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side-lines of his location; but he may not go beyond his end-lines or vertical planes drawn downward therefrom. This called the apex rule. Rev. St. U. S. § 2322 (U. S. Comp. St. 1901, p. 1425); King v. Mining Co., 9 Mont. 543, 24 Pac. 200.

APHASIA. In medical jurisprudence. Loss of the faculty or power of articulate speech; a condition in which the patient. iihila retaining intelligence and understanding and with the organs of speech u.nimpair- ad. is unable to utter articulate words, or amible to vomllze the particular word which is in his mind and which he wishes to use, or utters words different from those he be- lieves himself to be speaking, or (in "sensory aphasia") is unable to understand spoken or written language. The seat of the disease is in the brain, but it is not a form of insanity.

AP]-IONIA. In medical jurisprudence. Loss of the power of articulate speech in ronsequence of morbid conditions of some of the vocal organs. It may be incomplete, in which case the patient can whisper. It is to be distinguished from congenital dumbness, nail from temporary loss of voice through exi pin’: hoaiseness or minor affections of . -— H-cal cords, as also from aphasia, the latter being a disease of the brain without Impairment of the organs of speech.

Amines jutis non aunt jura, [jus.] Extremitles, or mere subtleties of law, are not rules or law. [are not law.] Co. Litt. 3041); 10 Cake 12G; Wing. Max. 19, max. 14: Broom. Viax. 188.

APICES LITIGANDI. Extremely flne points, or subtleties of litigation. Nearly equivalent to the modern phrase "sharp practice" "It is unconscionable in a defendant to take advantage of the spices litigamli, to turn a plaintiff around and make him pay costs when his demand is just." Per Lord Mansfield, in 3 Burr. 1243.

APNCEA. In medical jurisprudence. ""llJt of breath; difliculty in breathing; paltlal or temporary suspension of respiration; specifically. such difliculty of respiration resalting from over-oxygenation of the blood, and in this distinguished from "aspbxxla." which is a condition resulting from n deficiency of oxygen in the blood due to suflocation or any serious interference with normal respiration. The two terms were formerly (hut improperly) used synonymously.

APOCHA. Lat. In the civil law. A vultlng acknowledging payments; acquittaace. It differs from acceptilation in this: that ncccptilation imports a complete discharge of the former obligation whether pay- ment be made or not; upoclm, discharge only upon payment being made. Calvin.

APOCHIE ONERATORIIE. inercial Law. Bills of lading.

In old com-

APOCRISARIUS. In ecclesiastical law. One who a_nsWers for another. An officer whose duty was to ca i'r_v to the emperor messages relating to ecclesiastitxil matters, and to take back his answer to the petitioners. Ah officer who gave advice on questions of ecclesiastical law. An ambassador or legate of a pope or bishop. Spelmaa. —Apnc1-isiu-ins caneellin-ins. In the civil

law. An officer who took chnrge of the royal seal and signed royal dispatches.

APOGRAPEIA. A civil law term signifying an inventory or enumeration of things in one’ possession. Calvin

AJPOPLEXY. In medical jurisprudence. The failure of consciousness and suspension of voluntary motion from suspension of the functions of the cerehrum.

AJPOSTACY. in English law. The total renunciation of Christianity, by embracing either a false religion or no religion at all This offense can only take place in such as have once professed the Christian religion 4 Bl. Comm. 43; 4 Staph. Comm. 231.

APOSTATA. In civil and old English law. Au apostate; a deserter from the faith; one who has renounced the Christian faith. Cod. 1, 7; Reg. Orig. 71b.

—Apostnta capiendo. An obsolete English writ \\l.Iich issued against an aposisle, or one who had violated the rules of his religious order. It was addressed to the sherifi, and com- manded him to deliver the defendant into the c * dy of the nbbot or prior. Reg. Orig. 71, 26:; Jacob: Wharton.

L. Fr. An a marginal note or observation.

APOSTILLE, Appustille. addition; Kelham.

APOSTLES. In English admiralty practice. A term borrowed from the civil law, denoting brief disniissory letters granted to a party who appeals from an inferior to a su- perior court, embodying a statement of the case and a declaration that the record will be transmitted.

This term is still sometimes applied in the admiralty courts of the United Slates to the papers sent up or transmitted on appeals.

APOSTOLI. In the civil law. Certificates of the inferior judge from whom a cause is removed, directed to the superior. Dig. 49, 6. See Arosrms.

APOSTOLUS. A messenger; an ambassador, legate, or nuncio. Spelman.

APOTHECA. In the civil law. A repository; a place of deposit, as of wine, oil, books, etc. Calvin.