Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/278

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COPARCENERS. Persons to Whom an estate or inheritance descends jointly, and by whom it is held as an entire estate. 2 Bl. Comm. 187.

COPARTICEPS. coparcener.

In old English law. A

COPARTNER. One who is 21 partner iilth one or more other persons; a member of a partnership.

COPARTNERSI-IIP. A partnership.

COPARTNERY. In Scotch law. The contract of copnrtnership. A contract by iviiich the several partners agree concerning the comniunic-ition of loss or gain, arising from the subject of the contract. BelL

COPE. A custom or tribute due to the crown or lord of the soil, out at the lead mines in Derhysliire; also a hill, or the root and covering of a house; a church vestment.

COPEMAN, or COPESMAN. man, ((1. 1:.)

A chap-

COPESMATE. in merchandise.

A merchant; a partner

COPIA. Lat. In civil and old English law. Opportunity or means of access.

In old English law. A copy. Cupid: libelli, the copy of a libel. Reg. Orig. 58. —C-opia Iihelli delfliex-undo. The name of a writ that lay "here a man could_ not get a copy of a libel at the hands of a spiritual judge, to have The same d.EliV(‘I‘ld to him. _ Reg. Uri-4. fi1.—Copia were. In Scotch practice. A true copy. \\ ui-ds written at the top of copies of instruuienls.

COPPA. In English law. A crop or cook of grass, hay, or corn, ilivlileil into titheahie portions, that it may he more fair- ly and justly tithed.


See 1\IANCI-

COPPICE, or COPS]-1. A small wood. consisting of underwood, which may be cut at twelve or fifteen years’ growth for fuel.

COPROLALIA. In medical jurispru- dence. A disposition or habit of using ob- scene language, developing nnexpectedly in the particular individual or contrary to his previous Iilstoi-y and habits, recognized as .1 sign of insanity or of aphasia.

COPULA. The corporal consummation of marriage. Copula. (in logic,) the link between subject and predicate contained in the verb.

Copnlatiu verhox-uni indicat acceptationem in eodem nensu. Coupling of



words together shows that they are to be

understood in the same sense. 4 Bacon’: Works, p. 20; Broom. Max. 588. COPULATIVE TERM. One which in

placed between two or more others to join them together.

COPY. The transcript or double of an original writing; as the copy of a patent. charter, deed. etc.

Exemplifications are copies verified by the great seal or lay the seal of a court. West Jersey Traction Co. v. Board of Public Works, 57 N. J. Law, 313, 30 Atl. 581.

Examined copies are those which have been compared with the original or with an official record thereof.

Office copies are those made by officers intrusted with the originals and authorized for that purpose. Id., Stamper v. Gay. 3 Wyo. 322, 23 Pac. 69.

COPYHOLD. A species of estate at will, or customary estate in England, the only visible title to which consists of the copies of the court rolls, which are made out by the steward of the manor, on a tenant's being admitted to any parcel of land, or tenement belonging to the manor. It is an estate at the will of the lord. yet such a will as is agreeable to the custom of the manor, which customs are preserved and evidenced by the rolls of the several courts baron. in whidi they are entered. 2 Bl. Comm. 95. In a larger sense, copyhnld is said to import every customary tenuie, (that Is, every ten- ure pending on the particular custom of a manor.) as opposed to free socage, or free- hold, which may now (since the abolition of knight-senir-e) be considered as the general or common-low tenure of the couutrv 1 Steph. Comm. 210. —Ouyiyl1u1d commissioners. Commissioners !lD[lOIl]N‘d to only into effect various acts of parliament. having for their principal ob- jects the compiilsor_v commutation of man- rial burdens and restrictions. (fines. lievinis. rights to timher and minerals, etc..l and tho compulsory enfrarirhisement of copvlinld lantls. 1 Staph. Comm. 043: Elton. (‘op_vii. ony- holder. A tenant hr cnpyhold tenurc. fliy cnpv of court-roll.) 2 Bl. Comm. i'l5.—Privi- leged copyholds. Those copyhold estates which are said to be held according to the custom of the manor, and not at tho will of the lord, as common corpyholds are. They include customary frcciiolds and ancient demesnes. 1 Crahh. Real Prop. p. 700, § 019.

COPYRIGHT. The right of literary property as recognized and sanctioned hy positive law. A right granted by statute to the author or originator of certain liter- ary or artistic productions, whereby he is invested, for a limited period, with the sole and exclusive privilege of multiplying copies of the same and publishing and selling them. In re Rider, 10 IL I. 271. 1:’) At]. 72; Mott Iron Wo1-its v. Clow. 33 Fed 316, 27 C. C. A. 250; Palmer v. De Witt, 47