Who's Who in the Far East/JONES, Dr. William Yates
JONES, Dr. William Yates (SHIMONOSEKI), M.A., D.D.; Minister and Missionary; b. Sept. 2, 184, at Peoria Co., Illinois,.s. of Rev. Wi11iam Jones, of Lancaster, California; in. 1899, Mary Ella Brokaw, d. of late Peter S. Brokaw. Educ.: Park Coll., Parkville, Mo., McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago; 1st place in prize Latin contest, Park College, 1889; salutatorian (2nd place in college class) Park College, 1892; Degrees of B.A., 1892; M.A., 1895; and D.D., 1905, conferred by Alma Mater. Entered upon missionary work in Japan in autumn of 1895, residing in Kanazawa from 1895-1898; Fukui, 1898-1905; Shimonoseki, 1905; has been engaged in evangelistic work in difficult fields greater part of time. Address: No. 1667, Meichiyama, Shimonoseki, Japan.