Who's Who in the Far East/MARQUES, Dr. Lourenco Pereira
MARQUES, Dr. Lourenco Pereira ( MACAO ), F.R.A.M. ( Ireland ); L.R.C.P. (Ireland); Physician; b. in Camoes Garden, Macao, s. of late Commander Lourenco Marques. Educ.: Royal College of St. Joseph, Macao; Lisbon; Dublin. In 1898 gratuitously assisted Government to cope with bubonic plague epidemic; has on other occasions rendered free service to Government; formerly in Civil Service of Hongkong, retired on pension, 1890; Fellow of Royal Geographical Society of Lisbon. Decorations: Commander of Military Order of Christ; Knight of Tower and Sword of Portugal. Publications Numerous essays and articles. Clnb: Macao. Address: No. 3, Praca de Luiz de Camoes, Macao.