Hand-book of Volapük/1.10

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129168Hand-book of Volapük — 1.101887Charles E. Sprague


Nelijapük, English language. Flentapük, French language.
Nelijel, Englishman. Flentel, Frenchman.
Sikod, therefore.

Tidel obik tidom pulis lul. Kim binom tidel ola ? Tidel obsik labom julelis telsefol. Pük obas binom nelijapük. Fat obik labom sonis kil e jisonis tel; sikod labob blodis tel e jiblodis tel. Binols cils lul. Fat obsik löfom cilis omik. Mot obsik löfof cilis ofa. Fat e mot obsik löfoms cilis omsik.

My teacher reads a book. Your father has four dogs. Who is YOUR teacher ? Our teacher is a Frenchman. Our father and mother love their children. Who is our father ? Our father is the husband of our mother. Your father and my mother are friends. My teacher's language [language of teacher mine] is French [French language]. Your teacher reads my books.



The demonstrativ pronouns, which are used as adjectivs, and also by themselvs, are the following :

at, et, it, ot, ut; som.
Emphatic forms, ät, eit, iet, öt, üt; söm.

At, this; man at, this man; buks at, these books; del ät, this very day.

Et, that; pul et, that boy ; jipuls eit, those very girls.

It, -self, man it, the man himself ; vom it, the woman herself; ob it, I myself; obs iet, we, our own selves.

Ot, same; tidel ot, the same teacher, tid öt, just the same instruction.

Ut, that, before a relativ; man ut, kel vilom binön libik, that man (or the man) who wishes to be free.

Som, such; dog som, such a dog; kats söm, just such cats.

The emphatic forms are rarely used and may be dispenst with altogether.