Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007/Title V/Subtitle C

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Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007
United States Congress
Title V: Energy Savings In Government And Public Institutions. Subtitle C
379893Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007Title V: Energy Savings In Government And Public Institutions. Subtitle CUnited States Congress

Subtitle C--Energy Efficiency in Federal Agencies



(a) In General- The Administrator of General Services shall install a photovoltaic system, as set forth in the Sun Wall Design Project, for the headquarters building of the Department located at 1000 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC, commonly known as the Forrestal Building.
(b) Funding- There shall be available from the Federal Buildings Fund established by section 592 of title 40, United States Code, $30,000,000 to carry out this section. Such sums shall be derived from the unobligated balance of amounts made available from the Fund for fiscal year 2007, and prior fiscal years, for repairs and alternations and other activities (excluding amounts made available for the energy program). Such sums shall remain available until expended.


(a) Prohibition- Except as provided by subsection (b), on and after January 1, 2009, a general service incandescent lamp shall not be purchased or installed in a Coast Guard facility by or on behalf of the Coast Guard.
(b) Exception- A general service incandescent lamp may be purchased, installed, and used in a Coast Guard facility whenever the application of a general service incandescent lamp is--
(1) necessary due to purpose or design, including medical, security, and industrial applications;
(2) reasonable due to the architectural or historical value of a light fixture installed before January 1, 2009; or
(3) the Commandant of the Coast Guard determines that operational requirements necessitate the use of a general service incandescent lamp.
(c) Limitation- In this section, the term `facility' does not include a vessel or aircraft of the Coast Guard.



Section 305(a)(3)(A) of the Energy Conservation and Production Act (42 U.S.C. 6834(a)(3)(A)) is amended--

(1) in clause (i)(II), by striking `and' at the end;
(2) in clause (ii), by striking the period at the end and inserting `; and'; and
(3) by adding at the end the following:
`(iii) if lifecycle cost-effective, as compared to other reasonably available technologies, not less than 30 percent of the hot water demand for each new Federal building or Federal building undergoing a major renovation be met through the installation and use of solar hot water heaters.'.



Section 553 of the National Energy Conservation Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 8259b) is amended--

(1) by redesignating subsection (e) as subsection (f); and
(2) by inserting after subsection (d) the following:
`(e) Federally-Procured Appliances With Standby Power-
`(1) DEFINITION OF ELIGIBLE PRODUCT- In this subsection, the term `eligible product' means a commercially available, off-the-shelf product that--
`(A)(i) uses external standby power devices; or
`(ii) contains an internal standby power function; and
`(B) is included on the list compiled under paragraph (4).
`(2) FEDERAL PURCHASING REQUIREMENT- Subject to paragraph (3), if an agency purchases an eligible product, the agency shall purchase--
`(A) an eligible product that uses not more than 1 watt in the standby power consuming mode of the eligible product; or
`(B) if an eligible product described in subparagraph (A) is not available, the eligible product with the lowest available standby power wattage in the standby power consuming mode of the eligible product.
`(3) LIMITATION- The requirements of paragraph (2) shall apply to a purchase by an agency only if--
`(A) the lower-wattage eligible product is--
`(i) lifecycle cost-effective; and
`(ii) practicable; and
`(B) the utility and performance of the eligible product is not compromised by the lower wattage requirement.
`(4) ELIGIBLE PRODUCTS- The Secretary, in consultation with the Secretary of Defense, the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Administrator of General Services, shall compile a publicly accessible list of cost-effective eligible products that shall be subject to the purchasing requirements of paragraph (2).'.


(a) Amendments- Section 553 of the National Energy Conservation Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 8259b) is amended--
(1) in subsection (b)(1), by inserting `in a product category covered by the Energy Star program or the Federal Energy Management Program for designated products' after `energy consuming product'; and
(2) in the second sentence of subsection (c)--
(A) by inserting `list in their catalogues, represent as available, and' after `Logistics Agency shall'; and
(B) by striking `where the agency' and inserting `in which the head of the agency'.
(b) Catalogue Listing Deadline- Not later than 9 months after the date of enactment of this Act, the General Services Administration and the Defense Logistics Agency shall ensure that the requirement established by the amendment made by subsection (a)(2)(A) has been fully complied with.



No Federal agency shall enter into a contract for procurement of an alternative or synthetic fuel, including a fuel produced from nonconventional petroleum sources, for any mobility-related use, other than for research or testing, unless the contract specifies that the lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions associated with the production and combustion of the fuel supplied under the contract must, on an ongoing basis, be less than or equal to such emissions from the equivalent conventional fuel produced from conventional petroleum sources.


(a) In General- Each Federal agency subject to any of the requirements of this title or the amendments made by this title shall compile and submit to the Director of the Office of Management and Budget an annual Government efficiency status report on--
(1) compliance by the agency with each of the requirements of this title and the amendments made by this title;
(2) the status of the implementation by the agency of initiatives to improve energy efficiency, reduce energy costs, and reduce emissions of greenhouse gases; and
(3) savings to the taxpayers of the United States resulting from mandated improvements under this title and the amendments made by this title.
(b) Submission- The report shall be submitted--
(1) to the Director at such time as the Director requires;
(2) in electronic, not paper, format; and
(3) consistent with related reporting requirements.


(a) Reports- Not later than April 1 of each year, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget shall submit an annual Government efficiency report to the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Governmental Affairs of the Senate, which shall contain--
(1) a summary of the information reported by agencies under section 527;
(2) an evaluation of the overall progress of the Federal Government toward achieving the goals of this title and the amendments made by this title; and
(3) recommendations for additional actions necessary to meet the goals of this title and the amendments made by this title.
(b) Scorecards- The Director of the Office of Management and Budget shall include in any annual energy scorecard the Director is otherwise required to submit a description of the compliance of each agency with the requirements of this title and the amendments made by this title.


(a) In General- Title V of the National Energy Conservation Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 8241 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following:
`(a) National Assessment and Report- The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (`Commission') shall conduct a National Assessment of Demand Response. The Commission shall, within 18 months of the date of enactment of this part, submit a report to Congress that includes each of the following:
`(1) Estimation of nationwide demand response potential in 5 and 10 year horizons, including data on a State-by-State basis, and a methodology for updates of such estimates on an annual basis.
`(2) Estimation of how much of this potential can be achieved within 5 and 10 years after the enactment of this part accompanied by specific policy recommendations that if implemented can achieve the estimated potential. Such recommendations shall include options for funding and/or incentives for the development of demand response resources.
`(3) The Commission shall further note any barriers to demand response programs offering flexible, non-discriminatory, and fairly compensatory terms for the services and benefits made available, and shall provide recommendations for overcoming such barriers.
`(4) The Commission shall seek to take advantage of preexisting research and ongoing work, and shall insure that there is no duplication of effort.
`(b) National Action Plan on Demand Response- The Commission shall further develop a National Action Plan on Demand Response, soliciting and accepting input and participation from a broad range of industry stakeholders, State regulatory utility commissioners, and non-governmental groups. The Commission shall seek consensus where possible, and decide on optimum solutions to issues that defy consensus. Such Plan shall be completed within 1 year after the completion of the National Assessment of Demand Response, and shall meet each of the following objectives:
`(1) Identification of requirements for technical assistance to States to allow them to maximize the amount of demand response resources that can be developed and deployed.
`(2) Design and identification of requirements for implementation of a national communications program that includes broad-based customer education and support.
`(3) Development or identification of analytical tools, information, model regulatory provisions, model contracts, and other support materials for use by customers, States, utilities and demand response providers.
`(c) Upon completion, the National Action Plan on Demand Response shall be published, together with any favorable and dissenting comments submitted by participants in its preparation. Six months after publication, the Commission, together with the Secretary of Energy, shall submit to Congress a proposal to implement the Action Plan, including specific proposed assignments of responsibility, proposed budget amounts, and any agreements secured for participation from State and other participants.
`(d) Authorization- There are authorized to be appropriated to the Commission to carry out this section not more than $10,000,000 for each of the fiscal years 2008, 2009, and 2010.'.
(b) Table of Contents- The table of contents for the National Energy Conservation Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 8201 note) is amended by adding after the items relating to part 4 of title V the following:
`Part 5--Peak Demand Reduction
`Sec. 571. National Action Plan for Demand Response.'.