Page:Carnegie Flexner Report.djvu/363

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Postgraduate Hospital School, Kansas City, Missouri (see under under Missouri).

Postgraduate Medical College and Hospital

Chicago, Illinois (see under Illinois).

Postgraduate medical schools, 174-177.

Pre-medical college course, 74.

Promotion of students, 37.

Proprietary schools,

Pulte Medical College (#zz umisr Ohio).


Laval University, Montreal, 35, 150, 325.
Laval University, Quebec, 150, 324 326.
McGill University, 15, 27, 38, 41, 43, 77-79, 82, 108, 134, 150, 170, 250, 282, 324-326.

Queen's University (s uad Ontario).


Quiz-masters, work of, 84

Rmsrsros oilices at medical schools, Sl.

Reliance Medical College ( uad,' illinois).

Roosevelt Hospital, New York City, 108, Ilia.

Rush, Benjamin, 4.

Rush Medical College, University of Chicago ( u,u/ illinois).

St. Louis College of Physicians and Surgeons (see under Missouri)

St. Louis University (see under Missouri).

Schedule of studies at certain medical schools, 90, 126.

Scholarships at medical schools, 43.

Seattle, resolutions of physicians of, against a state medical school, 150.

Sects, medical, 156-166.

Shippen, William, 3, 4.

Smith, Nathan, 5.

South Carolina:

Medical College of the State of South Carolina, 81, 85, 13, 300.

South Carolina, Medical College of the State (see under South Carolina).

South Dakota:

University of South Dakota, 8, 72, 301.
South Dakota, University of (see under South Dakota).

Southern Medical College Association, 39.

Southwestern Homeopathic Medical College (see under Kentucky).

Southwestern University (see under Texas).

Special students, 8, 9. 39.

Starling-Ohio Medical College (see under Ohio).

State boards, 167-173.

Stethoscope, introduction of, 8.

Still College of Osteopathy (see under Iowa).

Surgery, teaching of, 97, 116.

Syracuse University (see under New York).

Temple University (see under Pennsylvania).


University of Chattanooga, 10, 19, 86, 123, 139, 302.
Knoxville Medical College, 303.

Lincoln Memorial University, Tennessee Medical (!ollege,!0, 109, I19, 303, 308. Meharry Medical College (#z, bdow, Walden University). University 0.'f Memphis, College of Physicians and Surgeons, 5, 7, 1, 88, 304. Memphis Hospital Medical College, 10, Universities I of Nashville and Tennessee Medical partment, e0, 88, 117, nS, 11, 305, 308. University o West Tennessee, 305. Vanderbilt University, 31, 34,. 36, 37, 40, 41, 88, 136 i 142, 148, 151, 30&, 308, 309. Walden University, Meharry Medical College

Tennessee Medical College, Lincoln Memorial University (see under Tennessee}.

Tennessee (and of Nashville) Medical Department, Universities of (see under Tennessee).


Baylor University, 81, 117, 141, 309.
Fort Worth University 12, 39, 86, 310.
Southwestern University, 12, 86, 88, 114, 117, 140, 310.
University of Texas, 21, 31, 38, 41, 79, 81, 82, 88, 107, 115, 119, 292, 311.

Texas, University of (see under Texas).

Toledo Medical College (see under Ohio).

Toronto, University of (see under Ontario

Transylvania UVersity, 5.

Tufts College (see under Massachusetts).

Tulane University (see under Louisiana).

Union University, Albany Medical College (see under New York}.

University and Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York University (see under New York).

University College of Medicine (see under Virginia).

University Medica1 College (see under Missouri).