Page:Carnegie Flexner Report.djvu/304

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and in the same measure mutually more helpful. The situation is one that might be reproduced with infinite advantage in New York, Boston, Chicago, etc. In addition, the school holds clinics at the City Hospital, Charity Hospital, St. Ann's Maternity Hospital, etc. It commands, therefore, all the material that is necessary. It requires now only additional endowment in order that it may completely command the time of clinical teachers. The Lakeside Dispensary, admirably conducted, is used by the school on the same terms as the Lakeside Hospital. The attendance is large and varied. There is also an excellent dispensary connected with the Charity Hospital. Dat of visit: Dvernber, 2909. (6) COLLEGE OF PaYS'CAS aD SVRaZONS.' Organized 1868; since 1896 nominally the medical department of Ohio Wesleyan University. Eratrance requivr,fnt: Four-year high school education or equivalent. 4 ttMance: 89, 9 per cent from Ohio. Teaching stayS: Numbers 59, of who m 18 are professors, 41 of other grade. There are no teachers devoting their entire time to the school. Resources available for maintenance: Fees only, amounting to $9520 (estimated). Laboratovl/fadlities: These cover only routine needs in chemistry, anatomy, bacteriology, and pathology. There is a meager supply of apparatus for experimental physiology, no museum, few books, and little else in the way of teaching accessories. Clinical facilities: The school holds clinics at the City Hospital during four months, and at several private institutions, in which, however, the work is largely surgical. It has access to a fair amount of material, but under limitations that greatly impair its value. All the hospitals are at considerable distance from the school; none of them is provided with clinical laboratories for student use. In comequence, the teaching is of the discontinuous demonstrative type. Close contact of student with patient or systematic following of cases is impossible. Obstetrical work is limited to an out-patient service. The dispensary is small and poorly organized. The attendance is slight. .Date of visit: Decrnbsr, 1909. COLUMBUS: Potndation, 158,649. (7) STARLING-OHio M1ZCA. COLLEGE. Formed by merger in 1907. An independent institution. Entrance requirement: A four-year high school education or its equivalent.

As this report _lipes to press, it is announced that this school has been consolidated with the Medical 

Department of Western Reserve University.