Page:Ali Baba, or, The forty thieves (4).pdf/22

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with silver and gold, and then the vanguard of their horse, compounded of twelve seve- ral nations, which (the better to avoid con- fusion) did hardly understand each other's language: and these, marshalled at the head of the rest, being 'beaten, might serve very fitly to disorder all that followed them. At the tail of these horses marched the regi- ment of foot the Persians call immortal, be because if any died, the number was present- ly supplied, and these were armed with chains of gold, and their coats embroidered with the same metal, whereof the sleeve were garnished with pearl, baits either to tempt the hungry Macedonians withal, oi (illegible text) to persuade them that it were great incivili ty to cut and deface so glorious garments. To second this court-like company 15,000 were appointed, more rich and glit tering than the former, but appareled lik women, (to breed the more terror,) anda these were honoured with the title of th king's kinsmen. Then came Darius hir self, the gentlemen of his wardrobe ridin before his chariot, which was supported by the gods of the nation, cast and cut in pur gold. The head of his chariot was set wit be precious stones, and two little golden idols to covered with an open-winged eagle of the same metal, the hinder part being raises "high, whereon Darius sat, had a covering de inestimable value. This chariot of the king was followed by 10,000 horsemen, their la