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��Scott, Sir Walter Sherlock, Martin.

��ii. 145 ; Johnson's good breeding, i. 169 n. ; known to posterity, ii. 395 n. ; Scotch learning, ii. 5 n. ; Vanity of Human Wishes, i. i8ow. ; memory, ii. 88w.; More, Hannah, ii. 190 n. ; mutual friend, ii. 219 n. ; nothing to blot, ii. 224 #.; Pope, ii. 4. ; Siddons, Mrs., ii. 31 9 w. ; Vida, i. 366 .; watch, i. 124??.; ii. ii7.

SCOTT, Dr. William (Lord Stowell), Johnson's executor, ii. 81, 154, 380 n. ; as a lawyer and speaker, ii. 362 n. ; Literary Club, ii. 24; Dr. Adams's letter, ii. 460; mentioned, i. 44 ., 107 n., 349 n. ; ii. 36, 388, 406.

SCOTT, William Bell, i. 6 n.

SCOTT, Mrs., ii. 183.

Scoundrel, ii. 4, 19.

SCRASE, , a solicitor, ii. 121 n.

SCRIVENERS, ii. 324 n.


Scrupulosity ', i. 169.

SEA, ii. 45.


SELDEN, John, i. 137 n. ; ii. 48.


SELF-PRAISE, ii. 153.

SENECA, i. 207.

Sensual, ii. 301 n.

SENTIMENT, i. 206.

SERGROVE, , ii. 460.

SEVRES, i. 325.

SEWARD, Anna, i. 167 ., 322 .; ii. 4 I 4,4 I 7 420 ., 421 .

SEWARD, Rev. Thomas, ii. 417.

SEWARD, William, F.R.S., i. 172 ., 339, 349 n. ; ii. 30, 160, 190 n., 249 n. ; Anecdotes, ii. 301-311.

SHAFTESBURY, third Earl of, 'Every one thinks himself well-bred,' i. 169 n. ; gravity, i. 326 . ; punning, ii. 18 . ; ridicule the test of truth, i. 452 n.

SHAKESPEARE, William, acted abroad, i- 334 > alarm caused by his plays, i. 158 ; compared with Congreve and Corneille, i. 186-7 ; with Addison, ii. 137*. ; copyright, ii. 442 n. ; edi tions, i. 381 ; ii. 106 n. ; Cambridge, ii. 358 n.\ Capell's, ii. 315; Johnson's, i. 381, 415,422,451,473; ii. 47., 106, 115, 307, 320, 328, 357;

��Pope's, i. 185; Theobald's, ii. 431 ; Warburton's, i. 381 ; ii. 431 ; Garrick, ii, 333 ; horned husbands, i. 222 n. ; house, ii. 340; imitators, ii. 142 n. ; Johnson's admiration of him, i' 3 I 3> ii J 65 ; copy of his plays, i. 304 n.\ learning, i. 160; monument, i. 448; ii. 137; players, ii. 241 n.\ Poetical Scale, i. 398 n. ; Steele's quota tion, ii. 242 n. ; traditions, i. 433 ; All's Well, &c., i. 251 ; Antony and Cleo patra, ii. 20 n. ; As You Like It, ii. 417 ; Hamlet, i. 158, 396, 422, 473 ; ii. 19, 86 n., 198 n., 355 ; i Henry IV, i. 283 ; ii. 303 n. ; 2 Henry IV, ii. 132 ., 285; Henry V, i. 216, 231 n. ; ii. 221 n., 226 n.-, Henry VIII, ii. 14, 226; Julius Caesar, ii. in ., 311 n. ; King John, ii. 75 n. ; Loves Labour's Lost, i. 265, 270; Macbeth, i. 186, 339> 4435 122, 151, 180, 240, 242 n. ; Measure for Measure, i. 439 ; Merchant of Venice, i. 482 ; Merry Wives of Windsor, i. 320 n. ; ii. 226 ., 428 ; Midsummer Nighfs Dream, i. 144, 301, 457 n. ; Othello, i. 283 ; ii. 130; Twelfth Night, ii. 275 ; Winter's Tale, i. 301 n.

SHAME, ii. 288.

SHARP, J., ii. 240 n.

SHARP, Samuel, i. 243 n.

SHARPE, Richard, i. 243 n. ; ii. 197 n.

SHAW, Stebbing, ii. 422.

SHAW, Rev. William, i. 104, 106 ; ii.


SHEBBEARE, Dr. John, ii. 355 n.

SHELBURNE, second Earl of, hires Streatham, i. 108.

SHENSTONE, William, quoted, i. 168 n., 246; ii. 253, 333 n., 347; The Lea- sowes, i. 323; ii. 3, 210 n. ; his poetry, ii. 5 ; at Pembroke College, ii. 198 ; Johnson's style, ii. 351.

Sherbet, i. 30.

SHERIDAN, Charles, i. 319 n.

SHERIDAN, Richard Brinsley, Dr. Sum- ner's pupil, i. 161 n. ; Literary Club, ii. 137 n. ; Garrick's guest, ii. 245 n.

SHERIDAN, Thomas, i. 418 n.; ii. i.

SHERLOCK, Bishop, ii. 429.

SHERLOCK, Martin, ii. 363.

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