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Article 10

Sec. 5. Acceptance of constitution. No corporation organized under the laws of Wyoming Territory or any other jurisdiction than this state, shall be permitted to transact business in this state until it shall have accepted the constitution of this state and filed such acceptance in accordance with the laws thereof.

Sec. 6. Engaging in more than one line of business. Corporations shall have power to engage in such and as many lines or departments of business as the legislature shall provide.

This section was amended by a resolution adopted by the 1959 legislature, ratified by a vote of the people at the general election held on November 8, 1960, and proclaimed in effect on December 2, 1960. Prior to this amendment, corporations were limited to one general line or department of business.

Sec. 7. What corporations are common carriers. All corporations engaged in the transportation of persons, property, mineral oils, and minerals products, news or intelligence, including railroads, telegraphs, express companies, pipe lines and telephones, are declared to be common carriers.

Sec. 8. Trusts prohibited. There shall be no consolidation or combination of corporations of any kind whatever to prevent competition, to control or influence productions or prices thereof, or in any other manner to interfere with the public good and general welfare.

Sec. 9. Eminent domain. The right of eminent domain shall never be so abridged or construed as to prevent the legislature from taking property and franchises of incorporated companies and subjecting them to public use the same as the property of individuals.

Sec. 10. Mutual and co-operative associations. The legislature shall provide by suitable legislation for the organization of mutual and cooperative associations or corporations.

Sec. 11. Powers and rights of railroads. Any railroad corporation or association organized for the purpose, shall have the right to construct and operate a railroad between any points within this state and to connect at the state line with railroads of other states. Every railroad shall have the right with its road to intersect, connect with or cross any other railroad, and all railroads shall receive and transport each other’s passengers, and tonnage and cars, loaded or empty, without delay or discrimination.

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