Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/1304

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1266 SLEEPS SMILE sweet the moonlight s 539 24 tired he s 174 10 very fair she s 174 21 where human folly s 338 8 with primeval giants 229 16 see also Sleep pp. 716-721 Sleepy-in the s. region stay 719 S man comes with dust 719 18 married to s.-souled woman.. . .869 19 on canvas stole the s. eye 576 26 Sleepy-head-little Indian 112 13 Sleet-fire and s. and candle 738 1 through s. and snow 878 11 whistling s. and snow 704 12 Sleeve-a goose in his s 786 10 fasten on this s. of thine 499 6 'tis like a demi-cannon 777 G wear my heart upon my s 359 10 with his neighbour's s 287 1 Sleeves-tie up my s. with 348 11 Slender-scarlet line was s 848 18 willow we say how s 336 7 Slenderly-fashioned so s 518 26 Slept-and s. in peace 176 21 mind only feared and s 489 8 side by side they s • 592 6 the quiet sense of something. . .463 12 touched him and he s 179 12 'twas winter, and Is 233 8 we still have s. together 299 19 while their companions s 425 1 Slew-thrice he s. the slain 830 2 with his own hands he s 763 11 Slide-let the world s 912 S loves to s. not stand 340 24 with liquor s. into veins 399 4 Slight-by s. means great 289 17 how s. a chance may 92 15 lov'd so s. a thing 482 16 the poor or aught 595 12 Slighting-sudden s. abashed 60 14 SHghta-the other 460 13 Slime-flirtation is like s 140 4 from out thy s. the monsters. . . 566 9 proud s. will not believe 622 25 seedsman, upon s. and ooze — 559 7 Slings-and arrows of 200 19 Slip-for the last time 796 10 Judas had given them the s — 811 13 once let s._, Jove himself 571 10 Slipper-a mitten or a s 422 17 compose a s. and a song 705 4 well-worn s. feels 94 8 Slippers-on your head 228 17 pair of s. to put on 907 22 Slippery-nature of youth 922 15 stands upon a s. place 365 4 Slipping-on piece of orange 517 23 SUps-from others' s. some 306 19 lips would keep from s 743 9 Sliptr-you would nave s 191 18 Slits-the thin-spun life 258 5 Sloe-white-blossomed s 721 17 Slope-downward s. of Years 783 13 heard a voice upon the s 320 6 stairs that s. up to God 345 4 tell-tales of fragrant s 281 15 the dappled s 353 14 the low and sunny s 365 8 Slopes-in flowery s 730 23 resignation gently s. way 668 9 Sloping-Nature s. to southern. . . 101 11 Sloth-become immortal by S 451 11 delicate poison of s 384 21 destructive siren, s 384 13 evils of sensual s 825 6 excuse our s. under pretext 384 19 finds the down pillow 669 20 from s. from love of pelf 845 10 know cares and woe of s 425 18 the Mother of Doom 911 17 views the towers 259 8 wastes the sluggish body 384 17 Slouoh-beoomes a walk 726 6 Slough-move with casted s 516 1 name of the S. was Despond. . . 190 1 Slow-as tardy as too s 479 19 as the summer song 717 16 complains that we are s 33 21 consuming age 14 10 for thoBe who wait 768 10 from the s. one counsel take. . .880 26 haste is s 353 25 he that is a. to anger 746 a march of human mind is s 513 5 shall the blood flow s 459 2 sweet flowers are s 345 1 to begin 201 17 to be s. in words 895 14 too forward as too s 638 13 to speak, s. to wrath 90 10 wisely, and s 354 7 wrath of heaven is s 671 12 zeal and duty are not s 571 5 Slowest-Devil take the s 193 8 Sluggard-go to the ant thou 8 30 16 havoc on the s 152 10 voice of the s 721 12 Sluggards- j while s. sleep 909 5 Sluggish-sloth wastes s. body 384 17 Slugs-leave their lair 908 15 Sluices-made to drown French. . . 637 1 Slumber-a little sleep, a little s.. . 174 13 but let it s. on 735 27 close in s. sweete its eye 382 30 darkness of s 160 24 deep s. of decided opinion 569 13 does not again s 787 20 do s. wholly 234 18 earth will s. over us 453 22 ere s.'s chain hath bound 508 1 in careless s. spent 134 16 in dreamless s. bound 568 3 lie down in your shady s 483 18 patient in senseless s 502 14 pilot s. at the helm 92 23 place of s. and of dreams 395 8 pure s. shall wait on thy 425 9 soft s. close your eyes 696 14 tideless expansion of s 46 16 to soothing s. seven 795 14 tribes that s. on 165 6 wert not sent for s 554 19 see also Sleep pp. 716-721 Slumbered-in the plant 189 6 I s. seven years 757 6 where you s. all day 912 4 Slumberer-taps at s.'s window. . . 529 2 Slumbering-dull s. on earth. 596 11 in the background 798 9 inthynest 831 9 might half s. on its 603 13 sceptre o'er as. world 557 8 smiles on her s. child 54 10 the festal hours 665 13 wakens the s. ages 393 8 what s. still 579 19 Slumberous-peace and s. calm. . . 589 6 Slumbers-iii dewy s. bound 310 8 of the virtuous 835 9 our s. soft and light .630 18 soul of music s 539 12 to wintry s. they retire 772 15 see also Sleep pp. 716-721 Sly-tough and devilish 8 98 25 Smaok-faults s. of raciness 266 7 life did and does s. sweet 442 7 of every sort of wine 877 5 some s. of age 17 1 with such a clamorous s 419 5 Small-at first through fear 688 19 at noon but a. appear 765 3 beginnings are s 65 17 cannot reach the s 334 19 contemneth s. things 815 7 cultivate a s. one 19 4 day of s. things 816 9 delightfully s. in greatness 552 7 despiseth s. things 815 8 everyone in a s. way 318 10 from s. beginnings grow 545 4 great ones devoured the s 724 24 great vulgar and the a. 647 13 had not seen the s 93 7 heart is a s. thing 359 1 how s. a portion nature 551 3 how s. of all hearts endure 370 2 if too s. it pinches 290 8 in life's s. things 669 1 many a s. maketh a grate 641 2 nothing great nor s 605 7 one a strong nation 815 15 one a. head should carry 435 24 so a. a thing could leave 55 13 so s. who knowing nothing .... 564 24 succeed in a. things 20 18 the a. have suffered 283 27 things are best 815 9 very s. for Sts age 12 23 Small-end ians-big-endians and s.639 17 Smallest-errors are best 237 3 even in a. matters 771 3 impulse directs it 826 19 Small-pox-charm'd the s 157 17 Smarrita-via era s 443 21 Smart-balm for every a 613 18 132 9 feel the s. but not 832 l girls that are so s 466 21 poor renoun of being s 359 16 shall s. for it 433 1 some of us will s. for it 651 19 such a s. little craft 703 8 Smarter-bluebird and phcebe s. . . 11 22 Smarting-in lingering pickle 651 17 Smarts-so little as a fool 284 16 Smatch-some s. of honour 374 21 Smatter-ends of Greek 460 5 Smell-arat 642 1 a rose through a fence 678 17 chill the wintry s 178 21 faint sweet s. of jasmine 403 9 far worse than weeds 867 14 flower of sweetest s 541 4 follow me, s. me 805 18 if two should s. it 678 17 like a washing day 138 6 my remnant out 446 4 name would s. as sweet 543 15 of bread and butter 109 26 of violets hidden 834 24 rose was heaven to s 679 13 she hates s. of roses 679 16 so sweetly always 228 6 sweet and blossom in their 8 25 taste the s. of dairy 682 13 they see and s 499 19 to a turf of fresh earth 530 14 too much of that writer 702 1 well may he s. fire 272 10 with whose sweet s. the air 681 12 Smelled-of the lamp 42 19, 48 11 Smelleth-the battle afar 848 13 Smells-breath s. wooingly 495 7 dead enemy s. sweet 222 19 Myrtale s. of wine 206 5 not well 228 6 of honey and the sea 430 10 truth only s. sweet 819 18 Smelt-so faint, it s. so sweet 403 10 Smile-a ghastly s 172 18 and are blessed 910 1 and murder whiles 135 17 and s. to see me pass 547 17 and the serious s 875 16 a s. to those who hate 262 4 at claims of long descent 25 16 at length he saw me s 740 18 at strong perfumes. 226 24 at the notion 90 27 because it makes us s 689 23 better the last s. than 428 9 betwixt a s. and tear 488 9 blush and gently s 279 9 brightly a. sweetly sing 288 3 brightness of their s. was 278 6 calm, thoumay'st a 781 18 can s. at fate 261 28 catch his last a 770 8 clouded s. of April's face 874 16 daisies, why do they not s 278 12 Doctor's brow should s 503 8 follow'd perhaps by a s 781 4 from partial beauty won 488 14 greet us with as 571 3 hell in theirs 896 8 her s. and tears were like 245 22 hours of moonshine s 525 12 infant's waking s 55 1 in wrinkle of a s 735 24 laugh but never s 428 18 Uvea but in her s 870 26 look backward with as 583 9 lovelier than her a 780 23 make languor s 15 19 make me a. or weep 716 23 make wisdom a 656 22 many-twinkling s. of ocean. . . .566 3 meet again, we'll s. indeed 580 11 men s. no more 670 15 night has a s. of light 764 18 me s. till thou appearest 567 6