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A Chinese Biographical Dictionary

the calendar. He was canouised as ^ i^i and in 1313 his tablet was placed in the Confiician Temple.

773 Hsü Hsüan (T. ^^). A.D. 916-991. A native ot Eaang-ling in Eiangan, and one of the learned men appointed by the Emperor T'ai Tsnng of the Snng dynasty to bring oat a corrected edition of the Skuo WSn, which he entitled ^ "KC |t. and which was a continuation of the vork of his yonnger brother, HsQ Gh'ieh. His official career, daring which he was President of the Board of Civil Office, was a cheqnered one. Od one occasion he was d^aded for revealing official secrete; on anoUier, he was banished for nnanthorisedly patting a man to deaUi; and Boally, aboot 976, when a Supervising Censor, he was accosod of nt^lecting his mother and of adultery, and was banished to ^ Pin-chon in Shensi where he died of cold. His works comprise ^^ ^ ^$6S and ^ 1^ ^ . besides a collection of letters. He was an opponeafe of Baddhism, bat an avowed spiritualist. Popularly known u ^ ^ the Elder Hsvl, to distinguish him from his brother, and «li» as 1^ -^ ^ , from the name of an offidal port whidi lie fllkd^ See San Hai-Uai.

774 Hsü Hsün (T- ^^)- A.D. 240-374. A native of Nan-ch'ang io Eiangsi. Just before bis birth, his mother dreamb thai a golden phceuix dropped a pearl from its beak into her hand. As he grew up ha dovoted himself chiefly to necromancy and the black art. In 280 he was appointed to a magisterial post, and distinguishes! himself by bis beuevoletioe; but he soon rwigueil, and having perfected himself as a magician, waod«rod about doio){ good to the people, slaying dragons and ridding (illegible text) similar pests, and on one occasion causing (illegible text) rook. In another case by an (illegible text) eight cableshe made it (illegible text)

their troublesome (illegible text)