Page:Operation Crossroads 1946.pdf/325

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USS Dellver (ARS-23)

USS Dentuda (SS-335)

30 August


Underway to assist USS Chowanoc (ATP-100, with target vessel !JSS&B?&e (APA-b6). 1730 Passed tow wire to Biule. 1918 Let go tow wire from B r l i e and proceedrd to anchorage. 2?08 Mooredtoberth A-14. KWajalein. 1517


Target submarine USS- Tuna (SS-203) moored alongslde Segraven to p o r t .

July 0915 Tgn3 underway.

Pi_l.otfL,sh underway. Underwayfromnest.shlfttngherth. 1014 Anchored assigned in berth. Rlkinl anchorage.



3 1 August-6 September

Anchored In Kwajaleln. Shot B A K L R (25 July. 0835) 7 September 1622 1650

Underway to L I S S - Li~Eest-one( 1 X - 1 5 8 ) to take i t in tow. Moored in berth K - 1 1 . Kwajalein.

For HAKER pentuda was to be submerqed.

LO July 0900


September 0637 0643 1040

0923 Underway. maneuvering to take LImEstone 1045 in tow. Anchored in berth K - 1 1 . Kwajalein. 21 J u l y 1ROO Underway with Limestone in tow. en route to Pearl Harbor.

23 September Arrived Pearl Harbor


21 September Departed Pearl Harbor.




22 July 0600

Arrived San Francisco.


USS DENTUDA (SS-335) 73 July 0640

Crew S l z e :

58 B l k l n l Atoll A r r l v d l : 31 May 1946 Blklnl Atoll Departure: 22 August 1946 Crew Locatlon for Shot ABLE: USS Bottln-cau (APA-235) Crew Locatlon for Shot B A K E R : Bottlneau Shot ABLE Locatjon: 1.930 yards (1.8k m ) I Shot BAKLR Locatlon: 1,466 yards (1.3 km) N N t Decontamlnatlon Locatlon: S a n Franclsco Decomnlssloned 1 1 December 1946, San Frdnclsco

nolo 2.7

pentuda was rlgged for divinq. Commenced maklng stationary trim dtve. Surfaced from stattonary trim dlve.

Mender (ARSD-1)camealongside starboard to suspendleadweights submerged tests. Completed suspendlnq lead wt~tqhts for ward. Bender underway. USS

to for

M e n d e r camealongside t o suspendlead weights for submerqedt e s t s . Completed h , l n y I n q wc.iqhts: Mender under way. Widgeon (ASR-1) anchored i n posltlon close aboard and commenced operatlons for submergence of pent.uda. All personnelevacuated to Hottlneau. Widgeon submerged Ilentuda. USS

JU 1 y


Surfaced by Widgeon. Radlatlon readings on Dentuda showed4 R / L 4 hours.


Unlt and functlon The submarine Dentuda was a target vessel durlng CROSSROADS. I t s crew was evacuated for eachshot. It served in Submarine Dtvislon 112 of Tu 1.2.4 (SubmarineUnit).Dentudacarriedspecialtest torpedoes for studies on their effect from the atomic blast.




094 Ill 1

5 Readings were I . ? R/24 h o u r s on the boat and 0.4 R/24 hours in the water. Dentuda was surfaced and beached on Enru Island by USS Coucal (ASR 8 ) .

29 July Shot

ABLE ( I July, 0900)

29 June

0800 1400

All nonessential personnel were evacuated t o Bottlneau.

31 July 0845

30 June

0908 I130

Dentuda was rigged. Remalntng crewmembers were evacuated Rot t e a l .


2 August

Teams A and B reboarded and conducted gas and machlnery inspections. Dentuda opened and found clear of contaminatlon; crew reboarded. Moored starboardside to target submarine

Pilotfish(SS-386).alongside US? ___ Fulton (AS-11) in anchorage 231, R l k i n l . Target submarine USS Searaven (SS-196) moored alongside to port. USS



Teams A and R hoarded Dentuda. flndinq an average of 0.h.7 R/74 hours topside. and the air below The boat was opened decks purifted. Inspectton trams resealed the boat and departed.

3 August

3 July


Ten personnel assisted Coucal in clearing hoses and lines.

to 0930

2 July 1640

Reading was 7.5 R/24 hours. Two Gelger monttors hdd recelved their daily exposure limit of radioactlvlty.



Teams A and R boarded Dentud-a to scrub I t . anddorepair thetopside,flush work. De"t_u_d_a was below radiological tolerance tnstde I t s pressure hull. and decontamtnation scrubbing of the topside