Who's Who in the Far East/WUNSCH, Dr. Richard
WUNSCH, Dr. Richard ( TOKYO ), M.D.; Physician and Surgeon; b. Aug., 1869. Educ.; Greifswald University, Pomerania. House Surgeon of Surgical University Hosp., Greifswald; House Physician of Turban's Sanatorium, Davos. Switzerland; House Surgeon, German Hosp., Land.; volunteer asst. Virchow's Path. Ins., Berlin; House Surgeon, Obst. and Gyn. University Hosp., Kongsberg, Prussia; hon. asst. surgeon, German Hosp., London; Physician-in-Ordinary to H.M. tie Emperor of Corea; appointed M.O. to the British Embassy at Tokyo, in 1905. Decorations St. Mauritius and Lazarus; Palkua (eight elements), Corea. Address: Tokyo, Japan.