Theological Seminary, Oakland, California, 18*), graduating therefrom in 1832,.and receiving B.D. degree; Pastor Congregational Church at Antioch, 1831-83; sent to Hongkong as Missionary of American Board, March, 1883, to open South China Mission; returned to U.S.A., 1891, and studied Medicine in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Nashville Medical Schools, receiving M.D. rle.grea from Vanderbilt -University, 1894, and same degree from Nashville University,:1895; returned to China, 1894; received D.D. degree from Western University of Chicago, 1900; has charge of 14 Mission Schools with over 400 pupils; is overseer of 38 stations where Chinese teach or preach; received into Church membership over 1070 persons in 1903, and has 55 native workers under supervision; has baptized about 3000 persons during last 10 years, and treats from 500 to 1000 patients annually; was 1st President of Le Shing Scientific and Industrial College, opened at Hongkong, 1904; can speak and preach in three languages, English, Herman and Chinese. Publications: "Looking unto Jesus"; " Bible Questions and Answers," both in Chinese. Addrexg: No. 5, Ladder St., Hongkong.